Entries by The Nexus Team

Bad Kids In Walsall Don’t Get What They Deserve!

Angry Bad Kids In Walsall Don’t Get What They Deserve! Which one is yours? Naughty. Bad. Disruptive. Disobedient. Vile. Angry. Mean. Spoilt. Stressed. Annoying. Bully. Screaming. Swearing. Cruel. Which One Are You? Our kids copy our behaviours. No surprise there! So if you want a better-behaved kid, why don’t you change? Why Kids Go Bad. […]

Social Anxiety Case Study In Walsall.

“Social Anxiety Case Study In Walsall”. The Dread Of Meeting People. A young man came to see me suffering from social anxiety. But what is social anxiety? Social anxiety is when you start to have more than just anxiety because it becomes very specific such as going out or meeting people i.e. groups of people. […]

The Nexus Team 7 Practical Tips To Avoid Depression.

Anxiety Hypnosis Offering Tips To Depressed People Of Walsall. 7 Practical Tips To Avoid Depression. # 1 Have a go at exercise as this helps create the release of endorphins into your blood stream and helps change your mood. This doesn’t mean spending hours at a gym, but any form of positive exercise. This can […]


The Nexus Team Can Stop Your Fears With 8 Top Tips

The Nexus Team Can Stop Your Fears With 8 Top Tips!   What Do You Fear Most In Your Life? People from all walks of life have some fear of one sort or another and these can range from fears of the: Dentist. Public Speaking. Spiders. Wasps. Dogs. Open Spaces. Closed Spaces. Fear Of Commitment. […]

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Tiredness Can Seriously Damage Your Health.

“Tiredness Can Seriously Damage Your Health”. Sleep Deprivation With The Walsall People. Tiredness can seriously damage your health, sleep deprivation can cause a number of issues with Walsall people also with people anywhere else in the country. You don’t need me to tell you that you need to sleep, but did you know that long […]


Can Smoking Make You Cough Up A Lung.

Walsall Smokers Coughing So Hard That It’s Possible To Wench Out A Lung. A 40 year old woman coughed so hard that part of her lung came out the side of her chest. So it is possible to cough out a lung? …Well it would seem to be true! Was this your dream when you […]

50% Of Your Anxiety Is Not Yours

Here’s Why 50% Of Your Anxiety Is Not Yours… There Are More Men Than Women Suffering From Anxiety. More men than women I see lots of people suffering with anxiety, I am seeing a shift in the dynamics that more men are having deeper issues of anxiety as in the past it was more women. Men […]


11 Tips To Help Reduce Anxiety For Weight Loss

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To Lose Weight Living In Walsall. Many people I see in my home town of Walsall have anxiety because they cannot lose weight and in a bitter pay off they become bigger. Not just the weight loss people of Walsall but also the rest of the country. I think most people […]


10 Tools. Is Social Anxiety affecting You?

Is Social Anxiety affecting you and particularly the people of Walsall. 10 Tools Helping You Deal With Social Anxiety… What Is Social Anxiety? Social anxiety is a collection of emotions that lead to anxiety when meeting people in a social environment. This can range from a mild uneasiness to a full blown panic attack. This […]