
The Nexus Team Anxiety hypnosis

Life is a Matter of Priorities.

Circumstances Will Dictate

We may set priorities in our life but circumstances will dictate otherwise. What do I mean? Say if you are driving your car to a very important meeting, ‘this is your main priority’ you have to get there as a lot depends on this. Then you get a puncture and now getting the tyre repaired is your number 1 priority.

For example you may have a fear of the dentist, this fear may keep you away from the dentist until you cannot stand the pain any longer. Now your priority changes, so all the time you avoided going to the dentist, you ended up there anyway, so what was the point!

Stop Supporting Your Fear.

Avoidance doesn’t stop the fear, it continually supports it. Deep in your mind you know this and so you create other priorities that will hopefully combat the fear to go away. This never happens on a long term basis.

What can you do?

  • Realise what your fear will do if you continue to support it – such as your teeth will rot and be painful.
  • Seek out help at the first opportunity to help you get rid of your fear. I have known people have a fear for 20 years or more. That is crazy!
  • You can only feel better, successful and triumphant when you get over a fear.
  • See your fear as a challenge to grow, rather than something to hold you back.

Think Of Being A Success.

Make time to have the right priority to help you change. Realise that successful people have the same problems that you have. So what’s the difference? Low priority will keep you locked into negativity with your problem. Successful people will tell you how they overcame their problem by making their problem a priority to be abolished.

If you are now thinking about changing your priorities whether it is to Losing Weight Quitting SmokingAxing Your AnxietyThe Little Yellow Pill. Then feel free to click on the links: The Nexus Team. 

Anxiety Hypnosis Offering You A Rapid Solution.

If you have specific issues that need a rapid solution – then maybe it’s time to set a new priority and book your appointment with me. Also realise the priority of value over cost.

Therapy Is Fun.

Therapy is fun, so we also do Hypnotherapy – Reiki – Access Bar – Indian Head Massage – Natural & Healthy Herbal Pills – Natural Face Lift – Call to see if will help you on

M: 01922302065

T: 01922 285 118

E: hello@anxietyhypnosis

Avaliable in the Walsall area or Skype / Zoom

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team

Nexus Hypnotherapy Explains The Level Of Consciousness.

By The Nexus Team.

The Level Of Consciousness

The level of consciousness is calibrated at 1 to 1000, although it can go higher logarithmically. Although for human beings it is set from 1 to 1000.

What Does This Mean For You…

Depending on where you are in your mental state of consciousness, it is calibrated to a specific number on this chart. Consequently, you become the experiencer of this particular vibration and this number is set on the chart. For instance, anger is set a 150, so if you are in an angry state of mind, this means you are a 150 on the chart of consciousness. So you will have the experience of anger. So there are many numbers that represent how you will feel.

Are You Below 200?

When we have negative problems such as Anger, Fear, Guilt, Shame which are set at 150 or below they affect your mental state of consciousness. These are below 200 where all the problems are.

What others are below 200.

Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Birmingham Walsall

  • 200 Neutrality.
  • 175 Pride.
  • 150 Anger.
  • 125 Desire.
  • 100 Fear.
  • 75 Grief.
  • 50 Apathy.
  • 30 Guilt.
  • 20 Shame.

This means that you are negatively contracted or constricted by your thoughts that are pre-programmed via the level of consciousness.

The Nexus Team At Anxiety Hypnosis.

What can The Nexus Team do with hypnosis and hypnotherapy?. With the power of trance hypnosis, he can get you to a positive state of over 200 and in many cases, this can be achieved in one session. So what happens to you when you’re over 200.

Over 200 Is life Changing.

These are some of the positive effects of 200 and above on the level of consciousness.

  • 700-1000 Enlightenment.
  • 600 Peace.
  • 540 Joy.
  • 500 Love.
  • 400 Reason.
  • 350 Acceptance.
  • 310 Willingness.
  • 200 Courage.

So this is what you experience when you’re above 200. Let’s face it, a purring cat or a dog with a wagging tail will show you that they are on a 550 plus.

So What Are You?

You are the experiencer of the experience and if you wish to feel better about yourself, then you need help with my style of Anxiety Hypnosis and Reiki Healing to help get you well into the positive zone of success and confidence.

The Nexus Team Session.

Of course in my sessions I go much deeper into this and how it works. Also on how I can raise your positive energy state of consciousness. So remember if you are depressed, stressed or anxious, then this is not you but rather the feeling you’re experiencing.

Helpful Contacts & Links For You.

You can view a page here on Jikiden Reiki to see how Reiki would offer you the help you need.

My website email contact form is available here on the anxiety hypnosis contact me.

The Nexus Team’s other blogs that include depressed young men killing themselves 

Helping the people of Walsall and Birmingham and beyond, here are a few of the treatments we deal with at Anxiety Hypnosis and Reiki Healing in Walsall.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

Nexus Hypnotherapy

Helping You Towards success.

The Nexus Team.

Angry Bad Kids In Walsall Don’t Get What They Deserve!

Which one is yours?

  • Naughty.
  • Bad.
  • Disruptive.
  • Disobedient.
  • Vile.
  • Angry.
  • Mean.
  • Spoilt.
  • Stressed.
  • Annoying.
  • Bully.
  • Screaming.
  • Swearing.
  • Cruel.

Which One Are You?

Our kids copy our behaviours. No surprise there! So if you want a better-behaved kid, why don’t you change?

Why Kids Go Bad.

We focus only on what we want, so to give our children what they want means we have to go out to work to provide these things for them. Sometimes we didn’t get what we wanted as children so the natural thing is to provide what our children want. But this creates an unbalanced relationship because the child feels it never gets what it needs. Many kids become disruptive because of a parent or parents not realising this, so they try harder to give their child the next new toy, gadget, or game to pacify them. This is short lived and you end up with a kid who goes “bad”.

How To Get A Good Kid.

Stop giving them what they want and start to give them what they need.

Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Walsall

So What Do They Need?

This could possibly be anything that you don’t have to buy.

Give A Child What It Needs.

Whether you live in Walsall or Birmingham or anywhere in the rest of the country for that matter, it is important to offer your children your unconditional love.

This Would Include.

  • Love.
  • Help.
  • Nurturing.
  • Your attention.
  • Giving them space.
  • Your time.
  • Teach them respect.
  • Offering guidance.
  • Kindness.
  • Acceptance.
  • Courage.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Independent.
  • Caring.
  • Rules.
  • Boundaries.
  • Interaction.
  • Activities.
  • Warmth.
  • Failure is okay.
  • To succeed is okay.
  • Laughter.
  • The right foods and drinks.
  • Always speak to your child as if he was the most intelligent person in the room.

And many more that would indicate a thriving and loving child.

People Of Walsall, Where To Start?

Start with yourself as you can only teach when you know the way. Allow yourself to stop the negative talking and make a plan of how you would like to have your child think about you when you are no longer around. Or treat them how you would have liked to have been treated as a child.
Remember that life can be really easy when you think about it. Look at the nature around you, how other animals don’t have to shout at their kids. Also how the parents are always with them. Give it ago to find out how they change from unruly to excellent.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

Sometimes we need that little extra help in knowing how to talk and handle our children and if this is something that you feel you would like to know more of or how I can help you then please get in touch.

Angry Kids Need Anxiety Hypnosis.

Angry kids need my help because it can be very hard to get your child to stop being angry. This is because you are probably the one who caused the anger and you may not be able to undo what you have created. With the help of The Nexus Team you can help your child to feel more relaxed and less angry which would help you get control of the rest and start to build a better relationship with your child.

Further Info From Anxiety Hypnosis.

Taking action is really easy, so here are my contact details at Anxiety Hypnosis with The Nexus Team.

Look at my past blog on helping children at anxiety hypnosis helping anxious children.

Book a Free Complimentary Consultation to help you find that loving child.

What else can The Nexus Team help you with? Look at our page to see what we offer at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Please take the time to look at our reviews on Google on The Nexus Team Reviews.

You can also contact us in the usual ways.

My Contacts:

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

Helping you toward success.

The Nexus Team.

The Nexus Team Can Stop Your Fears With 8 Top Tips!


What Do You Fear Most In Your Life?



People from all walks of life have some fear of one sort or another and these can range from fears of the:

  • Dentist.
  • Public Speaking.
  • Spiders.
  • Wasps.
  • Dogs.
  • Open Spaces.
  • Closed Spaces.
  • Fear Of Commitment.
  • Fear Of Death.
  • Fear Of Germs.
  • Abandonment.
  • Water (Drowning).
  • Snakes.
  • Fear OF The Weather.
  • Flying.
  • Big Dippers.
  • Fear Of Clowns.
  • Fear Of Structures.
  • Birds/Feathers.
  • Hospitals/Doctors.
  • Operations.
  • Needles.
  • Fear Of Blood.
  • Lifts/Escalators.
  • The Dark.
  • Aliens.
  • Leaving Home.

The list could go on and on, but you get the idea of fear. Most of these fears are irrational because they are like being afraid of a Volcano. But if you’re never going near one, then this fear is totally irrational and you shouldn’t give it mind space.

Acceptable Fears.

Acceptable fears are those that are more natural fears. They would be:

  • Fear Of Falling.
  • Fear Of Loud Bangs.

Other than these two, this is about as much fear as you can have. Although you may have another natural fear which has been programmed from childhood, this would be the woods/forest. This is because fairy tales evoke fear of leaving home and ending up in the dark woods or the forest.

Fear Isn’t Real.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis helps the many people of Walsall to get rid of their fears and learn to be confident. Fear isn’t real because when you were young you feared the dark, but now you’re grown up, the fear of the dark has gone and so this proves that this fear wasn’t real. Although fears are like this.

Fear vs Non Fear.

If fear was true then everyone would experience the same fear, this would have everyone fearing DOGS, but this isn’t the case. If you want to start acting fearless, then start to copy people you know who don’t have the same fear you do. See how they act and behave, for example around dogs, how they get excited by seeing a dog. You copy them and your fears can go away – just like the fear of the dark now that you’re grown up.

The Nexus Team Gets You Confident.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis getting the people of Walsall more confident, as confidence is the key to stopping you feeling the fear. Confidence is what you need to overcome any old fears you have been hanging onto. Stop being a victim of the old fears that aren’t yours. The ones where you are probably just copying a parent who was fearful of a spider and you just copied them as your mind thought that this was the right thing to do – but rationally you know it isn’t.

Walsall & Beyond.

Whether in Walsall, Birmingham or the rest of the UK, The Nexus Team helps people overcome their:

  • Fears.
  • Phobias.
  • Worries.
  • Concerns.
  • Uncertainties.
  • Lack Of Self Esteem.

Helping them to have the antidote of:

  • Being Confident.
  • Being Motivated.
  • Standing Up For Themselves.
  • Being Fearless.
  • Having Courage.
  • Aiming For Success.
  • Believing In Their Abilities.

8 Top Tips To Help With Your Fears.

Remember that fear isn’t real and here are my top tips to help:

  • Walk Confidently.
  • Talk A Little Louder. (Up the Volume).
  • Think Of Only Success.
  • Think Of What Could Go Right In Your Life.
  • Positive Self Talk.
  • Don’t Believe In The Fear.
  • Only Respond Positively.

Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall With The Nexus Team Information Centre.

If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation, then please feel free to call me today.

Read my other blogs on: Fears and Phobias.

Read some of our reviews: In local directory in The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis or check out our web page on what people had to say.

Please like our Anxiety Hypnosis FaceBook Page where you will get the regular update on tips to help with the problems that people suffer today’s modern world

Remember that fear can make your world appear smaller as you shrink away – Being fearless makes your world bigger.

Helping you towards success.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To Lose Weight Living In Walsall.

Many people I see in my home town of Walsall have anxiety because they cannot lose weight and in a bitter pay off they become bigger. Not just the weight loss people of Walsall but also the rest of the country. I think most people could resonate their frustration towards anxiety because of their in ability to lose weight or even keep it off afterwards.

Is Anxiety Keeping You Fat?

Being a clinical Anxiety Hypnotherapist In Walsall for 12 years now, I see a lot of anxiety on the increase, whether this is from work, money situations, relationships, family matters, and of course the inability to lose any really substantial weight as the constant dieting never seems to end. And one of the reasons that you constantly fail to lose weight, is that you become more anxious. It seems to be a never ending cycle of comfort and emotional eating.

Is Anxiety Making You Eat.

Imagine for a moment that you were free of any form of emotional or comfort eating. How do you think you would approach food without the fear of anxiety. Anxiety and fear can help keep you fat. However that doesn’t mean you have to stay like that. Start to have the discipline by valuing yourself.

11 Tips To Help Reduce Anxiety For Weight Loss.

Weight Loss The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall

  •  1 Don’t have the fear of getting fat.
  •  2 Start to value yourself more.
  •  3 Fall in love with yourself.
  •  4 Remember this is only a temporary.
  •  5 Only feed you and not your fat.
  •  6 Get help to deal with any anxiety.
  •  7 Don’t do fad diets.
  •  8 Just eat a little less on every meal.
  •  9 Hunger goes after about 20 mins
  •  10 Stop feeding the hungry you and feed the real you.
  •  11 Cut out alcohol as this makes you put on weight.

80/20 Rule To Help Lose Weight.

The 80/20 Rule is about eating healthy 80% of your meals and the 20% is having what you fancy. Never have foods off limits but rather set rules, limitations and boundaries. Set an unbreakable rule e.g. Monday to Friday you don’t have alcohol or you don’t have a muffin at the coffee shop or what ever else you feel you could trim down on. Eventually you’ll trim down and will be feeling slimmer.

Anxiety Hypnosis Info With The Nexus Team.

You can look at some of my past blogs here: anxiety hypnosis 7 great tips to boost your confidence in Walsall.

A link for you If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation.

Or you would like to contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis contact me.

You can always download my free 7 solutions to axe anxiety with me The Nexus Team.

We can also help you with our Japanese style Jikiden Reiki.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is offering you more help and guidance with links to other blogs.

My blog link to help you with the fear of flying is The Nexus Team’s Flying Fabulously Tool Kit.

Please like us on FaceBook where you will find more tools to help you and motivational quotes.

Get help today to reduce your weight and size at:  Axe The Fat With Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.

FEARS & PHOBIAS IN WALSALL by The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

What is a Phobia?

Phobias are expressed by a total avoidance, to either doing or going anywhere near the subject of the phobia. e.g. If you have a phobia of dentists, this means you will do everything in your power never to go to the dentist. Even if you are in pain with your teeth, phobics would rather pull their own teeth out than visit a dentist. Of course this is only one example…

Anxiety Hypnosis

What is a Fear?

A fear has varying degrees of what is called a sliding scale of fear. This can range from mild fear to a really bad fear. People who may have a fear of the dentist, would be able to tolerate visiting the dentist. This again is dependant on the severity of the fear. As one might go on their own, another may find a sympathetic dentist and go at a quiet time. This is so that the fear can in some way be managed. Again this can go for other things that people are fearful of, such as needles, snakes, and dogs to name but a few.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To Manage Your Fears & Phobias In Walsall.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To manage your Fears & Phobias In Walsall is where I have developed special techniques to help people get over their issues. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with the fears or phobias any longer – so long as you really want to get rid of them!
At Anxiety Hypnosis, The Nexus Team will help you to get rid of the fears or phobias, and in many cases he will do this within 1 session. Even if you have failed before to get rid of your fears or phobias, then realise that I can help you.

3 Tips To Help You Manage Your Fears or Phobias.

# 1 Recognise whether this is a fear or phobia you are experiencing. If this is a fear or even a very strong fear, it is easier to deal with on your own than it is to manage a phobia. Managing a phobia can be quite draining as you are constantly on the lookout for danger. A fear isn’t nearly so bad. So now you know what it is you have and most people have a fear to one degree or another.

# 2 So if this is a fear, you have probably taken avoidance most of your life. However this has never cured your fear. One of the best things that you can do is to face what it is that you fear. But don’t rush into this. Set out some rules, limitations and guidelines to make sure you conquer this. e.g could be that you want to get over your fear of heights. Start to get used to the height before you progress to the next level. Let your thoughts become comfortable before you move onwards and upwards.

# 3 If you have a severe phobia, then more than likely you will have to see a specialist that deals with your phobia. Other than that, you can get rid of your fear by knowing as much as you can on that subject. i.e. If you fear spiders, then it might help to know about the spider that you fear. It will not be a deadly spider that you’ll probably never come into contact with – but just the everyday house spider that we have in the UK. Remember that knowledge is power and understanding the spider will help you disarm the negative fears it has had over you.

Anxiety Hypnosis Offering You More Help & Guidance.

  • The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is offering you more help and guidance with links to other blogs as well as how to contact me .
  • Also you can get The Nexus Team’s Anxiety Hypnosis 7 Solutions To Axe Anxiety.
  • My blog link to help you with the fear of flying with The Nexus Team’s Flying Fabulously Tool Kit.
  • My blog link to help you with a journal to help you get organised, this can help you improve by creating a positive mindset.
  • Remember to get you Free Complimentary Consultation.
  • Please look out for future blogs, tips, tricks, and strategies to help you abolish anxiety forever with The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.
  • Our aim is to get you feeling positive, confident, successful. All available in Walsall also we offer you the chance to try our Reiki Healing available in Walsall & Pelsall.

Helping you towards success.

6 Quick and easy ways to avoid a panic attack in Walsall

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing Walsall

Know exactly what it is that you panic over…

#1 Know exactly what it is that you panic over, e.g if you panic over seeing a spider, is it the size – how quick it can move – or it only bothers you in the house. Once you break this down you can start to readjust what it is that scares you and you can work on that specific problem. If it is all of them in this example then you need to look into having hypnotherapy.

Get better control over your thoughts

#2 To help you get better control over your thoughts you have to start to get discipline over your thinking. How disciplined are you? You can see those people who have to eat a whole packet of biscuits rather than just having a couple. Where is their discipline… What about those who go to a gym and never go again. Of course the list could be endless as we keep on putting things off…  So start to have discipline in your life.

Your own personal mantras.

#3 …STOP – STOP – STOP!!! using negative words or sayings. Your own personal mantras of negativity can be your own personal destructive mechanism. You have to start saying and thinking positive thoughts. This may seem strange to begin with , but soon it will start to feel natural. e.g. I feel better today than yesterday, I feel more calm and relaxed than I have felt in a long time…

Surround yourself by people who will support you.

#4 Surround yourself by people who will support you, by feeling calm and not panicking any longer. We class these people as either ‘drains or radiators’. Realise who drains you or who makes you feel radiated with positivity.

80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity.

#5 Do more things that make you feel good as this could be an 80 – 20 rule. 80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity in your life and the other 20% maybe to do with a job you may not like or a family member that you don’t always get on with. Once the balance tips towards you, you can then do a 20% of being positive and you’ll feel much better 80% on the time.

Do I really need to have a panic attack.

#6 Having a panic attack is just something you have learned as you didn’t come into the world having a panic attack. So start to relax and think for a moment – Do I really need to have a panic attack right now or do I have the mental capacity to have discipline to be relaxed and positive right now.

Helpful Information from Anxiety hypnosis 

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing can be a source of learning with the many blogs that are available to you. Change with Decisions Anxiety & Reiki Therapy – Blog post or read about my 10 tools social-anxiety-affecting-you-walsall.
You can contact me to know more and to get my free complimentary consultation or just meet up over a cup of coffee. Anxiety Hypnosis contact-me.
You can call me M:01922302065 or T: 01922 285 118
Please feel free to download my complimentary gift to you for taking the time to visit my site right here: Anxiety Hypnosis 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety.

Helping you towards success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Giving You 7 Great Tips To Boost Your Confidence.

Ground Rules.

Here are a few ground rules to begin with, when boosting your confidence. If you apply my 7 great tips to boost your confidence you will start to be perceived as a confident individual that is self assured with a purpose and has a direction in life.

Everyone is born with confidence, but as we grow up it can be difficult to handle. It can be perceived by others that you are cocky or arrogant or having a chip on your shoulder, and most people want to knock that chip off your shoulder.

Losing Your Confidence.

As you grow up, you let people chip away at your confidence little by little or in some cases all at once. This can happen with people you class as friends, or in a relationship, or parents, teachers and so on.

How does this happen?

You allow this to happen by agreeing with them whenever you are criticised in some way. You start to question your own confidence and if more than one person picks up on the same fault (that you think you have) then you will agree with them that you are lacking confidence.

Confidence_level_shutterstock_1404190127 Great Tips To Boost Your Confidence

#1 Spot the signs of those around you who criticise your abilities and your confidence.

#2 Ditch those that make you feel insecure or better still question their true values towards you.

#3 Start to act confidently. Have a body posture that looks confident. (Pretend and fake it if you have to).

#4 Have a strong loud voice that is clear as the voice will make you become confident.

#5 Do little things to bring back a strong level of confidence. i.e. Asking a shop assistant for help etc…

#6 Don’t put yourself down just because others have done this to you. Start to believe in yourself.

#7 Stand in front of a mirror, then strike a CONFIDENT posture and do this for 2 mins twice a day.


That you are the one that can control the amount of confidence you have, you can have as much confidence to do whatever you want with your confidence.

It is your given right to have confidence and you are allowed to show your confidence everyday. We are allowed to have many confident moments in our life. So start showing confidence to others and people who like you will respect your confidence.
Alcohol & Confidence.

Drinking to excess to feel confident will never really work and will only mask your own ability to prove once and for all that you are confident. So lay off the alcohol for the dutch courage. Start to build some self belief.

Getting Professional Help.

Some of you will require professional help to get you over the mental stumbling block of lacking confidence. At Anxiety Hypnosis I have helped many people and children to have more confidence than they thought was possible and I know you are just like them. I believe in you more than you do, I know you can show your confidence if you really want it.

If you are fed up with the restraints that the lack of confidence brings you and you know that you would benefit with my help, I will only be too happy to help you get your confidence back.

The Nexus Team will show you how to be confident as there are 1000’s upon 1000’s of people who lack confidence.

Remember that you can only hide the lack of confidence for so long because one day you will have to have confidence to do something and you will soon realise that you don’t have any.

This could be with relationships, an interview with work, promotions, meeting new people or social anxiety as this requires CONFIDENCE to overcome social fears and dreads etc…

Get your free complimentary consultation by booking here today at anxiety hypnosis contact me.

You can also get some more great tips on anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety. So you can have 14 tip to help you right now.

If you would like a private 1-2-1 session with me and you are in the Birmingham area a of either Pelsall or Walsall, then I can help you.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is Helping You Towards Success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You With Depression.


phoneThose of you who suffer with or from depression need to read this.

It will be of no surprise that people with depression know how bad it can make you feel.

This is more on self analogy and what you could consider changing about yourself to get over depression.

You were not born being depressed, this maybe hard to take on board, but depression is only created by you and nobody else.

Some people are on medication for depression and this is up to you and your doctor to know if you can come off anti depressant medication. But all to often people become too reliant on being medicated.

One of the first things is to realise that like all emotions it is okay to feel depressed. But as with other emotions we experience such as laughing, happy, motivated, crying and so on, you only do these for a while and then move on to another emotion, such as being relaxed.

So in other words it’s okay to be depressed for a while and then come out of it and experience another emotion. Just don’t stay in with a depressed feeling. When you laugh, you don’t keep laughing all the while or if you yawn, you don’t continue, as with crying. You can only cry for so long and then you stop. Start to have the same ability with feeling depressed. (Don’t stay there).

If you are supporting many other negative feelings, e.g. feeling anxious, worried, fearful, having panic attacks, your mind is carrying all the weight of your problems and this becomes your depression.

Depression is you being pressed down into the ground as you balance all the weight of your problems.

You can change, I have helped many people to come out of depression and off medication with doctors supervision and to lead a normal life once more.

Rather than a depression, start to make an impression upon yourself. So what can you do?

Here are some tips to start you on your journey of change.

#1 Pick one emotion that you could do without and change it today. e.g. Begin to worry less and if a worrying thought comes into your head then stop it and think of a wonderful moment in your life.

#2 Once you have an emotion under control, start to work on another one. i.e this could be stay more relaxed and practice breathing techniques.

#3 If you are on medication visit your doctor and ask if it is possible to have a reduction in the strength of the medication to help work your way off the medication.

#4 Notice that some people with depression look depressed by the way they move and hold their heads and they generally talk slower.

#5 Change #4 if this is you. How? By walking upright, also have your chin angled slightly upwards. Have your shoulders back, with stomach held in and breathe from the top part of your chest. Also talking a little bit quicker will stop that depressed voice.

#6 Continue to work away at your depression no matter how bad things may feel. Soon you will look back and realise how far you have come.

If you need a 1-2-1 session with me to kick start you away from feeling depressed and would want to feel better about yourself then contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

You can also download my free anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety, this will start to help you with those other negative emotions that you have been holding onto.

Get your free anxiety hypnosis complimentary consultation to see if I can be of help to you.

I am available in the Birmingham area, Pelsall or Walsall. With The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

You may also find that you would benefit from my  Anxiety Hypnosis Japanese Reiki Sessions, you can read about the benefits on Anxiety Hypnosis Jikiden Reiki.

Hopefully this has been of some help for you. I wish you well on you becoming free of depression and remember you were not born being depressed.

Helping you towards success.

The New Year Relationship

hypnotherapy-marriage-relationship-issuesThe New Year Relationship can go horribly sour at this time of the year as well as all the stress that comes along, it’s no wonder that relationships tend to breakdown.

Not only do you have to put up with normal stress, you also have the stress of your relationship falling to pieces around you.

This can be difficult at anytime of the year, however it seems to be much worse over the festive period.

What Can You Do To Make Amends?

Don’t have any knee jerk reaction to what has been said, as you will regret it in the long run.

Don’t blame each other as this is probably just over a situation you find yourself in and really not any one’s fault.

Don’t use any children as a weapon to hurt the other person.

You Can See Me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

I have helped many people with relationship issues in the past, to overcome their problems and make a full recovery, so to speak.

I can help you both, because I won’t judge either of you, as the outcome is to help get you back together again.

If your relationship is not retrievable I can help you both be mature about the separation particularly with children. Making it easier by helping you through any rough emotions that you are going through right now.

If you need help, I can be your personal mediator to help get your relationship back on track.

I know couples who seek other forms of counselling, when the counsellor/mediator has chosen one side over the other, to the detriment of that person or the relationship in general.

You can both come and see me for a Free Complimentary Consultation and lets get you both being happy again.

Also you could benefit from listening to my 10 mins relations audio that is available on my anxiety hypnosis personal hypnotic relaxing trance

For your general welfare of helping you to reduce your everyday anxiety, stress, and worry you can get my free anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety. which is fee to download with my compliments.

If you need to chat or would like to see me and help you with getting your relationship mended again. Then please contact me and anxiety hypnosis contact me.

You can read more information on my past blogs on fears, stress, worry, anxiety, phobias etcetera. Available at my anxiety hypnosis blog.

What type Of Therapy To Help You?

Therapy of either Hypnosis, EMDR,  NLP, and Reiki can all have a benefit on your well-being. Available in the Birmingham area of Walsall and Pelsall.

The Nexus Team can help as a relate or marriage guidance with non judgemental therapist.


Remember to just love one another more now as you both need this more than ever before.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You towards Success.