
Change with Decisions Anxiety & Reiki Therapy

Decisions – Decisions – Decisions…


Change for a better quality of life today

In life we always have to make decisions no matter what it is, from wanting a cup of tea, deciding what to eat, what time to leave the house, what time to get back home. Should I take a coat or what’s the best outfit to suit the weather. …It’s neverending.

Sometimes we make the wrong decisions, but of course we only know that when they go wrong and rarely do we appreciate the good decisions that we make.


How many times do you want to change, whether this is to get a better body, change a habit, changing a career, buying a house or moving, or getting motivated and making any kind of difference with yourself.

Stop saying you want to change.

Stop saying you want to change, because most people really don’t. They are happy where they are or they are happy with the devil they know and others are too scared to take the plunge and change.
If you are just using lip service to say you want to change and you don’t, it would be better for you to wait and make that commitment by saying this is the day that I am going to change.

Write it down.

Write down the pros and cons of what will be the benefit if you change. You will have to commit to this decision, that doesn’t mean to say if its the wrong one you have to stick with it, …Of course not, you can make a new change.

Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy.

Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy has helped many people to change and always for the better. You can learn some self talk and ask your heart is this the right thing to do when you want too change.
Changing isn’t just a physical change but also a mental, emotional, and spiritual one.
If you don’t change you will find that you are getting frustrated by feeling stressed and this can lead to agitation and anger.
So changing can help you thrive as an individual, this will have an effect on the closest people around you and they will feel the positive relationship with your change. They too can start to feel better and thrive with you.


If you require help with procrastination and need to move forward in your life, then why not make a decision and contact me and lets get together for a free commitment consultation.

Making up your mind.

You will probably deliberate over your decisions to change and you will ponder and dither on what you should do. You will wrestle with your thoughts and have sleepless nights trying to think which is the best option for you. …then all of a sudden you will make a snap decision and that’s it! You will have made your mind up.
In other words you might as well made a decision to change right now and be done with it as there is a lot of satisfaction in coming to a quick conclusion…

Contacting Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy

Contacting anxiety hypnosis & reiki therapy couldn’t be easier and all you have to do is go to the link on my Anxiety Hypnosis contact-me page. You can also get other free stuff while you’re there.

You can also find more about our Jikiden Reiki right here.

We are in Pelsall & Walsall in the Birmingham area to help you and to relax.

Wishing you well from The Nexus Team & Christine at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reike Therapy.

Helping you towards success


This is the busiest time of the year for people to book their holidays, particularly going abroad.anxiety hypnosis flying fabulously tool kit. The Nexus Team


  • Have you booked your flight yet?
  • Are you dreading the flight?
  • Are you fearing the flight?
  • Are you a nervous flyer?
  • Do you have to drink to get the courage to get on a plane?
  • Are you glad when you have landed back home ?
  • Have you experienced a bad flight?




  • Would you like to be a relaxed flyer?
  • Would you like to fly without getting drunk?
  • Is being in control important for you?
  • Would you benefit from an effective relaxing tool kit?
  • I have created affordable method to help with your fear of flying.
  • This can be easier that having to see a therapist about your flying phobia.

What do you get?

My 30 minute Flying Fabulously mp3 will help you to:-
1. Alleviate your anxiety about flying.
2. Embed your confidence to fly comfortably.
3. Set you up to fly feeling at ease and without fear.

PLUS receive my Fear Of Flying E-guide packed full of practical advice so that you fly with confidence and without fear.

You can get instant access and it’s easy to download.

How much is this?

Price Today: £29.97
You now have plenty of time to retrain your mind to be able to enjoy the flying experience, because you can play my MP3 all the time. This is much cheaper than a 1-2-1 therapy session that can coat £100’s (do not use when driving or working machinery).

If you have any questions about the Anxiety Hypnosis Fabulously Flying Tool Kit, then please click Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me.

If you have other anxiety problems you can get my free anxiety hypnosis 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety.


Book a Free Complimentary Consultation with me The Nexus Team and we can see which is the best way to help you feeling better again.

My therapy is Available in the Birmingham area, Pelsall and Walsall in the West Midlands.

You do not have to suffer anxiety, stress, fear or any other problems as I am here to offer you my help at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Giving You 7 Great Tips To Boost Your Confidence.

Ground Rules.

Here are a few ground rules to begin with, when boosting your confidence. If you apply my 7 great tips to boost your confidence you will start to be perceived as a confident individual that is self assured with a purpose and has a direction in life.

Everyone is born with confidence, but as we grow up it can be difficult to handle. It can be perceived by others that you are cocky or arrogant or having a chip on your shoulder, and most people want to knock that chip off your shoulder.

Losing Your Confidence.

As you grow up, you let people chip away at your confidence little by little or in some cases all at once. This can happen with people you class as friends, or in a relationship, or parents, teachers and so on.

How does this happen?

You allow this to happen by agreeing with them whenever you are criticised in some way. You start to question your own confidence and if more than one person picks up on the same fault (that you think you have) then you will agree with them that you are lacking confidence.

Confidence_level_shutterstock_1404190127 Great Tips To Boost Your Confidence

#1 Spot the signs of those around you who criticise your abilities and your confidence.

#2 Ditch those that make you feel insecure or better still question their true values towards you.

#3 Start to act confidently. Have a body posture that looks confident. (Pretend and fake it if you have to).

#4 Have a strong loud voice that is clear as the voice will make you become confident.

#5 Do little things to bring back a strong level of confidence. i.e. Asking a shop assistant for help etc…

#6 Don’t put yourself down just because others have done this to you. Start to believe in yourself.

#7 Stand in front of a mirror, then strike a CONFIDENT posture and do this for 2 mins twice a day.


That you are the one that can control the amount of confidence you have, you can have as much confidence to do whatever you want with your confidence.

It is your given right to have confidence and you are allowed to show your confidence everyday. We are allowed to have many confident moments in our life. So start showing confidence to others and people who like you will respect your confidence.
Alcohol & Confidence.

Drinking to excess to feel confident will never really work and will only mask your own ability to prove once and for all that you are confident. So lay off the alcohol for the dutch courage. Start to build some self belief.

Getting Professional Help.

Some of you will require professional help to get you over the mental stumbling block of lacking confidence. At Anxiety Hypnosis I have helped many people and children to have more confidence than they thought was possible and I know you are just like them. I believe in you more than you do, I know you can show your confidence if you really want it.

If you are fed up with the restraints that the lack of confidence brings you and you know that you would benefit with my help, I will only be too happy to help you get your confidence back.

The Nexus Team will show you how to be confident as there are 1000’s upon 1000’s of people who lack confidence.

Remember that you can only hide the lack of confidence for so long because one day you will have to have confidence to do something and you will soon realise that you don’t have any.

This could be with relationships, an interview with work, promotions, meeting new people or social anxiety as this requires CONFIDENCE to overcome social fears and dreads etc…

Get your free complimentary consultation by booking here today at anxiety hypnosis contact me.

You can also get some more great tips on anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety. So you can have 14 tip to help you right now.

If you would like a private 1-2-1 session with me and you are in the Birmingham area a of either Pelsall or Walsall, then I can help you.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is Helping You Towards Success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You With Depression.


phoneThose of you who suffer with or from depression need to read this.

It will be of no surprise that people with depression know how bad it can make you feel.

This is more on self analogy and what you could consider changing about yourself to get over depression.

You were not born being depressed, this maybe hard to take on board, but depression is only created by you and nobody else.

Some people are on medication for depression and this is up to you and your doctor to know if you can come off anti depressant medication. But all to often people become too reliant on being medicated.

One of the first things is to realise that like all emotions it is okay to feel depressed. But as with other emotions we experience such as laughing, happy, motivated, crying and so on, you only do these for a while and then move on to another emotion, such as being relaxed.

So in other words it’s okay to be depressed for a while and then come out of it and experience another emotion. Just don’t stay in with a depressed feeling. When you laugh, you don’t keep laughing all the while or if you yawn, you don’t continue, as with crying. You can only cry for so long and then you stop. Start to have the same ability with feeling depressed. (Don’t stay there).

If you are supporting many other negative feelings, e.g. feeling anxious, worried, fearful, having panic attacks, your mind is carrying all the weight of your problems and this becomes your depression.

Depression is you being pressed down into the ground as you balance all the weight of your problems.

You can change, I have helped many people to come out of depression and off medication with doctors supervision and to lead a normal life once more.

Rather than a depression, start to make an impression upon yourself. So what can you do?

Here are some tips to start you on your journey of change.

#1 Pick one emotion that you could do without and change it today. e.g. Begin to worry less and if a worrying thought comes into your head then stop it and think of a wonderful moment in your life.

#2 Once you have an emotion under control, start to work on another one. i.e this could be stay more relaxed and practice breathing techniques.

#3 If you are on medication visit your doctor and ask if it is possible to have a reduction in the strength of the medication to help work your way off the medication.

#4 Notice that some people with depression look depressed by the way they move and hold their heads and they generally talk slower.

#5 Change #4 if this is you. How? By walking upright, also have your chin angled slightly upwards. Have your shoulders back, with stomach held in and breathe from the top part of your chest. Also talking a little bit quicker will stop that depressed voice.

#6 Continue to work away at your depression no matter how bad things may feel. Soon you will look back and realise how far you have come.

If you need a 1-2-1 session with me to kick start you away from feeling depressed and would want to feel better about yourself then contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

You can also download my free anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety, this will start to help you with those other negative emotions that you have been holding onto.

Get your free anxiety hypnosis complimentary consultation to see if I can be of help to you.

I am available in the Birmingham area, Pelsall or Walsall. With The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

You may also find that you would benefit from my  Anxiety Hypnosis Japanese Reiki Sessions, you can read about the benefits on Anxiety Hypnosis Jikiden Reiki.

Hopefully this has been of some help for you. I wish you well on you becoming free of depression and remember you were not born being depressed.

Helping you towards success.

Below are some GREAT TIPS on GOAL Setting.

If you missed these on FaceBook. I have posted them onto my Anxiety Hypnosis Blog Site.

I have to speak in general terms as I don’t know what your specific goal is. But the method of how it works will be the same principle. (A goal is a goal is a goal).

#1 A goal is only limited by your lack of imagination to have it come into fruition…

#2 Don’t make your goal too unachievable as this will destroy your confidence.

#3 A goal doesn’t have to change the world, it just has to satisfy you.

#4 Your goal can be for anything that you believe will improve you. i.e. to cook a meal, prove that you can be confident, learn to play an instrument, be a better person, change an old negative behaviour pattern, save a certain amount of money, or to get that dream job or your promotion.

#5 Your goal is the end result of a series of events that you have worked too. But more often than not your goal continues to develop.

#6 Now that you have a goal in place, write this in a diary as to when it will happen, this could be to lose weight or to build muscle.

#7 If you have given yourself 6 months to do this. Start to divide your diary up into manageable segments. This can be a review of your accomplishments of each week. e.g You have lost 3 pounds in the first week, so you know you are on track.

#8 Have trust in the process of what you want. You will also need to have a value to why you want to have this goal in the first place.

#9 Start to tell people who you believe will help you get your goal. If someone puts you down, then realise that this is your goal and not theirs and they are telling you that they couldn’t do this. So don’t see their failure as a reflection of you.

#10 You may need to seek help from people you never thought you would need help from. If you want to lose weight, you might have to see a personal trainer, or if you want to speak better for either work related events or self improvement – you may need to go to Toastmasters. And so on.

#11 What is the difference between a person who succeeds and one who fails. It is their story. Both will face the same problems – but failure will talk about how difficult it was and how bad the problems were to overcome and how they got stopped. The success story will be the same as the failure story apart from how they overcame adversity.

#12 Start to act as though you have already accomplished what you set out to do. If this was to pass a test for example, Act as though you have passed. Imagine you want to pass a driving test, you could imagine while you’re out that your car in parked in a certain car park.

#13 The human mind and body has to do what it cannot do. What I mean by this is. If you want to learn to swim, then you have to get into the water, if you want to do public speaking, then you have to speak, If you want to get rid of fear, then you have to do the very thing that makes you fearful. So if you want to be a successful person, then you have to do successful things.

#14 Use positive self talk, you can use a mirror for this and if need be give yourself a telling off, but always end on how you will achieve your goal.

#15 Use a power stance. Stand in front of a full length mirror and strike a pose of success or how you will feel when your goal is completed. Do this twice a day for two minutes at a time. If you see models on the catwalk whether men or women, they walk with power and confidence no matter how crazy the outfit is.

#16 Read and learn as much as you can on having a goal mindset. Once your mind is set to aim for the goal, then it is just a matter of chronological time for the fruits of your labour to manifest.

#17 Imagine the farmer, what he has to do to prepare for the harvest. Waiting a whole year or longer depending on the crop to know that his hard work paid off. Yours will be the same. So don’t pick at nu-ripened fruit as you will have a bitter taste left. In other words don’t judge your success before it’s time.

#18 Don’t be to rigid in your thinking as you may be steered in a different direction to what you thought it was going to be.

#19 Have an appreciation of your milestones and celebrate. The media is great for doing this. Look at the Oscars and Gramme awards, the fancy functions and parties that they throw for themselves. This can be a great boost for you.

#20 Don’t let a failure dictate you away from your goal. If anything that you do, will at some point go wrong. But if you worked this into your goal plan to begin with, then it is no surprise.

#21 There will always be happy accidents as there is no such thing as failure. You only have feedback to know what works best for your goal.

#22 Don’t be overly focused to the detriment of other important values in your life. Such as family and friends and down time.

#23 The mind is a great instrument and it can often work better when you least expect it. Creative companies will let the staff play with toys and have a brightly coloured room to help inspire their minds.

#24 You won’t remember everything related to your goal when you are on this journey. So get ready to record your thoughts, so have a pen and paper handy, especially when you’re in bed as your creative thinking will happen then.

#25 Have time management to help you and don’t burn yourself out to get what you want because it will all turn out for the best in the end, And if it’s not turned out properly, then it’s not the end just yet.

#26 Write down a plan of ACTION every week.

#27 Have positive affirmations that will reinforce the goal for your need. e.g. “I am relaxed more today than yesterday”. “I now have my dream house”. Etc…

#28 Don’t give up at any stage. This is a process and you have to complete it.

#29 Enjoy the journey of achieving your goal as this is as important as accomplishing your GOAL

#30 Always be proactive in getting what you have set out to do. Whether this is to write a daily blog to help and inspire others or conquer your fears or to pass that final exam.

#31 Your brain works better with protein, so eat properly and you will function better.

#32 Have rules, limitations and boundaries. These are important for example if you wanted to write a book. As with a story, you need a system to work to and for your goal, you need a system that will work for you.

#33 Create a discipline order and structure, in other words make a plan of successful events that will prove to you that you are well on your way to achieving your goal.

#34 Remember to be kind to yourself and don’t be too hard as firm flexibility works best.

#35 Let me be the first to congratulate you on your personal success as you knew you could do it. So whether this was a personal achievement to live a happier life, to cook a gourmet meal, or buy your dream house or get that job you wanted, or to help mankind. Whatever it is, realise that you can do it!

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Goals

Remember that your goal can be for anything, whether this is to get rid of anxiety or to build your own dream house, and anything in between.
So go out there and make a personal difference to you. Make it count.

Information & Free Stuff.

If you need any guidance on your personal goals and/or to conquer your anxiety, fear, or panic attacks then The Nexus Team is here to help you at Anxiety Hypnosis.

You may also enjoy the calming benefits of Reiki Healing, if you would like to book a session of Jikiden Reiki with me then please get in touch at Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me.

You can also read my other blogs related to other problems, e.g. fear of dogs, fear of spiders, also flying phobias or social anxiety. Read more Anxiety Hypnosis blogs.

You can also get my FREE download to help you with axing your anxiety. Available at Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to help you Axe Anxiety.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is available for 1-2-1 therapy sessions in the Birmingham area of Walsall and Pelsall.

Helping you towards success.

The New Year Relationship

hypnotherapy-marriage-relationship-issuesThe New Year Relationship can go horribly sour at this time of the year as well as all the stress that comes along, it’s no wonder that relationships tend to breakdown.

Not only do you have to put up with normal stress, you also have the stress of your relationship falling to pieces around you.

This can be difficult at anytime of the year, however it seems to be much worse over the festive period.

What Can You Do To Make Amends?

Don’t have any knee jerk reaction to what has been said, as you will regret it in the long run.

Don’t blame each other as this is probably just over a situation you find yourself in and really not any one’s fault.

Don’t use any children as a weapon to hurt the other person.

You Can See Me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

I have helped many people with relationship issues in the past, to overcome their problems and make a full recovery, so to speak.

I can help you both, because I won’t judge either of you, as the outcome is to help get you back together again.

If your relationship is not retrievable I can help you both be mature about the separation particularly with children. Making it easier by helping you through any rough emotions that you are going through right now.

If you need help, I can be your personal mediator to help get your relationship back on track.

I know couples who seek other forms of counselling, when the counsellor/mediator has chosen one side over the other, to the detriment of that person or the relationship in general.

You can both come and see me for a Free Complimentary Consultation and lets get you both being happy again.

Also you could benefit from listening to my 10 mins relations audio that is available on my anxiety hypnosis personal hypnotic relaxing trance

For your general welfare of helping you to reduce your everyday anxiety, stress, and worry you can get my free anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety. which is fee to download with my compliments.

If you need to chat or would like to see me and help you with getting your relationship mended again. Then please contact me and anxiety hypnosis contact me.

You can read more information on my past blogs on fears, stress, worry, anxiety, phobias etcetera. Available at my anxiety hypnosis blog.

What type Of Therapy To Help You?

Therapy of either Hypnosis, EMDR,  NLP, and Reiki can all have a benefit on your well-being. Available in the Birmingham area of Walsall and Pelsall.

The Nexus Team can help as a relate or marriage guidance with non judgemental therapist.


Remember to just love one another more now as you both need this more than ever before.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You towards Success.


Dogs always seem to be living in the present moment.

Be a dog for a day Anixety Hypnosis The Nexus TeamWhat I mean by this statement is that they are in the here and now… unlike people who are always worried about the future or tomorrow by being caught up in the never ending cycle of anxiety. Or the overriding guilt of the past and how it affects you in everyday life of making decisions. Do you ever see a dog like this?

Someone is visiting.

If you say to a person that you are having a visitor, the reply is when are they coming round and already you are thinking of the future. However if you tell a dog that his friend is coming to see him, he thinks that time is right now, but you probably meant for him to realise that this is in a couple of hours or so and not right now.

Dogs get excited at the thought of NOW and living in the NOW. Unlike you as you are living either in the past or future, which both of these thoughts carry guilt or anxiety.

Fabric of your happiness.

The fabric of your happiness can be so weak that it can be easily undone either by a thought or by someone else. You have to constantly patch your happiness up because of not living in this present moment.

My Tips To Help.

These tips are for fun, but can help.

#1 Think like a dog and live in the now as if every second is all you have.
#2 What would the human you chose to act like if your were a dog? …What would you think of?
#3 What would you have as your favourite toy? …And why?
#4 What would you think of your owner who is constantly worried etc…
#5 How would you tell the human you to act and behave?
#6 Now as a human start to play these thoughts out of what the dog told you.
#7 Live in this moment as this is all you can do and you can be free of Guilt and/or Anxiety.
#8 Remember to find happiness in the smallest and intensification of things. This will help patch up the fabric of your happiness.

Help is here.

If you what a private individual session to help you feel less stressed, with less anxiety also leaving you with the ability to feel more confident in everyday situations, then I can help you!

Imagine a life free of all the ties of anxiety, fears, worry with that constant feeling of dread as all gone…

Anxiety Hypnosis with me The Nexus Team will help you to take back control of your emotions and set yourself free.

Be confident, happier, relaxed with more motivation. You can have this if you truly value yourself. Start today by contacting me for a FREE Complimentary Consultation.

Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me to start your therapy today.

Here is my FREE Anxiety Hypnosis 10 mins relaxing session for you to listen to right here form my Free Stuff Page.

I will also personalise an MP3 for you concerning any Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Worry, Depression. OR why not just have an MP3 designed to help you with CONFIDENCE, MOTIVATION, RELAXATION or anything you feel you need help with. 

How to order your personal MP3.

Click the link here: Anxiety Hypnosis Personal hypnotic Trace MP3 and I’ll do all the rest for you and all for only £9.97

So if you live in the Birmingham area or near to Pelsall  or Walsall, you can have a 1-2-1 private therapy session with me an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis: Helping you towards success.

ps I can also help  you get over the fear of dogs.

A report out today states that 25 to 34 year old’s get more stressed over Christmas time than other age groups over the festive period.

So what to do about it?

#1 Tell yourself to stay calm.
#2 Take deep breathes.
#3 Whether you’re out or at home, STOP for a moment and take a drink of water.
#4 Eat protein as this helps your brain function better.
#5 Think! Is your stress really real or are you making yourself feel stressed?
#6 Just enjoy the moment of now, kids don’t get stressed and you are the product of a child.
#7 Start to feel the excitement of Christmas and the joy it can bring you.

Just Relax…

Christmas can be a stressful time of the year for anyone, but to realise that you can relax no matter where you are or what you are doing is a bonus.

My Free Stuff.

If you want to take 10 mins out of your day and relax by listening to me for FREE you can right here on my FREE STUFF PAGE.

If you think that you would benefit from me making you a personalised MP3 you can also order it here. From Anxiety Hypnosis Personal Hypnotic Trance. 

You may like to try a REIKI therapy session to help deepen your relaxation and this is available in Walsall or Pelsall which is in the Birmingham area. At Anxiety Hypnosis Jididen Reiki.

You can contact me to find out more at Anxiety Hypnosis -Contact me:

Use my tips to help you relax and stay calm.Solution_wheel_shutterstock_179663408

One more extra tip for free.

#8 Write down what how to plan your day out and stick to it!
The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis helping you towards success.


Having a journal has to be one of the best ways of helping you beat anxiety.

Here are some of my top tips in writing your anxiety journal.

#1 Get a note book to write on or use your computer or mobile.

#2 Write down what makes you feel the most anxious.

#3 Practice a strategy that will help reduce your anxiety feelings.

#4 Write how your day progressed throughout and add a value to your feelings. i.e. was this a 6/10 negative feeling.

#5 Write down what made you feel calmer.

#6 Write how long it took you to bring down any negative feelings of anxiousness.

#7 Start to compare what’s working for you to bring down your anxiety level.

#8 Start to put a plan of action into place that will work for you.

#9 Write down how well your new calming techniques are working for you.

#10 Write down what didn’t work so well.

#11 Always finish your journal articles off with a positive contribution that will help you cope better the next day.

Put these into practice and remember that you have never died from any anxiety problems and you have always come through the other side.  Have this as you own personal Health and Safety Manual.

Good luck.

One more thing is to get an old newspaper and a black pen and write on the paper all your anxiety problems. Once you have written them down, don’t read what you have written on the newspaper, now destroy the newspaper, do this as often as it takes to get rid of all your pent up anxiety.

If you would like to see me to help with anxiety you can contact me here.

Or you can download my Free 7Tips Solutions E-guide to help Axe-Anxiety. 

You can also listen to a 10 mins taster session of relaxation.

I can give you a Free Complimentary Consultation to see how I can best help you with your anxiety problems.

I work in Walsall and Pelsall within the Birmingham area. if this is convenient for you to have a 1-2-1 session of Anxiety Hypnosis to help you.

The Nexus Team is Helping you towards success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Welcoming Kids to Drink Alcohol.

Let you kids drink.

Letting your child drink alcohol isn’t a bad thing. If you let kids drink at a young age, the chances are that they will have the knowledge that drinking is okay. Also that alcohol has never been off limits and so it doesn’t hold so much attraction compared to someone who has never drank.

I’m 18 now and you can’t stop me…

I’m sure as parents we have all heard this from an 18 year old and it’s true in their eyes. (But not in ours).

So today is the day they are 18 and off to the pub, probably like you. How do you think now that they are being allowed into the pub or club, they going to act?


Be mindful of allowing your kids to drink and dispel the myths and attraction of alcohol. Remember anything off limits holds our interest with fascination, as this leads to a deep desire to try something we are not allowed. …’The forbidden fruit’ so to speak. And that happened at the beginning of time and we are still acting the same way.

So everything in moderation and let your child enjoy themselves, this will lead to a more respectful and well rounded individual and you know that you have took away that interest of alcohol. Also you have possibly saved their life by not having to wait to be in their 30’s to realise that they don’t need to binge drink.

What to do next.

If you have a drink problem that needs attention and feel that Anxiety Hypnosis could help you and you are in the Birmingham area. Then I practice from Walsall & Pelsall. Contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.