
“Social Anxiety Case Study In Walsall”.

The Dread Of Meeting People.

A young man came to see me suffering from social anxiety. But what is social anxiety? Social anxiety is when you start to have more than just anxiety because it becomes very specific such as going out or meeting people i.e. groups of people.

The Dog Attack.

He was 23 years old and most of his life had been anxiety free apart from when he was 5. He was attacked by two small dogs. After I gave him the therapy he realised that he hadn’t been attacked at all, but he was told that this had happened and so he had grown up fearing dogs. By the end of helping him with his dog phobia, he was feeding my greyhound and he had changed for the better.

Worse When Meeting Groups Of People.

The social anxiety came more intense as he went out to nightclubs etc. He was well mannered, thoughtful and liked to work. However, this feeling began to overtake his social life making him become quiet, nervous, and even the thought of going to meet his friends in a club would make him sick.

His Tailored Treatment.

His treatment being personalised for his specific needs. I treat all my clients as individuals because they have come to develop their issues which in most cases is unique to them.

After talking through his personal history, I found out about his dog phobia. I then re-framed his social anxiety and what he was going through, also how his mind and brain was working. This is important because it helps my clients de-clutter their mental garbage and so frees up their mind to except and experience a deep hypnotic trance.

Computer Processor Of His Mind.

The processor of the mind is important as this will be a vital way of him getting better at a more rapid rate and of his being free of this problem.

Hypnosis Creating The Change.

He received three deep sessions of relaxing hypnotherapy where I planted the seeds of change into his subconscious mind. As these suggestions grew, he realised that this was no longer the BIG problem that he had previously thought it to be. Consequently, he was feeling better about himself as well as being more relaxed when he met other people, He had the outcome that he desired which was to feel normal once more.

What About You?

Do you feel that you resonate with similar problems and you would like to conquer them but don’t know how or what it involves… Then hopefully this short version of this case study will give you perspective on how I can help. Or indeed any problem that you feel you would like help with and so leaving you the time to focus on what’s important in your life.

Side effects Of Anxiety Hypnosis With The Nexus Team.

Not only that you have learned how to conquer your fears and problems, you are free to be:

  • Confident.
  • In control.
  • Satisfied.
  • Relaxed.
  • De-cluttered.
  • Goal orientated.
  • New focus.
  • Feeling happier.
  • More content.
  • A desire to improve.
  • Self-motivated.
  • New courage.
  • Contented.

And many more as you continue to grow in so many ways.

The Nexus Team Information Centre.

See what else The Nexus Team can do for you, and what we offer at Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall.

Here are some of my past client’s reviews on anxiety hypnosis and what they had to say of their hypnosis in Walsall.

Get my Free Download to my 7 solutions to axe anxiety.

Useful reading on managing panic attacks in Birmingham and Walsall.

What we can help with at Anxiety Hypnosis + Reiki Healing

My Contacts:

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Helping you toward success.

The Nexus Team.

Is Social Anxiety affecting you and particularly the people of Walsall.
10 Tools Helping You Deal With Social Anxiety…

What Is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a collection of emotions that lead to anxiety when meeting people in a social environment. This can range from a mild uneasiness to a full blown panic attack. This fear of meeting people can come on at anytime during your life and for no apparent reason apart from not dealing with the stresses you have put yourself under. So this becomes the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak.

Social Anxiety Symptoms.

Social Anxiety from The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing Walsall
Social anxiety symptoms can include:

Rapid heart beat.
Fear of ridicule.
Rapid breathing rate.
Feeling sick.
Bad cramps in your stomach.
Excess sweating.
Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.
Feeling of being overwhelmed.
Not being able to think straight.
Loosing your concentration.
Temporary memory loss.
Not knowing how to talk to others.
Uncomfortable peer pressure.
Feeling that others are judging you.
Feeling that others are better than you.
Loss of confidence.
Not wanting to stand out.
Not drawing any attention to yourself.
Taking avoidance measures.
Fainting. low blood pressure

The good news is that no one ever died of social anxiety.

What Can You Do To Stop Social Anxiety.

Going out is not necessarily the first answer to deal with your social anxiety because you’re trying to do something that you cannot do, this can push you back further.
Seeing a therapist can help because they know how to uncover the root cause of your problem also they can reframe your negativity into a positive.
Getting support from family and friends, also telling people who you meet as they will be more sympathetic than you realise and may even relay stories of how they overcame their social anxiety.
You can always laugh at your problem as laughter is one of the biggest and most powerful cures you can have. You can also learn to place your attention onto something else, so as not to focus on the social anxiety.

Social Media In Walsall.

You could say social media has a negative role to play as friends become virtual friends and so we become dissociated from them. Just as you might view a war scene on the news, it never really affect you and 2 mins later you forget about it, even thought the conflict is very real. This is a dissociation towards the real world as the comfort of home is our security blanket and leaving our home is taking away the security, then you are exposed and vulnerable. So the only way the mind and body can get you to feel safe again it to give you all these negative emotions, so that you’ll return back home to your security blanket.

My Top Tools To Help Social Anxiety.

# 1 Remember to start meeting real people and not virtual ones. i.e. social media or games.
# 2 Get coached on how to meet and greet people.
# 3 Face and feel the fear and do it anyway.
# 4 Realise that you always survived a social anxious moment no matter how bad it was.
# 5 Tell people that you have social anxiety and they will understand you better and you too will feel relieved.
# 6 Don’t let social anxiety define who you really are.
# 7 Start to do things that you have avoided in the past and become braver.
# 8 Start to build on your confidence and use your confidence.
# 9 Check that any medication you are taking is not making you feel social anxiety or paranoia .
#10 Every day practice smiling at new people in the street and say hello you’ll get a smile back and a nice greeting.

The Nexus Team

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis has helped people overcome their social anxiety, stress, worries, and fear. But you also need to become fearless, brave, confident, and then you will feel the benefits of success, relief, happiness, joy, and being relaxed when you meet anyone in any situation.

Helpful Links For You From Anxiety Hypnosis.

You can look at some of my past blogs here: anxiety hypnosis 6 quick and easy ways to avoid a panic attack in Walsall
If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation or you would like to contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis contact me.
You can always download my free 7 solutions to axe anxiety with me The Nexus Team. We can also help you withour Janpanesse style Jikiden Reiki

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You With Depression.


phoneThose of you who suffer with or from depression need to read this.

It will be of no surprise that people with depression know how bad it can make you feel.

This is more on self analogy and what you could consider changing about yourself to get over depression.

You were not born being depressed, this maybe hard to take on board, but depression is only created by you and nobody else.

Some people are on medication for depression and this is up to you and your doctor to know if you can come off anti depressant medication. But all to often people become too reliant on being medicated.

One of the first things is to realise that like all emotions it is okay to feel depressed. But as with other emotions we experience such as laughing, happy, motivated, crying and so on, you only do these for a while and then move on to another emotion, such as being relaxed.

So in other words it’s okay to be depressed for a while and then come out of it and experience another emotion. Just don’t stay in with a depressed feeling. When you laugh, you don’t keep laughing all the while or if you yawn, you don’t continue, as with crying. You can only cry for so long and then you stop. Start to have the same ability with feeling depressed. (Don’t stay there).

If you are supporting many other negative feelings, e.g. feeling anxious, worried, fearful, having panic attacks, your mind is carrying all the weight of your problems and this becomes your depression.

Depression is you being pressed down into the ground as you balance all the weight of your problems.

You can change, I have helped many people to come out of depression and off medication with doctors supervision and to lead a normal life once more.

Rather than a depression, start to make an impression upon yourself. So what can you do?

Here are some tips to start you on your journey of change.

#1 Pick one emotion that you could do without and change it today. e.g. Begin to worry less and if a worrying thought comes into your head then stop it and think of a wonderful moment in your life.

#2 Once you have an emotion under control, start to work on another one. i.e this could be stay more relaxed and practice breathing techniques.

#3 If you are on medication visit your doctor and ask if it is possible to have a reduction in the strength of the medication to help work your way off the medication.

#4 Notice that some people with depression look depressed by the way they move and hold their heads and they generally talk slower.

#5 Change #4 if this is you. How? By walking upright, also have your chin angled slightly upwards. Have your shoulders back, with stomach held in and breathe from the top part of your chest. Also talking a little bit quicker will stop that depressed voice.

#6 Continue to work away at your depression no matter how bad things may feel. Soon you will look back and realise how far you have come.

If you need a 1-2-1 session with me to kick start you away from feeling depressed and would want to feel better about yourself then contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

You can also download my free anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety, this will start to help you with those other negative emotions that you have been holding onto.

Get your free anxiety hypnosis complimentary consultation to see if I can be of help to you.

I am available in the Birmingham area, Pelsall or Walsall. With The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

You may also find that you would benefit from my  Anxiety Hypnosis Japanese Reiki Sessions, you can read about the benefits on Anxiety Hypnosis Jikiden Reiki.

Hopefully this has been of some help for you. I wish you well on you becoming free of depression and remember you were not born being depressed.

Helping you towards success.


Are you struggling with your eldest child leaving for university…

What is Empty Nest Syndrome?

Bags packed for university , Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team can help Empty Nest Syndrome is a time when a child leaves the home to move away to university. This can be a heart wrenching time for both parents but especially for the mother. The shock of you being around your child for 18 years and now they have moved out can leave you feeling empty inside.

Although no one has died the same symptoms of grief and heartache are very much felt particularly within a loving family.

This is in every way a new chapter in life, how everyone has to adjust to the new challenges that life has brought you.

The Feeling of Grief.

There is a bag of mixed feelings surrounding the whole situation of what is happening. On one part you have to be happy that they are doing well and thriving, as well as being educated in their chosen field of knowledge. Of course with this double edged sword, you have the negative emotion that just seems to overwhelm the positives especially to begin with.

The feeling of loss and the emptiness in the house at certain times and the things you shared has this could be a time when you no longer have your child’s friends coming around either.

What Can You Do About It…

If you have experienced grief before, then you will recognise the similarity in the emotional feelings. It’s not good to hold onto the negative feelings, as indeed men (fathers) may do. Feeling like an emotional wreck right now, may feel like you’ll never get rid of this.

I think that you should give yourself permission to cry, and parents should be encouraged to express this together if their relationship can do this. This isn’t about a weakness but recognising that you are both feeling the same and this can be your strength. Although one part of the relationship may feel stronger and keep a sense of reality and calmness within the house hold.

Never feel bad about how you feel even though you think that it’s silly as this emotion needs to come out of you so that the healing can take place. It’s okay to avoid the negativity for a while as you don’t want to burst into tears while in the shops.

Your Time To Change.

You have the opportunity to rediscover yourself, but this may be hard as you have probably been at the beck and call for the family for many years. It is important that you have new challenges in your life, this will have to be your calling so to speak as everyone is different and you have to do what feels right.

You don’t have to have a a knee jerk reaction to doing whatever comes along. This could be joining a group with like minded interests. You can even start one of your own. There is an App called ‘meet-up’ as this can also be a way of you getting over your fears of either going out or being allowed to learn how to be you once more.

Anxious Times Ahead!

This can be an understatement of how you feel right now. Once you get over the initial shock and time moves on you will soon realise how time distortion kicks in and before you know it, they are on their way back home and you will be wondering why you felt the way you did.

In the meantime however, as all the new students at Birmingham University and of course the many universities around the country, students are all equally leaving grief stricken parents everywhere. Your kids are possibly feeling the same way, but they have new surrounding and new interests and certainly their new found freedom. So these kids are distracted to say the least, while you are at home crying your eyes out.

This is all natural, but this still leaves you feeling anxious because of wondering if they are okay and not getting into trouble etc…

Anxiety Hypnosis.

As I have mentioned that anxiety, fear, stress and grief play a major part in the overall well-being of you, that said if you don’t deal with this, then you too will suffer. It is documented that mothers particularly can get breast cancer and even brain legends** or scaring on the brain because of the child leaving home for the first time. Of course kids can leave home many times, if they are in a career that calls them away for months at-a-time.

You may feel like you only want to talk about how you feel and that’s okay, also you may want to try hypnosis to get a better understanding of yourself. This could be to help you find confidence to go out and face the world as a new you.

The Nexus Team can also offer EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) ,this is a great way to help get your brain and especially your mind to cope better with the present situation. This also helps people with that grief feeling.
Anxiety Hypnosis also helps you by allowing the mind to readjust to the new immediate difficulties and help get you away from feeling like an emotional wreck. But you don’t have to feel at your worst to see me as you can have a free complimentary consultation to be accessed to see whether you would benefit from my help.

Help is Here.

If you need or require some help with either talk therapy or hypnotherapy to help you with how you are feeling right now and you live in and around the Birmingham area of Walsall etc. then contact The Nexus Team.

Give me a call to find out more, also I will help you every step of the way to help you with your recovery by helping you feel calm and confident. Helping to get you back in control, or contact me to help you with your particular situation and I will answer any questions you have.
Until then you can download my free 7 tips on how to Axe-Anxiety. Click HERE. Also get talking to family and friends to help put yourself at ease and soon everything will start to ease.

To Sum up.

Congratulate yourself for getting your child to be able to get into university and this is what you have all been working towards. Also that they are probably having a good time and this is a time when we all have mobiles and can easily stay in touch also with social media. Feel sad and cry if you need to, but don’t stay there and move forward. This was bound to happen but notice that it will become less traumatic each day and the rawness will fade. Above all don’t be to hard on yourself as you might have other children who need you attention more then ever now.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis offers a range of therapies that can suit you as not everyone wants to be hypnotised..

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You Towards Success.



So you have social anxiety – what can you do about it…

What is social anxiety?

light bulb & peopleWhen we think of social anxiety, we often think about different social situations that make us feel shy, self-conscious or uncomfortable. The most common example of this is the feeling of being “out of place” or “awkward” at a party or family gathering. However, there is a big difference between feeling awkward at a party and having a deep rooted feeling of despair, anxiety or panic when in the company of other people.

Not many people enjoy receiving criticism, judgement or even a compliment from others, but for some, the fear of receiving such judgements can lead to paranoia, extreme discomfort and panic attacks. In some cases, individuals have had to leave their jobs, school or colleges in order to deal with their social anxiety and in extreme cases, even limit their time out in public for fear of an anxiety panic attack!

If you have reached a level where you think that social anxiety is affecting your life, then the time to act is now! With The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis. Download my free Axe-Anxiety

Common Symptoms…

There are many symptoms of social anxiety and as with every other phobia, they vary in severity depending on the level of anxiety you are feeling.

When a sufferer of social anxiety finds themselves in a social situation that they are not comfortable in, they often experience the following:

Heavy sweating and/or blushing
Shaking of the limbs
Nervous stuttering or stammering during conversation
Drying of the mouth
Shortness of breath
Weakness of the body
Sufferers also try to avoid any form of eye contact and make it difficult for themselves to be noticed or approached. For social anxiety sufferers, speaking in public is an almost impossible task.

What can I do to overcome, managing my social anxiety?

For the most part, social anxiety normally has a root cause. This is often a deep lying sub-conscious condition such as a previous embarrassment or traumatic life event which may have shattered your confidence, broken your trust or completely cooled your interest in the people, or in the world around you. Anxiety Hypnosis has been proven to be extremely successful in the area of overcoming social fears and allows you to analyse and understand your sub-conscious thought patterns, leading you to fully overcome any issues you may have, not just cover them up.

Anxiety Hypnosis can also restore your self-confidence and boost your self-esteem to new levels, as well as preparing you for public speaking or appearances. You may not think this would apply to you, but I can assure you at sometime in the future you will have to do some public speaking. This could be thanking people at a wedding, christening, birthday, anniversary or any other social event you can think of. So think of receiving Anxiety Hypnosis as an investment in not only now but also your future as this is a very important step to take right now.

You have probably suffered from social anxiety for many years and have tried avoidance, hiding, using excuses, but none of them have really worked for you. Take action today with using my professional services.

What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from anxiety, panic attacks or are experiencing any of the symptoms above whilst in a social setting, you may be suffering from some form of social anxiety issue. If you find that these issues are affecting your work, studies or everyday lifestyle, then contact me at The Nexus Team Hypnosis today. With the help of my proven techniques that can work for you, you can learn to live a social anxiety free lifestyle as you can manage your anxiety or panic attack with relative ease. You can once again take control of your social anxiety issues and banish them, once and for all!

TIPS on managing your social anxiety.

1 Seek out a therapist who will help you.
2 Grow your confidence in other aspects of your life.
3 Sit in a chair, imagine playing out your worst social fears, but know you are still at home in the chair.
4 Tell others of your problem as most people are very supportive and want to help.
5 Unfortunately you will have to face your fears in order to conquer them.
6 If you’re going to a party, see if you can be the first to arrive, Then you don’t have the BIG problem of facing everyone right away.
7 Fire yourself up with high energy music or a drum beat as this will energise you and so help override the negative feelings and take this high energy music with you.
8 Last but not least, now take ACTION and if the panic feelings start, just calm down back away for a moment and regather your thoughts and go for it again. As the saying goes ‘Slowly, …slowly, …catch-a-monkey’.

If you live in the Walsall or Birmingham or surrounding areas I can provide you with 1-2-1 professional Anxiety Hypnosis Therapy. I have helped people in the Birmingham area, young and old who suffer social anxiety and I can help you. If you’re looking for an effective treatment plan to help you overcome your problem by controlling your social anxiety then please feel free to book a complimentary consultation with me The Nexus Team.

Helping you towards success.



The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis conquering  job and career nerves Birmingham Walsall

Every single individual on earth experiences an “attack of the nerves” at some point in their life. Maybe you’re asking someone out on a date, have an important sports game coming up or you may even have a dreaded job interview on the horizon. At a job interview, a sudden attack of nerves or anxiety could potentially lose you the job. However, with simple treatments from me and the Anxiety Hypnosis specialist with The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy in Birmingham and Walsall, you can take control of your anxiety and banish your interview nerves for good.

How can I control my nerves and anxiety during a job interview?

There are also a few practices that you can follow to help control your pre-interview nerves and ensure that your interview goes as smoothly and successfully as possible: STOP your Stressing right now!

Forward Planning…

This seems like a simple thing to do right? Well, too often than not, job applicants enter the interview with little or no preparation and simply rely on their resume or personality to get them through the interview. This is fine if you are an individual who is full of confidence, but if you are susceptible to bouts of nervousness or anxiety attacks, a lack of preparation could be crucial. Make sure that you have gone through the interview in your head, over and over again for a few days before the interview. Practice the most common interview questions with a friend or family member and polish your answers. You can even practice in your interview clothing to make it seem even more realistic. Do thins with more than one person and even set up 3 or 4 people playing devils advocate. If you know of someone who does interviewing in their job, you may like them to test you out! Practice makes perfect, so to speak…

Pre-interview relaxation…

In the hours leading up to your interview, try to put yourself in a relaxed mood by doing something that makes you feel comfortable and at ease. This could be inviting a friend over for some green tea and chat, having a soothing massage or even listening to your favorite music in the comfort of your own home. Laughter is also a great relaxant, so stick on a funny movie or comedy show to help disperse your nervous thoughts.

Be open and honest…

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to try to cover up your nervousness or anxiety to your potential employer. This can cause you to lose focus in your interview and concentrate more on hiding your emotions than connecting to the interviewer. Remember, it is perfectly normal to be nervous at a job interview and your potential employer will usually understand that this as part of the interview process. At the beginning of the interview you can say “I apologize, I am feeling a little nervous today” or “It has been a while since I was last in this position, I am a little nervous”. This will put both you and the interviewer at ease from the outset and calm your nerves significantly. An expert interviewer will see past you bluffing confidence.

What can I do next?

If you feel that your nervousness or anxiety could affect your potential job interviews then contact me at The Nexus Team Anxiety hypnosis today. With help from me, you can take control of your pre-interview nervousness and anxiety, ace that interview and land the job of your dreams!

Most of the time with interviews they look to see if they like you and could work with you and how well you would carry out orders and instructions also how well you know the vacancy you have applied for.

However at the end of the day you must realise that you feel you want a Anxiety professional to help you and get you confident, in control and be anxious free. The Nexus Team may just be the person to seek if you require a more in-depth assistance and better result.

So remember there are people to help if you suffer from being anxious, stress or a full blown panic attack. People not only in Birmingham and Walsall go though this but it is in nearly in everyone who judges themselves as suffering of lack of confidence or low self-esteem.

Interview qualifications a job candidate must possess on a checklist clipboard including experience, communication, education and other skills necessary for a new position in your career

If you’re ready and really want to change then feel free to contact me and receive my free complimentary consultation.
You can always download for free his 7 ways to Axe-Anxiety.

Good luck with your future employer.

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team from Anxiety Hypnosis.



Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Birmingham Walsall

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack can be best described as a sudden and intense feeling of overwhelming fear and/or anxiety. This can result in dizziness, shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate. Panic attacks can often lead to the affected individual suffering panic disorders and even withdrawing from their normal daily routines in fear that they may re-occur. With the help and treatment from me The Nexus Team and the highly skilled Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of these attacks once and for all.


How can I manage my panic attacks?

In addition to our treatment program, there are a few simple guidelines listed below that can significantly reduce and even eliminate these panic attacks from occurring again in the future:

1. Don’t Panic  – If there is only once piece of advice that you take from this post, then this would be it. Try to think of your attack like a wave. A wave is only temporary and soon enough, it will pass. The sooner that you can let the wave pass over you, the faster the anxiety will subside.
2. Keep Talking – If you are having an attack and there are people around you, try to talk to them as much as possible. Say whatever is on your mind, no matter how irrational the thoughts may be, this helps to release tension and expels the thoughts from your mind. If you are on your own, this method still helps even if you are talking to yourself or even to the television.
3. Keep Moving – By keeping your body active during an attack, you can disperse the energy and adrenaline that the attack has brought on. If you can, try to go outside for a walk along the street or in the garden. Even pacing back and forth inside the house can keep your body active and your mind empowered.
4. Don’t Forget to Breathe – During the onset of an attack, you may struggle to breathe as easily or deeply as you normally would. This is normal for an attack of this kind but concentrating on your breathing can really help. Focus on your inhale and exhales fully and try to exhale as slowly as possible. This method will help regulate your breathing and bring your heart rate down.
5. Stay Positive – Stay strong, and feel proud of yourself when you have overcome an attack. Once the attack is over, give yourself a pat on the back and realize that you have come through it and you are determined to eliminate these attacks once and for all and realise that you have always been alright and have gotten through it, haven’t you?
What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from panic attacks or periods of anxiety and it is affecting your daily life of hindering your freedom, contact me at The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of your panic attacks and live the life you want to lead.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis works in Birmingham UK and the surrounding areas such as Walsall. You can get tips via our FaceBook page, just search for Anxiety Hypnosis Page and give us a like and you will receive daily information with tips and inspirational thoughts.

However if you feel that you would benefit from a 1 to 1 private session, then all you have to do is contact The Nexus Team on my website or email The Nexus Team is an Advanced Hypnotherapist.

Good luck and watch out for future blogs and posts.
Helping you towards success.



What is a panic attack? 

Panic attack in lift. Anxiety Hypnosis in Birmingham, Walsall The Nexus Team  A panic attack can be best described as a sudden and intense feeling of overwhelming fear and/or anxiety. This can result in dizziness, shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate. Panic attacks can often lead to the affected individual suffering panic disorders and even withdrawing from their normal daily routines in fear that they may re-occur. With the help and treatment from me The Nexus Team and the highly skilled Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of these attacks once and for all.

How can I manage my panic attacks?

In addition to our treatment program, there are a few simple guidelines listed below that can significantly reduce and even eliminate these panic attacks from occurring again in the future:

1. Don’t Panic – If there is only once piece of advice that you take from this post, then this would be it. Try to think of your attack like a wave. A wave is only temporary and soon enough, it will pass. The sooner that you can let the wave pass over you, the faster the anxiety will subside.

2. Keep Talking – If you are having an attack and there are people around you, try to talk to them as much as possible. Say whatever is on your mind, no matter how irrational the thoughts may be, this helps to release tension and expels the thoughts from your mind. If you are on your own, this method still helps even if you are talking to yourself or even to the television.

3. Keep Moving – By keeping your body active during an attack, you can disperse the energy and adrenaline that the attack has brought on. If you can, try to go outside for a walk along the street or in the garden. Even pacing back and forth inside the house can keep your body active and your mind empowered.

4. Don’t Forget to Breathe – During the onset of an attack, you may struggle to breathe as easily or deeply as you normally would. This is normal for an attack of this kind but concentrating on your breathing can really help. Focus on your inhale and exhales fully and try to exhale as slowly as possible. This method will help regulate your breathing and bring your heart rate down.

5. Stay Positive – Stay strong, and feel proud of yourself when you have overcome an attack. Once the attack is over, give yourself a pat on the back and realize that you have come through it and you are determined to eliminate these attacks once and for all and realise that you have always been alright and have gotten through it, haven’t you?
What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from panic attacks or periods of anxiety and it is affecting your daily life of hindering your freedom, contact me at The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of your panic attacks and live the life you want to lead.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis works in Birmingham UK and the surrounding areas such as Walsall. You can get tips via our FaceBook page, just search for Anxiety Hypnosis Page and give us a like and you will receive daily information with tips and inspirational thoughts.

You can in the meantime download the Axe-Anxiety 7 tips that will help you overcome the negative effect of worry, stress, fear, and being anxious. Remember to get your free complimentary consultation.

However if you feel that you would benefit from a 1 to 1 private session, then all you have to do is contact The Nexus Team or email The Nexus Team is an Advanced Hypotherapist.

Good luck and watch out for future blogs and posts.

Helping you towards success.

Fear of the Dentist?

Dentist Phobia Birmingham & Walsall Anxiety hypnosis The Nexus Team Being phobic of the dentist is the number one phobia alongside public speaking. The technical name is also called dental phobia, odontophobia, dentophobia, dentist phobia, and dental anxiety. It has been calculated that around 60% of people are afraid of the dentist. This includes panic attacks to mild anxiety.

Symptom and Causes…

Fear of the dentist can cover a wide area, ranging from the thought of a visit to the dentist, the sounds of the drill and other dental noises, the clinical smell when you walk in, the sight of the staff walking around in their dental uniform. There are also the fears of people with fear of chocking or waking up from dental surgery and of course any previous bad experiences in the past. A visit may only happen in extreme emergencies because of pain etc, because your phobia is so bad…

What Can Help?

There are dentists who are phobic friendly and will support you throughout your visit, you can also request when visiting a dentist to have no procedure performed.
Aversion therapy can help, as you could visit the waiting room several time prior to your treatment. A helpful dentist might allow you to sit in the dental chair for a few minutes, this will help you get used to the surroundings as you familiarise yourself. More often than not, we just go in and walk out again, with this on our mind and other senses being overwhelmed, this can be too much for you to handle and this is one of the reasons we have a panic attack.

Other Self Help.

If you’re not generally an anxious person then you’re probably more likely to have a better rate of success with little outside help. If you’re a more nervous person, then you will require more intensive therapy to help. This can range from self help to visiting a therapist. You can start with calm breathing exercises, gentle meditation to help keep you calm, using visualisation and seeing yourself being relaxed from the waiting room and into the dentist chair.

What To Do Next.

A visit a therapist in your area can be a smart move as hypnosis can plant the seeds in your mind of being in control when you have to visit the dentist. The positive outcome can lower your stress and help make you feel relaxed. Sessions are different for each individual because of the reason you have developed this phobia and this can impact on the amount of sessions required, but really shouldn’t take more than 3 therapy sessions to get you to be able to visit the dentist comfortably.

The Nexus Team from Anxiety Hypnosis is here to help and offer practical advise by helping the people of Birmingham, Walsall and the Midlands to make a relaxing visit to their dentist.
So I hope this has given you tips and advice ranging from a good helpful dentist to helping yourself and paying a visit to a professional therapist who can give you a more in-depth personal one-to-one treatment.


Anxiety hypnosis on fear of flying with The Nexus Team

The Fear of Flying.

One of the most common fears in our modern society is the fear of flying, or as it is more commonly known, aviophobia. It is probably more common than you think, with up to 1 in 5 people suffering from the symptoms. For some sufferers it is the directly linked to the fear of flying and for others it can come from the fear of heights, or from the fear of confined spaces.
This phobia is often one of the most common fears and also the most inconvenient as travelling by air is often impossible to avoid, especially in a professional or business setting. Not only could this phobia prevent you from enjoying a family holiday or vacation, but in extreme cases it may even hinder your career path or advancement if you are required to travel frequently in the work related arena.
Deep down, we all know that travelling by plane is statistically the safest way to travel but for some, the fear that comes with boarding a plane is unbearable and can ultimately spoil your business trip or quality family time.

Common Symptoms.

Symptoms of aviaphobia normally arise in two different situations; flight and pre-flight.
Flight – these symptoms are perhaps more common and occur either during a flight or shortly before take-off. The symptoms are usually the onset of a panic attack and sometimes vomiting.
Pre-Flight – these symptoms can often arise a few days or even weeks before an upcoming flight and are usually brought on by the thought of having to travel by aeroplane. The symptoms are anxiety attacks and often stress related distress.

What can I do to overcome and manage my fear of flying?

Overcoming and managing your fears are two very different things; simply managing your fear of flying is not a long term solution and still leaves you wondering if the fear will take over again at any time. The most successful, easiest and long-term solution for completely overcoming your fear is to use anxiety hypnosis.
Myself and my highly skilled hypnotherapy team at The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy are leading experts in our field and have been helping clients from Birmingham, Walsall and the surrounding areas, overcome their flying phobias for many years, all in a safe and comfortable environment.

What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from flight related anxiety or anxiety attacks and it is preventing you from travelling by plane for business, leisure or for a well-deserved family break, then contact me at The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy today. With my help, you can take control of your travel plans again and overcome your flying phobia once and for all.

As with any external stress due to worrying, this can lead to an unnatural amount of fear and this can lead to an over reaction and then to a full blown panic attack. If you should suffer the most extreme of these then it can be life threatening as you are out of control and if in a plane, you will want to get out of there no matter what and you may well go and open the cabin doors at 30,000 ft.

So my advice would be to see me for help and don’t let fears control your life. As with many people I have treated in the Birmingham, Walsall and indeed around the world you can overcome this.

The Nexus Team offer you to get his 7 tips on how to Axe-Anxiety with my free complimentary e-guide to help you in the meantime. Click here.  remember success can be yours…