So I’m In a Trance?

We are all running some type of a trance no matter what it is because this is what we do. Driving your car is you being in a trance. Doing anything mundane is you in a trance, in an awaken state none the less. Although non-mundane things are also achieved, this can be seen with a musician that can play the guitar exquisitely and never looks where his fingers are placed. Why? because his unconscious can do the work for him i.e. in a trance.

A Trance Is a Trance.

Nexus Hypnotherapy helps these people out of a negative trance. Negative trance can be one that becomes detrimental to you and/or others around you. Going to work can be a good thing but if your trance makes you become a workaholic, then you and your family suffer. A drinker that starts to consume too much is in a negative trance so is a smoker or someone overeating. This can also be parts of you that have a Fear, Low Self Esteem, Lack of Confidence and so on. At Nexus Hypnotherapy we help you become the person you want to be, i.e. to help you be Confident! Once Philp helps you to realise your negative trance, you will come out of this and go into a trance that is helpful and beneficial to you, so you can shine with your Confidence.

How Many Sessions To Change?

At Nexus Hypnotherapy, The Nexus Team has his own particular style of working, more often than not change happens in just one visit. Sometimes people can find this hard to accept and so they will need one or two more and that can be it, job is done so to speak. Obviously, if there is deep trauma then more visits will be required until that person feels well enough emotionally to be able to cope on their own. But even in suicidal thoughts and sexual abuse, these have been dealt with in one session. But we are all different and so you are best not to put unrealistic results on your change, but rather go with how you feel at the end and work from there.

We Are In Walsall?

Nexus Hypnotherapy is based in Walsall, we offer you a free phone consultation to find out the best way in which to help you. We can find out your own expectations also what have you done previously to help you with your current problem. It is amazing how people can change from the fearful to the fearless. Your change can be so simple, you have always thought away from a totally different way of thinking. Once the problem has gone, then everything else seems to fit into place.

Contacting Nexus Hypnotherapy In Walsall.

We have a few ways in which you can contact The Nexus Team: Phone 01922302065 or email us  Use our contact page on the Nexus Hypnotherapy website or go onto our Book an Appointment page or find us on FaceBook under Anxiety Hypnosis. This is your first step to change.
Please read our reviews on the website, FaceBook, Google and on YouTube, all genuine from real people. they write these in the hope that they can help someone else overcome their problems as easily as they have done. Now it is over to you, and I look forward to helping you and remember we also help children whether they have been to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) or not, we are here to help.

We Help You With…

Hypnotherapy, Psy-Tap, EMDR, NLP and/or Reiki can help you in many ways. Confidence Building, Abolishing Fears, Phobias of Dentist, Needles, Dogs Spiders, Flying and many more. Help with Depression, Suicide, Self Harm, Panic Attacks, Anxiety. Confidence for Bullied Children to name a few. We even help with relationships whether Gay, Straight, Siblings, Parent-Child.

Therapy Is Fun!
By The Nexus Team
Anxiety Hypnosis

Therapy Is Fun! …Or Is It?…

Whether you come from Walsall, Birmingham, or any other part of the country, when you have a problem such as:

  • Anxiety.
  • Depression,
  • Guilt,
  • Fear.
  • OCD.
  • Hurt.
  • Anger.
  • Trauma.
  • Phobic.

And so on… you can look very miserable because you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.

You hold onto these problems more and more as they internally cripple you, because you’re too scared to do anything about it. Probably because you have thought in your head that any therapy will open up that can of worms you hold onto. Or you don’t want some weird stranger knowing your private business. …So what’s the answer?

Therapy is Fun The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall

Therapy Is Fun…

Therapy is fun because any great therapist will make it fun. How can you possibly get over your problem if you take yourself too seriously. Humour is the antidote medicine to help cure you. There is a time to be serious, but always have an injection of a fun element in the healing process taking place.

A Dog Bites You!

So you get bitten by an angry dog and you are traumatised by the event, so you develop a phobia or fear of dogs. Eventually, you become fearful of every dog. So what’s the cure?
You cannot get over the fear of the same energy that created the problem. Picture this, you come across a basket of puppies and they are looking up at you. You notice this, but you don’t have the same negative feelings as before. And so you have tempted to stroke the little puppy and hold one of them. Soon you hold him next to your face.

You’re Cured.

Suddenly you notice that you are no longer fearful of dogs, this is a light bulb moment and you realise how ridiculous you have been over the years and you burst out laughing. This action sets up a new type of positive feeling for your future.

Anxiety Hypnosis Is About Having Fun.

The Nexus Team treats his clients with a fun element to help break down the negativity and so aid the process of a fast result with you being free of your problem. Laughter is your cure, this high energetic state makes the therapy work at its best for you.

Helpful Contacts & Links For You.

Getting over your phobia is Quick, Easy and Fun. This is about dental phobia and FUN is always the KEY to getting over your phobic fear: Read on Anxiety Hypnosis blogs to know more. Dentist phobia treatment in Birmingham with anxiety hypnosis.

You can contact The Nexus Team via this link to The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me Page.

See our previous clients here on Google reviews and our website reviews

Get The Nexus Team’s free help with our 7 solutions to axe anxiety with instant download

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Helping You Towards success.

The Nexus Team.

6 Quick and easy ways to avoid a panic attack in Walsall

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing Walsall

Know exactly what it is that you panic over…

#1 Know exactly what it is that you panic over, e.g if you panic over seeing a spider, is it the size – how quick it can move – or it only bothers you in the house. Once you break this down you can start to readjust what it is that scares you and you can work on that specific problem. If it is all of them in this example then you need to look into having hypnotherapy.

Get better control over your thoughts

#2 To help you get better control over your thoughts you have to start to get discipline over your thinking. How disciplined are you? You can see those people who have to eat a whole packet of biscuits rather than just having a couple. Where is their discipline… What about those who go to a gym and never go again. Of course the list could be endless as we keep on putting things off…  So start to have discipline in your life.

Your own personal mantras.

#3 …STOP – STOP – STOP!!! using negative words or sayings. Your own personal mantras of negativity can be your own personal destructive mechanism. You have to start saying and thinking positive thoughts. This may seem strange to begin with , but soon it will start to feel natural. e.g. I feel better today than yesterday, I feel more calm and relaxed than I have felt in a long time…

Surround yourself by people who will support you.

#4 Surround yourself by people who will support you, by feeling calm and not panicking any longer. We class these people as either ‘drains or radiators’. Realise who drains you or who makes you feel radiated with positivity.

80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity.

#5 Do more things that make you feel good as this could be an 80 – 20 rule. 80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity in your life and the other 20% maybe to do with a job you may not like or a family member that you don’t always get on with. Once the balance tips towards you, you can then do a 20% of being positive and you’ll feel much better 80% on the time.

Do I really need to have a panic attack.

#6 Having a panic attack is just something you have learned as you didn’t come into the world having a panic attack. So start to relax and think for a moment – Do I really need to have a panic attack right now or do I have the mental capacity to have discipline to be relaxed and positive right now.

Helpful Information from Anxiety hypnosis 

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing can be a source of learning with the many blogs that are available to you. Change with Decisions Anxiety & Reiki Therapy – Blog post or read about my 10 tools social-anxiety-affecting-you-walsall.
You can contact me to know more and to get my free complimentary consultation or just meet up over a cup of coffee. Anxiety Hypnosis contact-me.
You can call me M:01922302065 or T: 01922 285 118
Please feel free to download my complimentary gift to you for taking the time to visit my site right here: Anxiety Hypnosis 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety.

Helping you towards success.


Dogs always seem to be living in the present moment.

Be a dog for a day Anixety Hypnosis The Nexus TeamWhat I mean by this statement is that they are in the here and now… unlike people who are always worried about the future or tomorrow by being caught up in the never ending cycle of anxiety. Or the overriding guilt of the past and how it affects you in everyday life of making decisions. Do you ever see a dog like this?

Someone is visiting.

If you say to a person that you are having a visitor, the reply is when are they coming round and already you are thinking of the future. However if you tell a dog that his friend is coming to see him, he thinks that time is right now, but you probably meant for him to realise that this is in a couple of hours or so and not right now.

Dogs get excited at the thought of NOW and living in the NOW. Unlike you as you are living either in the past or future, which both of these thoughts carry guilt or anxiety.

Fabric of your happiness.

The fabric of your happiness can be so weak that it can be easily undone either by a thought or by someone else. You have to constantly patch your happiness up because of not living in this present moment.

My Tips To Help.

These tips are for fun, but can help.

#1 Think like a dog and live in the now as if every second is all you have.
#2 What would the human you chose to act like if your were a dog? …What would you think of?
#3 What would you have as your favourite toy? …And why?
#4 What would you think of your owner who is constantly worried etc…
#5 How would you tell the human you to act and behave?
#6 Now as a human start to play these thoughts out of what the dog told you.
#7 Live in this moment as this is all you can do and you can be free of Guilt and/or Anxiety.
#8 Remember to find happiness in the smallest and intensification of things. This will help patch up the fabric of your happiness.

Help is here.

If you what a private individual session to help you feel less stressed, with less anxiety also leaving you with the ability to feel more confident in everyday situations, then I can help you!

Imagine a life free of all the ties of anxiety, fears, worry with that constant feeling of dread as all gone…

Anxiety Hypnosis with me The Nexus Team will help you to take back control of your emotions and set yourself free.

Be confident, happier, relaxed with more motivation. You can have this if you truly value yourself. Start today by contacting me for a FREE Complimentary Consultation.

Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me to start your therapy today.

Here is my FREE Anxiety Hypnosis 10 mins relaxing session for you to listen to right here form my Free Stuff Page.

I will also personalise an MP3 for you concerning any Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Worry, Depression. OR why not just have an MP3 designed to help you with CONFIDENCE, MOTIVATION, RELAXATION or anything you feel you need help with. 

How to order your personal MP3.

Click the link here: Anxiety Hypnosis Personal hypnotic Trace MP3 and I’ll do all the rest for you and all for only £9.97

So if you live in the Birmingham area or near to Pelsall  or Walsall, you can have a 1-2-1 private therapy session with me an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis: Helping you towards success.

ps I can also help  you get over the fear of dogs.