
Sleeping Rough in Any Place.

Sleeping rough in any place can be a nightmare, but this post from Anxiety Hypnosis is more about how bad your sleep is? So the next morning you feel rough because of the lack of sleep. No one really knows why we have to sleep as the body is still functioning while we are sleeping. However without sleep, we know the bad side effects it has on our mind and body.

Sleep Is Selfish…

Why is sleep selfish? When the sleepy feeling comes on and you go really tired, sleep will happen, no matter what you are doing. This can happen when you’re driving, so this is why sleep is selfish as it doesn’t care what you are up to or how important it is.
The opposite of this is when you want to sleep, the selfish part of you that allows sleep to happen doesn’t seem to work and when it is time for you to sleep, …you can’t!

Getting A Good Nights Sleep.

Getting your good nights sleep can only happen to you when you wake up. This is the only time that you can evaluate how well your sleep has been throughout the night. But the many people of Walsall and Birmingham are having to cope with lack of quality sleep. …Why is this?

What’s Stopping Us From Sleeping Well.

  • Worrying.
  • Interviews.
  • Exams.
  • Anxiety.
  • Alcohol.
  • Caffeine.
  • Medication.
  • Active mind.
  • Over thinking.
  • Bad mattress.
  • Over weight.
  • Poor diet.
  • Mineral deficiency.
  • Bad habits.
  • Noises.
  • Environment.
  • Children.
  • Pain.
  • Age.
  • Travelling.

And so it continues…

What Is The Solution?

Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team SleepYou can have scans or be wired up to electrodes to be tested why you aren’t getting the quality of sleep that you deserve. Being monitored or having the many sleep apps and gadgets to survey you still may not give you the right answer. That magic pill that will knock you out and get you feeling normal again. So how can Anxiety Hypnosis help you?

The Nexus Team At Anxiety Hypnosis.

The Nexus Team has helped many clients over the past years with sleeping issues. One of his practices is to create a R.E.M. Rapid Eye Movement. We go into a natural R.E.M. Sleep each night, but if we don’t achieve this we don’t get the quality of sleep the we need to function normally.

Hypnosis Or Hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy is one way to reactive the sleeping pattern that you deserve, with the combination of an awakening R.E.M. induced sleep. At Anxiety Hypnosis in Walsall we use E.M.D.R. Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing. In my practice we get you to do the easy therapy that can really help with you being able to get to sleep. For this particular therapy you have to see me to go through this process. But it has many benefits that can help you in other ways and not just with sleep. So if you feel that you would like to try this therapy, then please call me on: 01922302065.

The Nexus Team’s Reiki Helps You Sleep.

My style of traditional Japanese Jikiden Reiki is most effective in calming your busy mind down. There are many benefits to help you with this type of Reiki to help you reintroduce a normal sleeping pattern. If this feels the type of therapy that you would like to experience, a hands on treatment that you would like to experience in Walsall or Pelsall, then please feel free to contact The Nexus Team or Christine on: 01922302065.

Helpful Contacts & Links.

You can open a page here on Jikiden Reiki to see how Reiki can help you.

My website email contact form is right here on Nexus Hypnotherapy contact me.

The Nexus Team’s other blogs that include sleep: Tiredness can seriously damage your health. or Is insomnia sending you MAD?

See what else we do that can bring about the help that you deserve on Anxiety Hypnosis – If We Cover Your Specific Problem.

As a free gift for reading Sleeping Rough In Walsall… Get The Nexus Team’s instant free download to get 7 Solutions To Axe Anxiety.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

Helping You Towards Success.

The Nexus Team.

“Tiredness Can Seriously Damage Your Health”.

Sleep Deprivation With The Walsall People.

Tiredness can seriously damage your health, sleep deprivation can cause a number of issues with Walsall people also with people anywhere else in the country. You don’t need me to tell you that you need to sleep, but did you know that long term sleep deprivation can seriously damage your health both physically and mentally .

What Are The Side Effects Of Sleep Deprivation.

  • Irritability.
  • Depression.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Time lost from work.
  • Health problems.
  • Anxiety.
  • No quality of sleep.
  • Soreness of tired eyes.
  • Heart palpation.
  • Dropping off to sleep at the wrong time. (Driving)
 Lake Of Concentration Without Sleep

    Lack Of Concentration Without Sleep

The Selfishness Of Sleep.

The selfishness of sleep means that you drop off to sleep at any moment of the day. Because we have busy lifestyles we have to be awake for all of them e.g. driving, working machinery, being at school or in an important meeting. Taking care of the family including having young children as you may know all to well what it can feel like to have your sleep broken by a crying baby. The part of you that sends you to sleep, can send you to sleep wherever you are and whatever you are doing and this can possibly kill you.

What Can You Do To Sleep Better.

You have to prepare to go to sleep, you may find that you can sleep better when you are on holiday or you have not got anything to be worried about. So realise that you can sleep, it’s either not the right place or the right time to do so. You will never feel that you have had a good sleep while you are asleep. A good sleep will only be recognised when you are awake.

10 Things To Do To Get A Better Sleep.

  • 1 Lavender is a great way to help you sleep if you place this by your pillow or a few drops of lavender oil on a tissue placed by you during the night.
  • 2 Stop the tossing and turning because this will keep you awake.
  • 3 Keep still for 15 minuets and this will help you go to sleep
  • 4 Tell yourself that you are going to sleep tonight. (positive self talk).
  • 5 Seek hypnosis to help you reprogramme your sleeping patterns.
  • 6 Try EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), this is a way of helping you to combat what has been keeping you awake.
  • 7 Check that any side effects of medication isn’t affecting you from sleeping.
  • 8 Count back from 900 very – very slowly and only say the number when you breath out. (This can take about 15 mins).
  • 9 No looking at either computer or phone screens at least an hour before you go to bed.
  • 10 Make your sleeping space a place of calm tranquil settings that you know you would like to sleep in.

The Nexus Team At Anxiety Hypnosis + Reiki Healing.

Reiki healing is a great way to calm down a busy mind and also it aids sleep, so you might want to consider that holistic approach to helping you get over the problem that has being depriving you of a very natural thing and that is to sleep. But try out the 10 ways to help you get a rested sleep and if you require more intervention to help with sleeping please contact me.

Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall With The Nexus Team Information Centre.

If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation, then please feel free to book yours today.

You can view and read what my past clients have to say. Read my 5 star reviews on Facebook  also The Best Of Walsall Reviews.

Read my other blogs on: insomnia sending you mad… also you can read past blog posts that maybe of interest to you.

Remember that your sleep deprivation could be down to high levels of feeling anxious. You can get my free instant download to help with positive ways to help with your anxiety with my 7 solutions to axe your anxiety.

Why not check out our Jikiden Reiki page to satisfy your curiosity with the other positive wellness that it can bring you.

Helping you towards success.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To Lose Weight Living In Walsall.

Many people I see in my home town of Walsall have anxiety because they cannot lose weight and in a bitter pay off they become bigger. Not just the weight loss people of Walsall but also the rest of the country. I think most people could resonate their frustration towards anxiety because of their in ability to lose weight or even keep it off afterwards.

Is Anxiety Keeping You Fat?

Being a clinical Anxiety Hypnotherapist In Walsall for 12 years now, I see a lot of anxiety on the increase, whether this is from work, money situations, relationships, family matters, and of course the inability to lose any really substantial weight as the constant dieting never seems to end. And one of the reasons that you constantly fail to lose weight, is that you become more anxious. It seems to be a never ending cycle of comfort and emotional eating.

Is Anxiety Making You Eat.

Imagine for a moment that you were free of any form of emotional or comfort eating. How do you think you would approach food without the fear of anxiety. Anxiety and fear can help keep you fat. However that doesn’t mean you have to stay like that. Start to have the discipline by valuing yourself.

11 Tips To Help Reduce Anxiety For Weight Loss.

Weight Loss The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall

  •  1 Don’t have the fear of getting fat.
  •  2 Start to value yourself more.
  •  3 Fall in love with yourself.
  •  4 Remember this is only a temporary.
  •  5 Only feed you and not your fat.
  •  6 Get help to deal with any anxiety.
  •  7 Don’t do fad diets.
  •  8 Just eat a little less on every meal.
  •  9 Hunger goes after about 20 mins
  •  10 Stop feeding the hungry you and feed the real you.
  •  11 Cut out alcohol as this makes you put on weight.

80/20 Rule To Help Lose Weight.

The 80/20 Rule is about eating healthy 80% of your meals and the 20% is having what you fancy. Never have foods off limits but rather set rules, limitations and boundaries. Set an unbreakable rule e.g. Monday to Friday you don’t have alcohol or you don’t have a muffin at the coffee shop or what ever else you feel you could trim down on. Eventually you’ll trim down and will be feeling slimmer.

Anxiety Hypnosis Info With The Nexus Team.

You can look at some of my past blogs here: anxiety hypnosis 7 great tips to boost your confidence in Walsall.

A link for you If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation.

Or you would like to contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis contact me.

You can always download my free 7 solutions to axe anxiety with me The Nexus Team.

We can also help you with our Japanese style Jikiden Reiki.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is offering you more help and guidance with links to other blogs.

My blog link to help you with the fear of flying is The Nexus Team’s Flying Fabulously Tool Kit.

Please like us on FaceBook where you will find more tools to help you and motivational quotes.

Get help today to reduce your weight and size at:  Axe The Fat With Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.