“Tiredness Can Seriously Damage Your Health”.

Sleep Deprivation With The Walsall People.

Tiredness can seriously damage your health, sleep deprivation can cause a number of issues with Walsall people also with people anywhere else in the country. You don’t need me to tell you that you need to sleep, but did you know that long term sleep deprivation can seriously damage your health both physically and mentally .

What Are The Side Effects Of Sleep Deprivation.

  • Irritability.
  • Depression.
  • Forgetfulness.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Sleeping pills.
  • Time lost from work.
  • Health problems.
  • Anxiety.
  • No quality of sleep.
  • Soreness of tired eyes.
  • Heart palpation.
  • Dropping off to sleep at the wrong time. (Driving)
 Lake Of Concentration Without Sleep

    Lack Of Concentration Without Sleep

The Selfishness Of Sleep.

The selfishness of sleep means that you drop off to sleep at any moment of the day. Because we have busy lifestyles we have to be awake for all of them e.g. driving, working machinery, being at school or in an important meeting. Taking care of the family including having young children as you may know all to well what it can feel like to have your sleep broken by a crying baby. The part of you that sends you to sleep, can send you to sleep wherever you are and whatever you are doing and this can possibly kill you.

What Can You Do To Sleep Better.

You have to prepare to go to sleep, you may find that you can sleep better when you are on holiday or you have not got anything to be worried about. So realise that you can sleep, it’s either not the right place or the right time to do so. You will never feel that you have had a good sleep while you are asleep. A good sleep will only be recognised when you are awake.

10 Things To Do To Get A Better Sleep.

  • 1 Lavender is a great way to help you sleep if you place this by your pillow or a few drops of lavender oil on a tissue placed by you during the night.
  • 2 Stop the tossing and turning because this will keep you awake.
  • 3 Keep still for 15 minuets and this will help you go to sleep
  • 4 Tell yourself that you are going to sleep tonight. (positive self talk).
  • 5 Seek hypnosis to help you reprogramme your sleeping patterns.
  • 6 Try EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), this is a way of helping you to combat what has been keeping you awake.
  • 7 Check that any side effects of medication isn’t affecting you from sleeping.
  • 8 Count back from 900 very – very slowly and only say the number when you breath out. (This can take about 15 mins).
  • 9 No looking at either computer or phone screens at least an hour before you go to bed.
  • 10 Make your sleeping space a place of calm tranquil settings that you know you would like to sleep in.

The Nexus Team At Anxiety Hypnosis + Reiki Healing.

Reiki healing is a great way to calm down a busy mind and also it aids sleep, so you might want to consider that holistic approach to helping you get over the problem that has being depriving you of a very natural thing and that is to sleep. But try out the 10 ways to help you get a rested sleep and if you require more intervention to help with sleeping please contact me.

Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall With The Nexus Team Information Centre.

If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation, then please feel free to book yours today.

You can view and read what my past clients have to say. Read my 5 star reviews on Facebook  also The Best Of Walsall Reviews.

Read my other blogs on: insomnia sending you mad… also you can read past blog posts that maybe of interest to you.

Remember that your sleep deprivation could be down to high levels of feeling anxious. You can get my free instant download to help with positive ways to help with your anxiety with my 7 solutions to axe your anxiety.

Why not check out our Jikiden Reiki page to satisfy your curiosity with the other positive wellness that it can bring you.

Helping you towards success.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Turn your thoughts around with The Nexus Team

Turn your thoughts around with The Nexus Team

Chronic Stress Ruins Your Life & Your Brain.

Chronic Stress Ruins Your Life & Your Brain As The People Of Walsall Will Experience.

Chronic stress is a more intense form of your everyday stress. We all know that stress is no good for us and yet we put up with it on a daily basis as we tend to feel that we have become immune to its relentless pressure. When we’re younger we feel we can cope better but as we get older we have to work harder to battle against its constant wear and tear on our bodies. An older body and mind takes longer and longer to repair.

Is Good Stress, Good For You?

We all get stressed throughout the day on a daily basis, whether at work or at home. Some stress can make us perform better as it can awaken our mind to be active and focus on the task at hand. But we tend not to relax after the stress which means we’re always on heightened alert. This means the constant increase in cortisol levels also the adrenalin is at a constant drip feed. This can damage your body and if you do have chronic stress this can over time weaken the brain with fewer neurons growing. So long term stress is not the ideal situation that you want to be in for too long.

What Can You Do To Combat Your Stress.

Creating the reverse effects of your stress is to let go of it after you have found yourself in a stressful situation. The more you practice this the easier it will become. You can use exercise to help you and this will help your body release the stress that you continue to hold onto. You can also meditate, as you learn this skill you will have instant access to switch off or in other words to quieten your mind. You can also have fun with your thoughts by thinking of relaxing times. But also do this before your stress is too out of control, by this I mean you need to nip it in the bud early and not wait until you are totally stressed out.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis In Walsall.

Helping clients to overcome their stress is fairly easy so long as you don’t constantly look for stress in your life or keep talking about stress or stressful problems. Everyone gets stressed and really no one wants to listen to your stress as they have enough of their own. I have found that people like to act stressed to make a point of how hard they worked to achieve something in their live. Because the more stressed we can appear the more worthy we are of getting some sort of recognition.

Anxiety Hypnosis Antidote.

Your antidote has to be your positive thinking, also you may need to visit a hypnotherapist for more powerful ways to access your mind and help bring about a resolution towards your cure. The other thing that you can do is to think like this. Because it’s not just stress or chronic stress, it is also worry, tension, bad situations, negative thinking, frustration, anger, negative belief systems as you will probably have your own.
But ultimately you are looking for relaxation, peace, respect, joy, kindness, and love in all that you do and are. As you are not made of stress you are much more than this and you now owe it to yourself to be the person that you where meant to be.

Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall With The Nexus Team Information Centre.

If you need further help with your anxiety or any problem then please contact us at Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Page.

You can also get my free instant download to Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety.

You can also look at what my past clients had to say with video testimonials of what people are saying in Walsall about anxiety hypnosis the people of Walsall.

You can read more at my blog site with lots of tools and tips: anxiety the cause of cancer.

Remember children get stressed to and recognising this is key to your child feeling happier about themselves. kids stress anger by anxiety hypnosis

Helping you towards success.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Walsall Smokers Coughing So Hard That It’s Possible To Wench Out A Lung.

A 40 year old woman coughed so hard that part of her lung came out the side of her chest. So it is possible to cough out a lung? …Well it would seem to be true! Was this your dream when you decided to start smoking. I’m guessing not, but it’s the cold hard reality of what you can do to yourself when you chose to smoke.

Deluded By Your Negative Belief System.

Stopping smoking whether in Walsall or anywhere else for that matter can be achieved. You can stop smoking with ease if that is what you want. But people believe that it is hard to stop and I would say this is the media that has fed you these lies. Because if it was hard to stop then why do others just chose to stop and never pick up another packet again. Which one are you?

Which Method To Stop Smoking Is Best For You?

We know there are a number of ways to stop smoking:Stop Smoking Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Walsall

  • Cutting down until you stop completely.
  • Going cold turkey.
  • Nicotine patches.
  • Nicotine replacement gum.
  • Mouth sprays.
  • E-cigarettes.
  • Your own will.
  • Money intensive.
  • Family pressures to quit.
  • Health reasons.
  • Peer pressure.
  • Feelings of guilt.
  • You’ve had a medical scare.
  • Hypnotherapy.
  • New Hobby.

Which Is Best For You?

Without being bias, it is far more easier to quit smoking using hypnosis and this has a better chance of success because hypnotherapy accesses the part of your mind responsible for smoking. This type of treatment cannot be done with anything else on the list. But you can try and work your way through them until you find one that works better for you.

The Nexus Team At Anxiety Hypnosis Stopping Smoking.

Over the years I have helped many smokers to quit, with many stopping in one session. You too can have the same experience because your body can begin to feel much healthier after 20 mins. After a few days pass you begin to feel your energy return as all the debris from your lungs gets cleared out.

Your Future Via Anxiety Hypnosis.

As you must now realise you were never born a smoker and any problem you had as a child was sorted out without cigarettes. You never needed a cigarette to help you de-stress when you were a child. Smoking is a fools game and I’m sure your no fool. Fools don’t gamble with their lives no matter how hard or trying things have become now that they are grown up.

10 Things You Can Do To help Stop You Smoking.

  • Wean yourself off cigarettes slowly with a day in mind of when you are a non smoker.
  • Don’t carry cigarettes with you.
  • Set rules, limitations, and boundaries when still smoking
  • Start to build on your confidence.
  • Have value in yourself as your body is the only thing that you can live in.
  • Have a structure and discipline in place and stick to it.
  • Set a realistic date to be free of smoking.
  • Don’t replace cigarettes with sweets or food.
  • Tell yourself 100 times a day that you are a non smoker.
  • If you need more intervention-seek help from an hypnotherapist.

Why??  …No-Really,  …Why?

It is equally important as to know why you want to stop smoking – realise this when times, habits, routines trigger those moments when you feel like a cigarette. This is the time when you focus on the reason why you have stopped smoking and you mentally recreate your why! This will in effect be your wakeup call to consciously notice that you are now a non smoker. Never lose the why purpose to why you wanted to stop in the first place.

Also this is going to help you lose all the unwanted anxiety towards smoking and that has to be empowering for you as well as a confident boost towards your self esteem.

Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall With The Nexus Team Information Centre.

If you need further help with your anxiety or any problem then please contact us at Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Page.

You can also get my free instant download to Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety.

You can also look at what my past clients had to say with video testimonials of the people of Walsall.

You can read more at my blog site with lots of tools and tips change-with-a-decision-anxiety-hypnosis-reiki-therapy

So if you live in the Walsall area, it is convenient for you to come and visit me and be a non smoker for good!

So start saving today when you quit by ending your relationships with cigarettes with me The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing before it’s too late and you cough up a lung.

Helping you towards success.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Here’s Why 50% Of Your Anxiety Is Not Yours…

Man anxiety The Nexus Team Walsall HypnosisThere Are More Men Than Women Suffering From Anxiety.

More men than women

I see lots of people suffering with anxiety, I am seeing a shift in the dynamics that more men are having deeper issues of anxiety as in the past it was more women. Men maybe just starting to realise that there is help out there. Once they take the commitment to talk about their problems, they realise that it’s not so bad to talk about it.

So Is Your Anxiety Really Yours.

So is your anxiety really yours to begin with? We can catch anxiety from other people because this is how we learn to do anything throughout our lives, we just copy. We are no more than a biological copying machine. This may happen because we learn to worry from our close family members and at some point later in our lives we manifest the same issues. So the anxiety that you maybe having, means 50% of that could be learnt from someone else. This is especially true if you are a sensitive soul and you can be unconscious to the anxiety that is rife throughout our cities and towns.

Start To Filter Your World.

Start to filter your world by thinking that you have an antivirus software running in your mind, just as you would have an antivirus on your computer. Now when you have an anxiety attack, run your virus checker to eliminate your anxiety. This is a great tip to use wherever you are, it can instantly lessen your anxiety attack.

9 Tools & Tips To Manage Your Anxiety.

  • 1 Use the mental antivirus of your mind.
  • 2 Remember that your anxiety could be off someone else and so not yours.
  • 3 Practice your mental work of positive thinking.
  • 4 If you start to shake, then let it out, even force the shaking.
  • 5 Don’t be afraid of telling people how your feeling.
  • 6 You may have to feel venerable before you can move forward to rid yourself of anxiety.
  • 7 STOP saying that you are worried as this tells your mind how to think-and that’s means worried!
  • 8 Take a nice stroll with nature, in the park, woods, or by the sea.
  • 9 Ditch people who feed you negative thoughts.
  • The Nexus Team At Anxiety Hypnosis In Walsall.

How Bad Is Your Anxiety Effecting You?

Some people’s anxiety is really bad and needs some sort of therapy, whatever that may be. Hypnosis is a great way to help heal the mind as your mental thinking is key on how to function on a daily basis, without getting bogged down worrying and negative thinking. You may have reached that point in your life when it is time to seek help for your anxiety. You was not born with anxiety as this is a programme that you have learned and developed with your own style.

Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall With The Nexus Team Information Centre.

  1. If you need further help with your anxiety or any problem then please contact us at Anxiety Hypnosis.
  2. You can also get my free instant download to Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety.
  3. You can also look at what my past clients had to say with video testimonials of the people of Walsall.
  4. Some of my clients love to just relax with a great session of Reiki Healing and you can read about this on our Anxiety Hypnosis Jikiden Reiki Page.
  5. You can read more at my blog site with lots of tools and tips 8 Anxiety Hypnosis Busting Tips.
  6. Try my Anxiety Hypnosis complimentary consultation. Get the opportunity to meet and discuss your particular problem in detail also I’ll explain how hypnosis can benefit you.

Helping you towards success.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To Lose Weight Living In Walsall.

Many people I see in my home town of Walsall have anxiety because they cannot lose weight and in a bitter pay off they become bigger. Not just the weight loss people of Walsall but also the rest of the country. I think most people could resonate their frustration towards anxiety because of their in ability to lose weight or even keep it off afterwards.

Is Anxiety Keeping You Fat?

Being a clinical Anxiety Hypnotherapist In Walsall for 12 years now, I see a lot of anxiety on the increase, whether this is from work, money situations, relationships, family matters, and of course the inability to lose any really substantial weight as the constant dieting never seems to end. And one of the reasons that you constantly fail to lose weight, is that you become more anxious. It seems to be a never ending cycle of comfort and emotional eating.

Is Anxiety Making You Eat.

Imagine for a moment that you were free of any form of emotional or comfort eating. How do you think you would approach food without the fear of anxiety. Anxiety and fear can help keep you fat. However that doesn’t mean you have to stay like that. Start to have the discipline by valuing yourself.

11 Tips To Help Reduce Anxiety For Weight Loss.

Weight Loss The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall

  •  1 Don’t have the fear of getting fat.
  •  2 Start to value yourself more.
  •  3 Fall in love with yourself.
  •  4 Remember this is only a temporary.
  •  5 Only feed you and not your fat.
  •  6 Get help to deal with any anxiety.
  •  7 Don’t do fad diets.
  •  8 Just eat a little less on every meal.
  •  9 Hunger goes after about 20 mins
  •  10 Stop feeding the hungry you and feed the real you.
  •  11 Cut out alcohol as this makes you put on weight.

80/20 Rule To Help Lose Weight.

The 80/20 Rule is about eating healthy 80% of your meals and the 20% is having what you fancy. Never have foods off limits but rather set rules, limitations and boundaries. Set an unbreakable rule e.g. Monday to Friday you don’t have alcohol or you don’t have a muffin at the coffee shop or what ever else you feel you could trim down on. Eventually you’ll trim down and will be feeling slimmer.

Anxiety Hypnosis Info With The Nexus Team.

You can look at some of my past blogs here: anxiety hypnosis 7 great tips to boost your confidence in Walsall.

A link for you If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation.

Or you would like to contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis contact me.

You can always download my free 7 solutions to axe anxiety with me The Nexus Team.

We can also help you with our Japanese style Jikiden Reiki.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is offering you more help and guidance with links to other blogs.

My blog link to help you with the fear of flying is The Nexus Team’s Flying Fabulously Tool Kit.

Please like us on FaceBook where you will find more tools to help you and motivational quotes.

Get help today to reduce your weight and size at:  Axe The Fat With Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.

Is Social Anxiety affecting you and particularly the people of Walsall.
10 Tools Helping You Deal With Social Anxiety…

What Is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a collection of emotions that lead to anxiety when meeting people in a social environment. This can range from a mild uneasiness to a full blown panic attack. This fear of meeting people can come on at anytime during your life and for no apparent reason apart from not dealing with the stresses you have put yourself under. So this becomes the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak.

Social Anxiety Symptoms.

Social Anxiety from The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing Walsall
Social anxiety symptoms can include:

Rapid heart beat.
Fear of ridicule.
Rapid breathing rate.
Feeling sick.
Bad cramps in your stomach.
Excess sweating.
Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.
Feeling of being overwhelmed.
Not being able to think straight.
Loosing your concentration.
Temporary memory loss.
Not knowing how to talk to others.
Uncomfortable peer pressure.
Feeling that others are judging you.
Feeling that others are better than you.
Loss of confidence.
Not wanting to stand out.
Not drawing any attention to yourself.
Taking avoidance measures.
Fainting. low blood pressure

The good news is that no one ever died of social anxiety.

What Can You Do To Stop Social Anxiety.

Going out is not necessarily the first answer to deal with your social anxiety because you’re trying to do something that you cannot do, this can push you back further.
Seeing a therapist can help because they know how to uncover the root cause of your problem also they can reframe your negativity into a positive.
Getting support from family and friends, also telling people who you meet as they will be more sympathetic than you realise and may even relay stories of how they overcame their social anxiety.
You can always laugh at your problem as laughter is one of the biggest and most powerful cures you can have. You can also learn to place your attention onto something else, so as not to focus on the social anxiety.

Social Media In Walsall.

You could say social media has a negative role to play as friends become virtual friends and so we become dissociated from them. Just as you might view a war scene on the news, it never really affect you and 2 mins later you forget about it, even thought the conflict is very real. This is a dissociation towards the real world as the comfort of home is our security blanket and leaving our home is taking away the security, then you are exposed and vulnerable. So the only way the mind and body can get you to feel safe again it to give you all these negative emotions, so that you’ll return back home to your security blanket.

My Top Tools To Help Social Anxiety.

# 1 Remember to start meeting real people and not virtual ones. i.e. social media or games.
# 2 Get coached on how to meet and greet people.
# 3 Face and feel the fear and do it anyway.
# 4 Realise that you always survived a social anxious moment no matter how bad it was.
# 5 Tell people that you have social anxiety and they will understand you better and you too will feel relieved.
# 6 Don’t let social anxiety define who you really are.
# 7 Start to do things that you have avoided in the past and become braver.
# 8 Start to build on your confidence and use your confidence.
# 9 Check that any medication you are taking is not making you feel social anxiety or paranoia .
#10 Every day practice smiling at new people in the street and say hello you’ll get a smile back and a nice greeting.

The Nexus Team

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis has helped people overcome their social anxiety, stress, worries, and fear. But you also need to become fearless, brave, confident, and then you will feel the benefits of success, relief, happiness, joy, and being relaxed when you meet anyone in any situation.

Helpful Links For You From Anxiety Hypnosis.

You can look at some of my past blogs here: anxiety hypnosis 6 quick and easy ways to avoid a panic attack in Walsall
If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation or you would like to contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis contact me.
You can always download my free 7 solutions to axe anxiety with me The Nexus Team. We can also help you withour Janpanesse style Jikiden Reiki

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Stop Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) For Walsall People

Why do people suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Walsall?

IBS Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall The Nexus Team Christine Reiki

Firstly What Is A Syndrome?

This is set as a group of symptoms that systematically occur together, or a precondition characterised usually as a set of associated symptoms that can lead to your condition such as IBS.

There is no real test that a medical professional can do to diagnose this condition, e.g. a blood test etc. You can only explain your symptoms, the doctor can with the information you have provided come to an opinion that this indicates that you have IBS.So far there isn’t any medication to be offered apart from either a conscious decision to eat or try variations of food.

You Have 3 Brains

You have 3 brains in your body. Your head brain, your heart brain, and your gut brain. Emotional problems can live in one of these areas. IBS sufferers, the chronic anxiety that is a cause of IBS is manifesting itself in the gut.

Your Emotional Gut.

Your Emotional Gut holds onto nerves and worry. If you’re taking a test you can end up having to go to the toilet more often. Holding onto negative emotions, lets them stay in your gut, this can lead to IBS. In other words your gut is in a high state of anxiety. So hopefully you can see the importance in ridding yourself of anxiety by creating a stress free lifestyle or to reduce your stress.

What Can I Do About Treating IBS?

Treating IBS can be a state of altering your mindset to cope with anxiety and stress in a more productive way. Or you can visit an IBS therapist who can help you. Hypnosis is a great way to help you overcome your anxiety. Once you deal with the symptoms you can rid yourself of IBS.

Remember there are accumulative ways your body goes through in order to have the condition of IBS. If you can break the emotional link that bonds these symptoms together, then you stand a good chance of chasing out negativity, tension, anger, and anxiousness that can eventually lead to IBS.

Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing.

Anxiety Hypnosis and Reiki Healing with The Nexus Team and Christine can help balance the negative stress either through hypnosis or reiki healing. Children can also suffer from IBS, so it is equally important to get them the help they need. We have track records of helping children with IBS. If we can be of help for you, then please contact us at Anxiety Hypnosis.

You can also have a free complimentary consultation for you to learn more of how we can help. Also see what we offer at anxiety hypnosis. In the meantime please download our 7 solutions to axe anxiety.

Here is a related Blog to help with 8 anxiety hypnosis busting tips because the more tools you have to rely on the better your chances of thriving when you have an anxious moment.

Also take a look at our style of healing with Jikiden Reiki and the benefits it can bring you.

Helping towards success

The Nexus Team.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

FEARS & PHOBIAS IN WALSALL by The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

What is a Phobia?

Phobias are expressed by a total avoidance, to either doing or going anywhere near the subject of the phobia. e.g. If you have a phobia of dentists, this means you will do everything in your power never to go to the dentist. Even if you are in pain with your teeth, phobics would rather pull their own teeth out than visit a dentist. Of course this is only one example…

Anxiety Hypnosis

What is a Fear?

A fear has varying degrees of what is called a sliding scale of fear. This can range from mild fear to a really bad fear. People who may have a fear of the dentist, would be able to tolerate visiting the dentist. This again is dependant on the severity of the fear. As one might go on their own, another may find a sympathetic dentist and go at a quiet time. This is so that the fear can in some way be managed. Again this can go for other things that people are fearful of, such as needles, snakes, and dogs to name but a few.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To Manage Your Fears & Phobias In Walsall.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To manage your Fears & Phobias In Walsall is where I have developed special techniques to help people get over their issues. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with the fears or phobias any longer – so long as you really want to get rid of them!
At Anxiety Hypnosis, The Nexus Team will help you to get rid of the fears or phobias, and in many cases he will do this within 1 session. Even if you have failed before to get rid of your fears or phobias, then realise that I can help you.

3 Tips To Help You Manage Your Fears or Phobias.

# 1 Recognise whether this is a fear or phobia you are experiencing. If this is a fear or even a very strong fear, it is easier to deal with on your own than it is to manage a phobia. Managing a phobia can be quite draining as you are constantly on the lookout for danger. A fear isn’t nearly so bad. So now you know what it is you have and most people have a fear to one degree or another.

# 2 So if this is a fear, you have probably taken avoidance most of your life. However this has never cured your fear. One of the best things that you can do is to face what it is that you fear. But don’t rush into this. Set out some rules, limitations and guidelines to make sure you conquer this. e.g could be that you want to get over your fear of heights. Start to get used to the height before you progress to the next level. Let your thoughts become comfortable before you move onwards and upwards.

# 3 If you have a severe phobia, then more than likely you will have to see a specialist that deals with your phobia. Other than that, you can get rid of your fear by knowing as much as you can on that subject. i.e. If you fear spiders, then it might help to know about the spider that you fear. It will not be a deadly spider that you’ll probably never come into contact with – but just the everyday house spider that we have in the UK. Remember that knowledge is power and understanding the spider will help you disarm the negative fears it has had over you.

Anxiety Hypnosis Offering You More Help & Guidance.

  • The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is offering you more help and guidance with links to other blogs as well as how to contact me .
  • Also you can get The Nexus Team’s Anxiety Hypnosis 7 Solutions To Axe Anxiety.
  • My blog link to help you with the fear of flying with The Nexus Team’s Flying Fabulously Tool Kit.
  • My blog link to help you with a journal to help you get organised, this can help you improve by creating a positive mindset.
  • Remember to get you Free Complimentary Consultation.
  • Please look out for future blogs, tips, tricks, and strategies to help you abolish anxiety forever with The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.
  • Our aim is to get you feeling positive, confident, successful. All available in Walsall also we offer you the chance to try our Reiki Healing available in Walsall & Pelsall.

Helping you towards success.

6 Quick and easy ways to avoid a panic attack in Walsall

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing Walsall

Know exactly what it is that you panic over…

#1 Know exactly what it is that you panic over, e.g if you panic over seeing a spider, is it the size – how quick it can move – or it only bothers you in the house. Once you break this down you can start to readjust what it is that scares you and you can work on that specific problem. If it is all of them in this example then you need to look into having hypnotherapy.

Get better control over your thoughts

#2 To help you get better control over your thoughts you have to start to get discipline over your thinking. How disciplined are you? You can see those people who have to eat a whole packet of biscuits rather than just having a couple. Where is their discipline… What about those who go to a gym and never go again. Of course the list could be endless as we keep on putting things off…  So start to have discipline in your life.

Your own personal mantras.

#3 …STOP – STOP – STOP!!! using negative words or sayings. Your own personal mantras of negativity can be your own personal destructive mechanism. You have to start saying and thinking positive thoughts. This may seem strange to begin with , but soon it will start to feel natural. e.g. I feel better today than yesterday, I feel more calm and relaxed than I have felt in a long time…

Surround yourself by people who will support you.

#4 Surround yourself by people who will support you, by feeling calm and not panicking any longer. We class these people as either ‘drains or radiators’. Realise who drains you or who makes you feel radiated with positivity.

80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity.

#5 Do more things that make you feel good as this could be an 80 – 20 rule. 80% of the time you create a wealth of positivity in your life and the other 20% maybe to do with a job you may not like or a family member that you don’t always get on with. Once the balance tips towards you, you can then do a 20% of being positive and you’ll feel much better 80% on the time.

Do I really need to have a panic attack.

#6 Having a panic attack is just something you have learned as you didn’t come into the world having a panic attack. So start to relax and think for a moment – Do I really need to have a panic attack right now or do I have the mental capacity to have discipline to be relaxed and positive right now.

Helpful Information from Anxiety hypnosis 

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing can be a source of learning with the many blogs that are available to you. Change with Decisions Anxiety & Reiki Therapy – Blog post or read about my 10 tools social-anxiety-affecting-you-walsall.
You can contact me to know more and to get my free complimentary consultation or just meet up over a cup of coffee. Anxiety Hypnosis contact-me.
You can call me M:01922302065 or T: 01922 285 118
Please feel free to download my complimentary gift to you for taking the time to visit my site right here: Anxiety Hypnosis 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety.

Helping you towards success.

Change with Decisions Anxiety & Reiki Therapy

Decisions – Decisions – Decisions…


Change for a better quality of life today

In life we always have to make decisions no matter what it is, from wanting a cup of tea, deciding what to eat, what time to leave the house, what time to get back home. Should I take a coat or what’s the best outfit to suit the weather. …It’s neverending.

Sometimes we make the wrong decisions, but of course we only know that when they go wrong and rarely do we appreciate the good decisions that we make.


How many times do you want to change, whether this is to get a better body, change a habit, changing a career, buying a house or moving, or getting motivated and making any kind of difference with yourself.

Stop saying you want to change.

Stop saying you want to change, because most people really don’t. They are happy where they are or they are happy with the devil they know and others are too scared to take the plunge and change.
If you are just using lip service to say you want to change and you don’t, it would be better for you to wait and make that commitment by saying this is the day that I am going to change.

Write it down.

Write down the pros and cons of what will be the benefit if you change. You will have to commit to this decision, that doesn’t mean to say if its the wrong one you have to stick with it, …Of course not, you can make a new change.

Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy.

Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy has helped many people to change and always for the better. You can learn some self talk and ask your heart is this the right thing to do when you want too change.
Changing isn’t just a physical change but also a mental, emotional, and spiritual one.
If you don’t change you will find that you are getting frustrated by feeling stressed and this can lead to agitation and anger.
So changing can help you thrive as an individual, this will have an effect on the closest people around you and they will feel the positive relationship with your change. They too can start to feel better and thrive with you.


If you require help with procrastination and need to move forward in your life, then why not make a decision and contact me and lets get together for a free commitment consultation.

Making up your mind.

You will probably deliberate over your decisions to change and you will ponder and dither on what you should do. You will wrestle with your thoughts and have sleepless nights trying to think which is the best option for you. …then all of a sudden you will make a snap decision and that’s it! You will have made your mind up.
In other words you might as well made a decision to change right now and be done with it as there is a lot of satisfaction in coming to a quick conclusion…

Contacting Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy

Contacting anxiety hypnosis & reiki therapy couldn’t be easier and all you have to do is go to the link on my Anxiety Hypnosis contact-me page. You can also get other free stuff while you’re there.

You can also find more about our Jikiden Reiki right here.

We are in Pelsall & Walsall in the Birmingham area to help you and to relax.

Wishing you well from The Nexus Team & Christine at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reike Therapy.

Helping you towards success