Depressed. Sliding Scale of Depression. Feeling depressed can just be the start of how bad things can get for you if you continue on the slippery slope of depression. To begin with, you just feel down, but it doesn’t stop there as this is a sliding scale and in a few days time, if you […]
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New Years Diet Resolutions 2019
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Overeaten and feeling bloated? fat and uncomfortable? The New Year will soon be here and you are going to make your New Year Resolutions, being healthy, going on a diet, going to the gym, eating less, eating healthily and cutting…

Nexus Hypnotherapy Says You Are Already In a Trance.
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We are all running some type of a trance no matter what it is because this is what we do. Driving your car is you being in a trance. Doing anything mundane is you in a trance, in an awaken state none the less. Although non-mundane…

The Sliding Scale Of Anxiety.
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Change, Healing, ShamanicNexus Hypnotherapy Helping You.
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Anger & Maybe The Reasons Why.
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Nexus Hypnotherapy
Nexus Hypnotherapy specialises in bespoke personalised therapy for a wide range of issues for both adults and children. The Nexus Team our lead hypnotherapist delivers therapy sessions in Walsall in the West Midlands and via Skype when requested. Sessions in Harley Street London are only by special request.
Where to find us
Nexus Hypnotherapy