6 Quick and easy ways to avoid a panic attack in Walsall

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing Walsall

Know exactly what it is that you panic over…

#1 Know exactly what it is that you panic over, e.g if you panic over seeing a spider, is it the size – how quick it can move – or it only bothers you in the house. Once you break this down you can start to readjust what it is that scares you and you can work on that specific problem. If it is all of them in this example then you need to look into having hypnotherapy.

Get better control over your thoughts

#2 To help you get better control over your thoughts you have to start to get discipline over your thinking. How disciplined are you? You can see those people who have to eat a whole packet of biscuits rather than just having a couple. Where is their discipline… What about those who go to a gym and never go again. Of course the list could be endless as we keep on putting things off…  So start to have discipline in your life.

Your own personal mantras.

#3 …STOP – STOP – STOP!!! using negative words or sayings. Your own personal mantras of negativity can be your own personal destructive mechanism. You have to start saying and thinking positive thoughts. This may seem strange to begin with , but soon it will start to feel natural. e.g. I feel better today than yesterday, I feel more calm and relaxed than I have felt in a long time…

Surround yourself by people who will support you.

#4 Surround yourself by people who will support you, by feeling calm and not panicking any longer. We class these people as either ‘drains or radiators’. Realise who drains you or who makes you feel radiated with positivity.

80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity.

#5 Do more things that make you feel good as this could be an 80 – 20 rule. 80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity in your life and the other 20% maybe to do with a job you may not like or a family member that you don’t always get on with. Once the balance tips towards you, you can then do a 20% of being positive and you’ll feel much better 80% on the time.

Do I really need to have a panic attack.

#6 Having a panic attack is just something you have learned as you didn’t come into the world having a panic attack. So start to relax and think for a moment – Do I really need to have a panic attack right now or do I have the mental capacity to have discipline to be relaxed and positive right now.

Helpful Information from Anxiety hypnosis 

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing can be a source of learning with the many blogs that are available to you. Change with Decisions Anxiety & Reiki Therapy – Blog post or read about my 10 tools social-anxiety-affecting-you-walsall.
You can contact me to know more and to get my free complimentary consultation or just meet up over a cup of coffee. Anxiety Hypnosis contact-me.
You can call me M:01922302065 or T: 01922 285 118
Please feel free to download my complimentary gift to you for taking the time to visit my site right here: Anxiety Hypnosis 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety.

Helping you towards success.