So I’m In a Trance?

We are all running some type of a trance no matter what it is because this is what we do. Driving your car is you being in a trance. Doing anything mundane is you in a trance, in an awaken state none the less. Although non-mundane things are also achieved, this can be seen with a musician that can play the guitar exquisitely and never looks where his fingers are placed. Why? because his unconscious can do the work for him i.e. in a trance.

A Trance Is a Trance.

Nexus Hypnotherapy helps these people out of a negative trance. Negative trance can be one that becomes detrimental to you and/or others around you. Going to work can be a good thing but if your trance makes you become a workaholic, then you and your family suffer. A drinker that starts to consume too much is in a negative trance so is a smoker or someone overeating. This can also be parts of you that have a Fear, Low Self Esteem, Lack of Confidence and so on. At Nexus Hypnotherapy we help you become the person you want to be, i.e. to help you be Confident! Once Philp helps you to realise your negative trance, you will come out of this and go into a trance that is helpful and beneficial to you, so you can shine with your Confidence.

How Many Sessions To Change?

At Nexus Hypnotherapy, The Nexus Team has his own particular style of working, more often than not change happens in just one visit. Sometimes people can find this hard to accept and so they will need one or two more and that can be it, job is done so to speak. Obviously, if there is deep trauma then more visits will be required until that person feels well enough emotionally to be able to cope on their own. But even in suicidal thoughts and sexual abuse, these have been dealt with in one session. But we are all different and so you are best not to put unrealistic results on your change, but rather go with how you feel at the end and work from there.

We Are In Walsall?

Nexus Hypnotherapy is based in Walsall, we offer you a free phone consultation to find out the best way in which to help you. We can find out your own expectations also what have you done previously to help you with your current problem. It is amazing how people can change from the fearful to the fearless. Your change can be so simple, you have always thought away from a totally different way of thinking. Once the problem has gone, then everything else seems to fit into place.

Contacting Nexus Hypnotherapy In Walsall.

We have a few ways in which you can contact The Nexus Team: Phone 01922302065 or email us  Use our contact page on the Nexus Hypnotherapy website or go onto our Book an Appointment page or find us on FaceBook under Anxiety Hypnosis. This is your first step to change.
Please read our reviews on the website, FaceBook, Google and on YouTube, all genuine from real people. they write these in the hope that they can help someone else overcome their problems as easily as they have done. Now it is over to you, and I look forward to helping you and remember we also help children whether they have been to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or not, we are here to help.

We Help You With…

Hypnotherapy, Psy-Tap, EMDR, NLP and/or Reiki can help you in many ways. Confidence Building, Abolishing Fears, Phobias of Dentist, Needles, Dogs Spiders, Flying and many more. Help with Depression, Suicide, Self Harm, Panic Attacks, Anxiety. Confidence for Bullied Children to name a few. We even help with relationships whether Gay, Straight, Siblings, Parent-Child.

How Fearful Are You?

People have constant fears that run in the background of their minds. Fears have to be there in order to help and not to be seen as a negative. Fears can protect or make us take avoidance actions. Fear creates longevity by stopping us doing dangerous things. This protocol seems to get either switched off or at least turned down when under the influence of alcohol. This is why people will do stupid, crazy and foolish things that result in getting themselves killed in the process. A Phobia is a more heightened state of Fear.

Running Your Fears.

People are fearful of many things, as one can be fearful of heights another is not, as this applies to everyone at some stage in their life. Some controlled fears are good, such as a rollercoaster ride as it is fun but scary at the same time which leads to excitement and exhilaration. But fears can also run deeper, as you can fear not having enough money or job security, will your kids grow up ok and get the right qualifications for that job they want, fear of being late or missing something. fear of not being good enough or doing something right. This list of fears can be multifold and this type of fearful thinking is not good.

Head And Heart.

People who have fears are those who live in their heads too much, we all know someone like this, such as an over worrying mother for example. They look mithered, if not a little unstable in this type of fearful thinking and you can act the same because you have been brought up in that sort of environment. People who have very few fears, tend to be those who live in their hearts and care little about what their minds think. They have greater control over their thoughts. Their hearts are in a state of comfort and so there is little to fear. Because fear is an illusion that the mind tricks you. Do you remember being scared of something maybe as a child and now you’re not scared. So where did the fear go? …It was a trick of thinking,

Child vs Adult.

Naivety as a child can be great because you know that you will live forever and are unbreakable. This leads to doing crazy and daring acts or stunts which make you feel alive as the powerful adrenaline rushes through your body which is the best feeling ever! But later in life as you grow up, wisdom now kicks in as you know that you will not live forever and you are breakable and not indestructible. That tree you climbed as a child is now the one that shows you danger because you could break your leg, which means you aren’t going to earn money and this is not good, but why? This is because of wisdom, the child tends to lack wisdom compared to the adult, but wisdom can steal your confidence and this can create fears. It’s a neverending cycle of related emotions that torment you.

What Can Hypnotherapy Do For Your Fears?

As you know children can be fearful, at Nexus Hypnotherapy we help younger people to conquer their fears with therapeutic techniques that help them to become fearless or help them to reduce their fears. Some very young children can be scared of going to sleep etc… Of course, adults can also run their fear, as if driving a car with the rev-counter in the red zone, this is not healthy. So we at Nexus Hypnotherapy get you to turn down this emotion as your internal rev-counter drops down and is working in the safety zone, so to speak.

Help Is Here.

If you feel that your fears are out of control and you need to get your life back on track, then contact me to see how we can help you get over your fears of heights, spiders, dentist, white coat syndrome, dogs, flying and many more. Whether living in Walsall, West Midlands or London, don’t let your fear stop you from contacting us, we look forward to helping you. “A life lived in fear is a life half lived” quote from Strictly Ballroom.

Link to more great tips to help with your issues of fear with The Nexus Team Nexus Hypnotherapy Blogs.

Kid’s Fears & Anxiety.Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team

The Power Of Consciousness.

The power of consciousness or the idea that you can create conscious thoughts to change the world around you would seem impossible. However, we do have the power of consciousness that can influence matter.

Mouldy Rice.

I’ve conducted an experiment, I have cooked rice then transferred this into two clean jam jars. One has HATE and the other has LOVE written on it. After shouting at the hate jar once and then telling the loved one how special it was every day. After a few weeks the one with love on it stayed fresher. The one with Hate on it went mouldy. If this can happen to cooked rice, then what about how we can talk negatively to a child. What impact does this create in a child’s mind ?

Mind Your P’s & Q’s

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is well aware that the power of words can consciously influence people. Young children are not born with a filter that will stop negative thoughts entering their little minds. This is because they need to download information in their formative young years. So if a child breaks something by accident, negative parents will scold that child and say how stupid, idiot, useless or naughty they are etc…

Bad Behaved Child.

What a surprise that you end up with a child who can have tantrums, be naughty or be unruly. Later these kids either grow up to develop anorexia, behavioural problems at school, Introvert, and may even be a bully or an abuser in later life.

Anxiety Hypnosis Answer.

Children have to be shown and taught by example because you will effect their consciousness because of how you speak to your child. You have the power right now to change that today with positive words and statements. Never treat your child to junk food as a treat and don’t pay them for doing jobs around the house. But treat them to a good quality meal as a celebration of what they mean to you and the family as a whole. If you want to pay them for a job, give them money for reading books and achieving goals. Imagine the mindset of a child brought up like this.

Help Information Centre.


Therapy is fun, so we also do Hypnotherapy – Reiki – Access Bar – Indian Head Massage – Natural & Healthy Herbal Pills – Natural Face Lift – Call us to see if how we can help you.


M: 01922302065

T: 01922 285 118

E: hello@anxietyhypnosis

Avaliable in the Walsall area or Skype / Zoom

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team.

Anxiety Is Driving Kids Mad!

Back To School.

Children have been back at school a few weeks since writing this blog however, this has been happening all across the country and indeed all over the world, kids going back to school after their holidays or long break. Their anxiety kicks in and ruins the last two weeks of their break. Plus the tormented sleepless night before they go to school. This could be due to not liking school, lack of friends, new school, new teacher, old and new bullies, and the list goes on. Not to mention a disruptive home life with the added bonus of trying to achieve good grades.

Anxious Kids…

Since the kids have gone back to school, Anxiety Hypnosis has had a big increase in the amount of young kids needing treatment for anxiety, panic attacks, fears, and dealing with the threat of bulling.

Kids are terrified of the prospect of having to deal with all of this and more because of the system and their lack of knowing how to help themselves. It is really setting them up for a lifetime of stress, anxiety, then leading to depression.

Anxiety Hypnosis.

The Nexus Team can help your child to feel better about themselves. Showing them the skills so that they know that fear, panic, and anxiety can leave them. So we can get your child to feel better about their ability to be courageous, motivated, confident, and above all be happy. This will free up their minds of stress so that they can concentrate better on getting good grades so they can hopefully get the job that they really want.

Picture This…

Which child would thrive better…

Twin Brothers on LawnOne that has lead a life of stress, fear, guilt, and anxiety, who grows up in a low paid income bracket and is a smoker, heavy drinker, also possibly on anti depressants.

Or a child who learned how to de-stress, and grows into a person who is self motivated, confident and has the career that they chose, who has a healthy life style and thriving family who enjoy great holidays.


This is now down to you! School council and other government bodies who are trying their best to help kids can be swamped with numbers of kids they have to see. However there is a solution for you because The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis can offer your kids the real treatment that they truly deserve. Whether in person or via skype.

Contact Information.

Please feel free to contact The Nexus Team on his contact me page on Anxiety Hypnosis.

Previous blogs on children’s issues with Anxiety.

We also cover a range of other problems of anxiety which we offer that you can see here.

If you need help further with any anxiety problems then you can get an instant free download to 7 solutions to axe anxiety. 

You can also see how Jikiden Reiki is for calming a busy mind down.

Contact Numbers-Emails Address.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Helping You Towards success.

The Nexus Team.

Angry Bad Kids In Walsall Don’t Get What They Deserve!

Which one is yours?

  • Naughty.
  • Bad.
  • Disruptive.
  • Disobedient.
  • Vile.
  • Angry.
  • Mean.
  • Spoilt.
  • Stressed.
  • Annoying.
  • Bully.
  • Screaming.
  • Swearing.
  • Cruel.

Which One Are You?

Our kids copy our behaviours. No surprise there! So if you want a better-behaved kid, why don’t you change?

Why Kids Go Bad.

We focus only on what we want, so to give our children what they want means we have to go out to work to provide these things for them. Sometimes we didn’t get what we wanted as children so the natural thing is to provide what our children want. But this creates an unbalanced relationship because the child feels it never gets what it needs. Many kids become disruptive because of a parent or parents not realising this, so they try harder to give their child the next new toy, gadget, or game to pacify them. This is short lived and you end up with a kid who goes “bad”.

How To Get A Good Kid.

Stop giving them what they want and start to give them what they need.

Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Walsall

So What Do They Need?

This could possibly be anything that you don’t have to buy.

Give A Child What It Needs.

Whether you live in Walsall or Birmingham or anywhere in the rest of the country for that matter, it is important to offer your children your unconditional love.

This Would Include.

  • Love.
  • Help.
  • Nurturing.
  • Your attention.
  • Giving them space.
  • Your time.
  • Teach them respect.
  • Offering guidance.
  • Kindness.
  • Acceptance.
  • Courage.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Independent.
  • Caring.
  • Rules.
  • Boundaries.
  • Interaction.
  • Activities.
  • Warmth.
  • Failure is okay.
  • To succeed is okay.
  • Laughter.
  • The right foods and drinks.
  • Always speak to your child as if he was the most intelligent person in the room.

And many more that would indicate a thriving and loving child.

People Of Walsall, Where To Start?

Start with yourself as you can only teach when you know the way. Allow yourself to stop the negative talking and make a plan of how you would like to have your child think about you when you are no longer around. Or treat them how you would have liked to have been treated as a child.
Remember that life can be really easy when you think about it. Look at the nature around you, how other animals don’t have to shout at their kids. Also how the parents are always with them. Give it ago to find out how they change from unruly to excellent.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

Sometimes we need that little extra help in knowing how to talk and handle our children and if this is something that you feel you would like to know more of or how I can help you then please get in touch.

Angry Kids Need Anxiety Hypnosis.

Angry kids need my help because it can be very hard to get your child to stop being angry. This is because you are probably the one who caused the anger and you may not be able to undo what you have created. With the help of The Nexus Team you can help your child to feel more relaxed and less angry which would help you get control of the rest and start to build a better relationship with your child.

Further Info From Anxiety Hypnosis.

Taking action is really easy, so here are my contact details at Anxiety Hypnosis with The Nexus Team.

Look at my past blog on helping children at anxiety hypnosis helping anxious children.

Book a Free Complimentary Consultation to help you find that loving child.

What else can The Nexus Team help you with? Look at our page to see what we offer at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Please take the time to look at our reviews on Google on The Nexus Team Reviews.

You can also contact us in the usual ways.

My Contacts:

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

Helping you toward success.

The Nexus Team.

Anxiety Hypnosis Welcoming Kids to Drink Alcohol.

Let you kids drink.

Letting your child drink alcohol isn’t a bad thing. If you let kids drink at a young age, the chances are that they will have the knowledge that drinking is okay. Also that alcohol has never been off limits and so it doesn’t hold so much attraction compared to someone who has never drank.

I’m 18 now and you can’t stop me…

I’m sure as parents we have all heard this from an 18 year old and it’s true in their eyes. (But not in ours).

So today is the day they are 18 and off to the pub, probably like you. How do you think now that they are being allowed into the pub or club, they going to act?


Be mindful of allowing your kids to drink and dispel the myths and attraction of alcohol. Remember anything off limits holds our interest with fascination, as this leads to a deep desire to try something we are not allowed. …’The forbidden fruit’ so to speak. And that happened at the beginning of time and we are still acting the same way.

So everything in moderation and let your child enjoy themselves, this will lead to a more respectful and well rounded individual and you know that you have took away that interest of alcohol. Also you have possibly saved their life by not having to wait to be in their 30’s to realise that they don’t need to binge drink.

What to do next.

If you have a drink problem that needs attention and feel that Anxiety Hypnosis could help you and you are in the Birmingham area. Then I practice from Walsall & Pelsall. Contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.

How Crying Babies Can Help With Anxiety.

‘Cry baby’ is the example that I’m using to help combat your anxiety…

How many times has a baby started to cry and instinctively you distract it away from its crying.


You Sing, Dance, Pull Faces, Make Weird Sound, Wave Toys, Keys, Teddies and Favourite Toys etc. in the child’s face and so on.


Imagine that this could be done to you every time you started to have an anxious moment in your life.

How quickly do you think it would take for you to snap out of it by being distracted. Just as the baby is from crying.

Well you can distract yourself with ease by doing the same thing to yourself as to the crying child. …Start acting a bit daft!

You Can Dance…

Dance, Sing, Breathe, Play, Exercise, use you mobile to help distract you, use your imagination by thinking of good things that have happened to you. Do anything that feels right to distract yourself away from that anxiousness, as with the misdirecting of the child…

Try Counting.

I’ve even known some people do weird maths in their heads. One guy used to calculate how long it would take him to walk to the moon if he was walking at 3 miles per hour. This took his mind away from anxiety by being distracted.

Remember Stress isn’t Anxiety.

So use whatever fits you as a distraction method. But if you are stressed, this is because you’re frustrated and that has happened because things haven’t gone how you expected them too. This isn’t anxiety.

What To Do?

So ease off by removing yourself away from the problem and distract yourself by taking slow deep breaths for a while. This will calm you down by balancing your mind and body.

You will then be able to return to the problem once more,  being able to deal with it more affectively.

More Details. 

If you do require further help as a 1-2-1 personal therapy, I work from Walsall and Pelsall In the Birmingham area.

You can also receive a Free Complimentary Consultation.

Download my free tips to help Axe Anxiety.

Listen to my 10 mins relaxing session for FREE. I will also custom make an mp3 for your anxiety needs.

You can contact me.

Helping you towards success.


Are you struggling with your eldest child leaving for university…

What is Empty Nest Syndrome?

Bags packed for university , Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team can help Empty Nest Syndrome is a time when a child leaves the home to move away to university. This can be a heart wrenching time for both parents but especially for the mother. The shock of you being around your child for 18 years and now they have moved out can leave you feeling empty inside.

Although no one has died the same symptoms of grief and heartache are very much felt particularly within a loving family.

This is in every way a new chapter in life, how everyone has to adjust to the new challenges that life has brought you.

The Feeling of Grief.

There is a bag of mixed feelings surrounding the whole situation of what is happening. On one part you have to be happy that they are doing well and thriving, as well as being educated in their chosen field of knowledge. Of course with this double edged sword, you have the negative emotion that just seems to overwhelm the positives especially to begin with.

The feeling of loss and the emptiness in the house at certain times and the things you shared has this could be a time when you no longer have your child’s friends coming around either.

What Can You Do About It…

If you have experienced grief before, then you will recognise the similarity in the emotional feelings. It’s not good to hold onto the negative feelings, as indeed men (fathers) may do. Feeling like an emotional wreck right now, may feel like you’ll never get rid of this.

I think that you should give yourself permission to cry, and parents should be encouraged to express this together if their relationship can do this. This isn’t about a weakness but recognising that you are both feeling the same and this can be your strength. Although one part of the relationship may feel stronger and keep a sense of reality and calmness within the house hold.

Never feel bad about how you feel even though you think that it’s silly as this emotion needs to come out of you so that the healing can take place. It’s okay to avoid the negativity for a while as you don’t want to burst into tears while in the shops.

Your Time To Change.

You have the opportunity to rediscover yourself, but this may be hard as you have probably been at the beck and call for the family for many years. It is important that you have new challenges in your life, this will have to be your calling so to speak as everyone is different and you have to do what feels right.

You don’t have to have a a knee jerk reaction to doing whatever comes along. This could be joining a group with like minded interests. You can even start one of your own. There is an App called ‘meet-up’ as this can also be a way of you getting over your fears of either going out or being allowed to learn how to be you once more.

Anxious Times Ahead!

This can be an understatement of how you feel right now. Once you get over the initial shock and time moves on you will soon realise how time distortion kicks in and before you know it, they are on their way back home and you will be wondering why you felt the way you did.

In the meantime however, as all the new students at Birmingham University and of course the many universities around the country, students are all equally leaving grief stricken parents everywhere. Your kids are possibly feeling the same way, but they have new surrounding and new interests and certainly their new found freedom. So these kids are distracted to say the least, while you are at home crying your eyes out.

This is all natural, but this still leaves you feeling anxious because of wondering if they are okay and not getting into trouble etc…

Anxiety Hypnosis.

As I have mentioned that anxiety, fear, stress and grief play a major part in the overall well-being of you, that said if you don’t deal with this, then you too will suffer. It is documented that mothers particularly can get breast cancer and even brain legends** or scaring on the brain because of the child leaving home for the first time. Of course kids can leave home many times, if they are in a career that calls them away for months at-a-time.

You may feel like you only want to talk about how you feel and that’s okay, also you may want to try hypnosis to get a better understanding of yourself. This could be to help you find confidence to go out and face the world as a new you.

The Nexus Team can also offer EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) ,this is a great way to help get your brain and especially your mind to cope better with the present situation. This also helps people with that grief feeling.
Anxiety Hypnosis also helps you by allowing the mind to readjust to the new immediate difficulties and help get you away from feeling like an emotional wreck. But you don’t have to feel at your worst to see me as you can have a free complimentary consultation to be accessed to see whether you would benefit from my help.

Help is Here.

If you need or require some help with either talk therapy or hypnotherapy to help you with how you are feeling right now and you live in and around the Birmingham area of Walsall etc. then contact The Nexus Team.

Give me a call to find out more, also I will help you every step of the way to help you with your recovery by helping you feel calm and confident. Helping to get you back in control, or contact me to help you with your particular situation and I will answer any questions you have.
Until then you can download my free 7 tips on how to Axe-Anxiety. Click HERE. Also get talking to family and friends to help put yourself at ease and soon everything will start to ease.

To Sum up.

Congratulate yourself for getting your child to be able to get into university and this is what you have all been working towards. Also that they are probably having a good time and this is a time when we all have mobiles and can easily stay in touch also with social media. Feel sad and cry if you need to, but don’t stay there and move forward. This was bound to happen but notice that it will become less traumatic each day and the rawness will fade. Above all don’t be to hard on yourself as you might have other children who need you attention more then ever now.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis offers a range of therapies that can suit you as not everyone wants to be hypnotised..

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You Towards Success.

Kids get stressed too you know…

Anxiety hypnosis helping anxious children. two young girls laughing behind another girls back.

Anxiety hypnosis helping anxious children.

Where does all the stress we have come from and more in particular the stress in children. Children have a real hard time, think about it, I mean they have to fit in with their peers and so much has to be right. From the colour of their hair to brand named clothes if it’s a non uniform school. Also their smell, spots, wearing glasses, overweight or too skinny and the area they come from and how they fit into the cliques at school. Also how well they do in sports and games, which they support and the video games and programmes they watch. And at puberty you have the hormones and sexual orientation. More so now than ever before as there is social media from Facebook and twitter the whole event of school is relentless on them, teachers to performance of homework and exams.

No wonder kids are as good as they are, because they now have to deal with grumpy parents to even beatings or sexual abuse. Or belonging to one parent families, or a parent who has multiple partners.

But some of this can be avoided if we only spoke to children in a positive way and this in turn would make you feel better and because of the positive talking you then feel more positive in yourself.

How not to talk to kids.

Here’s an example of how parents, grandparents etc talk to kids. “don’t fall, be careful you’ll slip, you’ll hurt yourself, don’t run you’ll fall and hurt yourself, eat all your food, don’t be wasteful, you should know better, don’t spill it, you’ve made a mess now, I’m going to smack you, I’m watching you, you could do better, shut-up, keep still, don’t move, you’re a naughty child, people won’t like you. as well as the swearing and shouting involved. You may know of others, but this is just a quick example and depending on the person saying these whether teachers, parents, and other family members, the tonality can be destructive if said in a harsh negative tone of voice.

Xbox doesn’t have a problem!

Here are some tips on how to inspire and help your child in positive language and they are really simple: Tonality of your voice is key, and keep it light, by that I mean if you call a dog towards you in a harsh manner, …get here NOW! The dog is reluctant to come to you, but if you keep a higher tone as if you’re calling a dog to have some food from you, you know your tone is different. This has to be the same with kids. Say when they are running , tell them that they are doing really well and pick you your legs as you run, … Well done I knew you could do it! Or when they have a glass full of juice, …you’re the best at keeping all that juice in the glass. Also say well done to them. Tell them that you know they know loads more about something than you do, and get them to show you. If a child fidgets, have ago at getting them to dance. You may well say to me that they won’t keep still, but I guess the xbox doesn’t have a problem in getting their attention. Above everything, interact with your child, go out and play and be a big kid yourself. So stay positive and good luck and remember your kid is having just as hard time as you are, and they don’t always have the adult mind to express themselves with the proper language skill that the grownups have.