

Overeaten and feeling bloated? fat and uncomfortable?  The New Year will soon be here and you are going to make your New Year Resolutions, being healthy, going on a diet, going to the gym, eating less, eating healthily and cutting down your drinking… Well, that’s not going to really happen, is it? How many years have you said the same thing over and over and ended up with negative results as your willpower diminishes to a point of saying what the hell, I’m going to treat myself and that’s it!
Oh, and how far did you get. Lost a few pounds? Too tired to fit the gym in, working, looking after the kids and life, in general, getting in the way. Do you get a mindset of, I can lose weight later in the year when I’m going on holiday or to a special event.

New Years Resolution.

A new attitude that will work for you such as dieting, will work if you go about it in the right way. Let’s face it, you know exactly the right foods to eat to be healthy and you know the bad foods and the junk foods. You know about fat and sugars as well as taking more water and less alcohol. You know all of this, don’t you?
So why doesn’t your diet, gym or exercise work for you or it may do for a while and then you’re back to your old default settings and doing all those things that you said you wouldn’t? Willpower is a big mistake as it never works for you. Start to use your imagination. To visualise how you want to look and feel and more importantly is always remember the reason why you chose to do this…

 7 Tips and Tricks.

#1 Don’t say you are going on a diet when you’re full.
#2 Don’t use willpower, it never works.
#3 Don’t make a promise to yourself that you know you will not keep.
#4 Remember why you wanted to change your body shape.
#5 Know that you really know what are the right foods to eat.
#6 Don’t overdo anything, always leave yourself wanting more.
#7 Eat what you feel will contribute to your health & wellbeing.

#8 One extra free tip is to take action!

Food and Calories.

Cutting down on calories is fine, but did you know that calorie controlled food from shops can provide you with fewer calories. But there is no way that you can make food have fewer calories. The only way is to eat less. You cannot make a doughnut have fewer calories. If you only want half the calories, then cut the doughnut in half and only eat half.
Fewer calories in shop bought processed food is replaced with what I can only call ‘stuff’ that bulks out the food, and what this is, do we really know. Let’s face it, some of the biggest people I help to lose weight are on diet drinks and they never lose any weight.

180 Degree Turn Around.

Everyone will do a 180-degree turnaround, If you are lazy, then in the New Year you will go to the gym and exercise, if you are fat, you will stop eating, we all do the 180 degrees. This is why we fail to stick to our New Year Resolutions because of the 180-degree complete turnaround.
So What Can You Do? Stop doing the 180 and be much more subtle in your approach to your health and wellbeing. Start to make small adjustments to the way you eat that you hardly notice.
For an example, if you took two sugars in your tea, then the 180 degrees way would be to stop taking sugar and this wouldn’t be very pleasant, and so a better approach is to take one and a half sugars or one and threequarters, just enough that you really don’t notice. You can do this with all foods and of course drinking.
Exercise, going to the gym, using weights that don’t take it out of you, stretch only the amount you feel comfortable with so that you want to do it again the next day. Before you know it a month will have flown by and you will have lost weight, exercising, happier and feeling fitter all because of a subtle approach.

Your Personal Diet.

A diet has to include all aspects of your life and not just food. Your diet needs to be your health, positive thinking, what you listen to, what you watch on TV. mindful of negative thinking, staying calm, contributing to society, how you help others, your bad language, use kind words and thoughts. How you contribute to your own wellbeing and walking in nature. A diet is not just food and drink, it is your way of life. We also offer Reiki Treatment, click here to read more about our Reiki Therapy.

My Opinion.

All of this is my opinion and I cannot be held responsible for the way you chose to interpret my words. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. You are in control of how you want to feel, be and act in this world. If you really want to lose weight you will find the right way for you, if you want to grow muscle, you will do it. In other words “take this with a pinch of salt”. Always seek medical advice when doing a change of diet or exercise.


Appointments are easy to book and it is better if you call my mobile 01922302065 or email or go to my contact page or click the link here for Nexus Hypnotherapy. Available in Walsall West Midlands. We also work on a shamanic level as well as other therapy including plant medicine and of course hypnotherapy. We help Quit Smoking, Anxiety, Fears, Stress, Sleeping, Depression, Anger, Relationships,  Children’s Issues & Confidence or try our Personalised Therapy for your specific issue. Please feel free to contact me if there is something that you would like to discuss or any problem that I have not mentioned here. I offer a free phone consultation.  Please note that London is no longer available, only Walsall.

Kid’s Fears & Anxiety.Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team

The Power Of Consciousness.

The power of consciousness or the idea that you can create conscious thoughts to change the world around you would seem impossible. However, we do have the power of consciousness that can influence matter.

Mouldy Rice.

I’ve conducted an experiment, I have cooked rice then transferred this into two clean jam jars. One has HATE and the other has LOVE written on it. After shouting at the hate jar once and then telling the loved one how special it was every day. After a few weeks the one with love on it stayed fresher. The one with Hate on it went mouldy. If this can happen to cooked rice, then what about how we can talk negatively to a child. What impact does this create in a child’s mind ?

Mind Your P’s & Q’s

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is well aware that the power of words can consciously influence people. Young children are not born with a filter that will stop negative thoughts entering their little minds. This is because they need to download information in their formative young years. So if a child breaks something by accident, negative parents will scold that child and say how stupid, idiot, useless or naughty they are etc…

Bad Behaved Child.

What a surprise that you end up with a child who can have tantrums, be naughty or be unruly. Later these kids either grow up to develop anorexia, behavioural problems at school, Introvert, and may even be a bully or an abuser in later life.

Anxiety Hypnosis Answer.

Children have to be shown and taught by example because you will effect their consciousness because of how you speak to your child. You have the power right now to change that today with positive words and statements. Never treat your child to junk food as a treat and don’t pay them for doing jobs around the house. But treat them to a good quality meal as a celebration of what they mean to you and the family as a whole. If you want to pay them for a job, give them money for reading books and achieving goals. Imagine the mindset of a child brought up like this.

Help Information Centre.


Therapy is fun, so we also do Hypnotherapy – Reiki – Access Bar – Indian Head Massage – Natural & Healthy Herbal Pills – Natural Face Lift – Call us to see if how we can help you.


M: 01922302065

T: 01922 285 118

E: hello@anxietyhypnosis

Avaliable in the Walsall area or Skype / Zoom

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team.

“Social Anxiety Case Study In Walsall”.

The Dread Of Meeting People.

A young man came to see me suffering from social anxiety. But what is social anxiety? Social anxiety is when you start to have more than just anxiety because it becomes very specific such as going out or meeting people i.e. groups of people.

The Dog Attack.

He was 23 years old and most of his life had been anxiety free apart from when he was 5. He was attacked by two small dogs. After I gave him the therapy he realised that he hadn’t been attacked at all, but he was told that this had happened and so he had grown up fearing dogs. By the end of helping him with his dog phobia, he was feeding my greyhound and he had changed for the better.

Worse When Meeting Groups Of People.

The social anxiety came more intense as he went out to nightclubs etc. He was well mannered, thoughtful and liked to work. However, this feeling began to overtake his social life making him become quiet, nervous, and even the thought of going to meet his friends in a club would make him sick.

His Tailored Treatment.

His treatment being personalised for his specific needs. I treat all my clients as individuals because they have come to develop their issues which in most cases is unique to them.

After talking through his personal history, I found out about his dog phobia. I then re-framed his social anxiety and what he was going through, also how his mind and brain was working. This is important because it helps my clients de-clutter their mental garbage and so frees up their mind to except and experience a deep hypnotic trance.

Computer Processor Of His Mind.

The processor of the mind is important as this will be a vital way of him getting better at a more rapid rate and of his being free of this problem.

Hypnosis Creating The Change.

He received three deep sessions of relaxing hypnotherapy where I planted the seeds of change into his subconscious mind. As these suggestions grew, he realised that this was no longer the BIG problem that he had previously thought it to be. Consequently, he was feeling better about himself as well as being more relaxed when he met other people, He had the outcome that he desired which was to feel normal once more.

What About You?

Do you feel that you resonate with similar problems and you would like to conquer them but don’t know how or what it involves… Then hopefully this short version of this case study will give you perspective on how I can help. Or indeed any problem that you feel you would like help with and so leaving you the time to focus on what’s important in your life.

Side effects Of Anxiety Hypnosis With The Nexus Team.

Not only that you have learned how to conquer your fears and problems, you are free to be:

  • Confident.
  • In control.
  • Satisfied.
  • Relaxed.
  • De-cluttered.
  • Goal orientated.
  • New focus.
  • Feeling happier.
  • More content.
  • A desire to improve.
  • Self-motivated.
  • New courage.
  • Contented.

And many more as you continue to grow in so many ways.

The Nexus Team Information Centre.

See what else The Nexus Team can do for you, and what we offer at Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall.

Here are some of my past client’s reviews on anxiety hypnosis and what they had to say of their hypnosis in Walsall.

Get my Free Download to my 7 solutions to axe anxiety.

Useful reading on managing panic attacks in Birmingham and Walsall.

What we can help with at Anxiety Hypnosis + Reiki Healing

My Contacts:

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Helping you toward success.

The Nexus Team.

Is Social Anxiety affecting you and particularly the people of Walsall.
10 Tools Helping You Deal With Social Anxiety…

What Is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a collection of emotions that lead to anxiety when meeting people in a social environment. This can range from a mild uneasiness to a full blown panic attack. This fear of meeting people can come on at anytime during your life and for no apparent reason apart from not dealing with the stresses you have put yourself under. So this becomes the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak.

Social Anxiety Symptoms.

Social Anxiety from The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Healing Walsall
Social anxiety symptoms can include:

Rapid heart beat.
Fear of ridicule.
Rapid breathing rate.
Feeling sick.
Bad cramps in your stomach.
Excess sweating.
Feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.
Feeling of being overwhelmed.
Not being able to think straight.
Loosing your concentration.
Temporary memory loss.
Not knowing how to talk to others.
Uncomfortable peer pressure.
Feeling that others are judging you.
Feeling that others are better than you.
Loss of confidence.
Not wanting to stand out.
Not drawing any attention to yourself.
Taking avoidance measures.
Fainting. low blood pressure

The good news is that no one ever died of social anxiety.

What Can You Do To Stop Social Anxiety.

Going out is not necessarily the first answer to deal with your social anxiety because you’re trying to do something that you cannot do, this can push you back further.
Seeing a therapist can help because they know how to uncover the root cause of your problem also they can reframe your negativity into a positive.
Getting support from family and friends, also telling people who you meet as they will be more sympathetic than you realise and may even relay stories of how they overcame their social anxiety.
You can always laugh at your problem as laughter is one of the biggest and most powerful cures you can have. You can also learn to place your attention onto something else, so as not to focus on the social anxiety.

Social Media In Walsall.

You could say social media has a negative role to play as friends become virtual friends and so we become dissociated from them. Just as you might view a war scene on the news, it never really affect you and 2 mins later you forget about it, even thought the conflict is very real. This is a dissociation towards the real world as the comfort of home is our security blanket and leaving our home is taking away the security, then you are exposed and vulnerable. So the only way the mind and body can get you to feel safe again it to give you all these negative emotions, so that you’ll return back home to your security blanket.

My Top Tools To Help Social Anxiety.

# 1 Remember to start meeting real people and not virtual ones. i.e. social media or games.
# 2 Get coached on how to meet and greet people.
# 3 Face and feel the fear and do it anyway.
# 4 Realise that you always survived a social anxious moment no matter how bad it was.
# 5 Tell people that you have social anxiety and they will understand you better and you too will feel relieved.
# 6 Don’t let social anxiety define who you really are.
# 7 Start to do things that you have avoided in the past and become braver.
# 8 Start to build on your confidence and use your confidence.
# 9 Check that any medication you are taking is not making you feel social anxiety or paranoia .
#10 Every day practice smiling at new people in the street and say hello you’ll get a smile back and a nice greeting.

The Nexus Team

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis has helped people overcome their social anxiety, stress, worries, and fear. But you also need to become fearless, brave, confident, and then you will feel the benefits of success, relief, happiness, joy, and being relaxed when you meet anyone in any situation.

Helpful Links For You From Anxiety Hypnosis.

You can look at some of my past blogs here: anxiety hypnosis 6 quick and easy ways to avoid a panic attack in Walsall
If you would like a Free Complimentary Consultation or you would like to contact me at Anxiety Hypnosis contact me.
You can always download my free 7 solutions to axe anxiety with me The Nexus Team. We can also help you withour Janpanesse style Jikiden Reiki

Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team.

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Change with Decisions Anxiety & Reiki Therapy

Decisions – Decisions – Decisions…


Change for a better quality of life today

In life we always have to make decisions no matter what it is, from wanting a cup of tea, deciding what to eat, what time to leave the house, what time to get back home. Should I take a coat or what’s the best outfit to suit the weather. …It’s neverending.

Sometimes we make the wrong decisions, but of course we only know that when they go wrong and rarely do we appreciate the good decisions that we make.


How many times do you want to change, whether this is to get a better body, change a habit, changing a career, buying a house or moving, or getting motivated and making any kind of difference with yourself.

Stop saying you want to change.

Stop saying you want to change, because most people really don’t. They are happy where they are or they are happy with the devil they know and others are too scared to take the plunge and change.
If you are just using lip service to say you want to change and you don’t, it would be better for you to wait and make that commitment by saying this is the day that I am going to change.

Write it down.

Write down the pros and cons of what will be the benefit if you change. You will have to commit to this decision, that doesn’t mean to say if its the wrong one you have to stick with it, …Of course not, you can make a new change.

Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy.

Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy has helped many people to change and always for the better. You can learn some self talk and ask your heart is this the right thing to do when you want too change.
Changing isn’t just a physical change but also a mental, emotional, and spiritual one.
If you don’t change you will find that you are getting frustrated by feeling stressed and this can lead to agitation and anger.
So changing can help you thrive as an individual, this will have an effect on the closest people around you and they will feel the positive relationship with your change. They too can start to feel better and thrive with you.


If you require help with procrastination and need to move forward in your life, then why not make a decision and contact me and lets get together for a free commitment consultation.

Making up your mind.

You will probably deliberate over your decisions to change and you will ponder and dither on what you should do. You will wrestle with your thoughts and have sleepless nights trying to think which is the best option for you. …then all of a sudden you will make a snap decision and that’s it! You will have made your mind up.
In other words you might as well made a decision to change right now and be done with it as there is a lot of satisfaction in coming to a quick conclusion…

Contacting Anxiety Hypnosis & Reiki Therapy

Contacting anxiety hypnosis & reiki therapy couldn’t be easier and all you have to do is go to the link on my Anxiety Hypnosis contact-me page. You can also get other free stuff while you’re there.

You can also find more about our Jikiden Reiki right here.

We are in Pelsall & Walsall in the Birmingham area to help you and to relax.

Wishing you well from The Nexus Team & Christine at Anxiety Hypnosis & Reike Therapy.

Helping you towards success

Below are some GREAT TIPS on GOAL Setting.

If you missed these on FaceBook. I have posted them onto my Anxiety Hypnosis Blog Site.

I have to speak in general terms as I don’t know what your specific goal is. But the method of how it works will be the same principle. (A goal is a goal is a goal).

#1 A goal is only limited by your lack of imagination to have it come into fruition…

#2 Don’t make your goal too unachievable as this will destroy your confidence.

#3 A goal doesn’t have to change the world, it just has to satisfy you.

#4 Your goal can be for anything that you believe will improve you. i.e. to cook a meal, prove that you can be confident, learn to play an instrument, be a better person, change an old negative behaviour pattern, save a certain amount of money, or to get that dream job or your promotion.

#5 Your goal is the end result of a series of events that you have worked too. But more often than not your goal continues to develop.

#6 Now that you have a goal in place, write this in a diary as to when it will happen, this could be to lose weight or to build muscle.

#7 If you have given yourself 6 months to do this. Start to divide your diary up into manageable segments. This can be a review of your accomplishments of each week. e.g You have lost 3 pounds in the first week, so you know you are on track.

#8 Have trust in the process of what you want. You will also need to have a value to why you want to have this goal in the first place.

#9 Start to tell people who you believe will help you get your goal. If someone puts you down, then realise that this is your goal and not theirs and they are telling you that they couldn’t do this. So don’t see their failure as a reflection of you.

#10 You may need to seek help from people you never thought you would need help from. If you want to lose weight, you might have to see a personal trainer, or if you want to speak better for either work related events or self improvement – you may need to go to Toastmasters. And so on.

#11 What is the difference between a person who succeeds and one who fails. It is their story. Both will face the same problems – but failure will talk about how difficult it was and how bad the problems were to overcome and how they got stopped. The success story will be the same as the failure story apart from how they overcame adversity.

#12 Start to act as though you have already accomplished what you set out to do. If this was to pass a test for example, Act as though you have passed. Imagine you want to pass a driving test, you could imagine while you’re out that your car in parked in a certain car park.

#13 The human mind and body has to do what it cannot do. What I mean by this is. If you want to learn to swim, then you have to get into the water, if you want to do public speaking, then you have to speak, If you want to get rid of fear, then you have to do the very thing that makes you fearful. So if you want to be a successful person, then you have to do successful things.

#14 Use positive self talk, you can use a mirror for this and if need be give yourself a telling off, but always end on how you will achieve your goal.

#15 Use a power stance. Stand in front of a full length mirror and strike a pose of success or how you will feel when your goal is completed. Do this twice a day for two minutes at a time. If you see models on the catwalk whether men or women, they walk with power and confidence no matter how crazy the outfit is.

#16 Read and learn as much as you can on having a goal mindset. Once your mind is set to aim for the goal, then it is just a matter of chronological time for the fruits of your labour to manifest.

#17 Imagine the farmer, what he has to do to prepare for the harvest. Waiting a whole year or longer depending on the crop to know that his hard work paid off. Yours will be the same. So don’t pick at nu-ripened fruit as you will have a bitter taste left. In other words don’t judge your success before it’s time.

#18 Don’t be to rigid in your thinking as you may be steered in a different direction to what you thought it was going to be.

#19 Have an appreciation of your milestones and celebrate. The media is great for doing this. Look at the Oscars and Gramme awards, the fancy functions and parties that they throw for themselves. This can be a great boost for you.

#20 Don’t let a failure dictate you away from your goal. If anything that you do, will at some point go wrong. But if you worked this into your goal plan to begin with, then it is no surprise.

#21 There will always be happy accidents as there is no such thing as failure. You only have feedback to know what works best for your goal.

#22 Don’t be overly focused to the detriment of other important values in your life. Such as family and friends and down time.

#23 The mind is a great instrument and it can often work better when you least expect it. Creative companies will let the staff play with toys and have a brightly coloured room to help inspire their minds.

#24 You won’t remember everything related to your goal when you are on this journey. So get ready to record your thoughts, so have a pen and paper handy, especially when you’re in bed as your creative thinking will happen then.

#25 Have time management to help you and don’t burn yourself out to get what you want because it will all turn out for the best in the end, And if it’s not turned out properly, then it’s not the end just yet.

#26 Write down a plan of ACTION every week.

#27 Have positive affirmations that will reinforce the goal for your need. e.g. “I am relaxed more today than yesterday”. “I now have my dream house”. Etc…

#28 Don’t give up at any stage. This is a process and you have to complete it.

#29 Enjoy the journey of achieving your goal as this is as important as accomplishing your GOAL

#30 Always be proactive in getting what you have set out to do. Whether this is to write a daily blog to help and inspire others or conquer your fears or to pass that final exam.

#31 Your brain works better with protein, so eat properly and you will function better.

#32 Have rules, limitations and boundaries. These are important for example if you wanted to write a book. As with a story, you need a system to work to and for your goal, you need a system that will work for you.

#33 Create a discipline order and structure, in other words make a plan of successful events that will prove to you that you are well on your way to achieving your goal.

#34 Remember to be kind to yourself and don’t be too hard as firm flexibility works best.

#35 Let me be the first to congratulate you on your personal success as you knew you could do it. So whether this was a personal achievement to live a happier life, to cook a gourmet meal, or buy your dream house or get that job you wanted, or to help mankind. Whatever it is, realise that you can do it!

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Goals

Remember that your goal can be for anything, whether this is to get rid of anxiety or to build your own dream house, and anything in between.
So go out there and make a personal difference to you. Make it count.

Information & Free Stuff.

If you need any guidance on your personal goals and/or to conquer your anxiety, fear, or panic attacks then The Nexus Team is here to help you at Anxiety Hypnosis.

You may also enjoy the calming benefits of Reiki Healing, if you would like to book a session of Jikiden Reiki with me then please get in touch at Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me.

You can also read my other blogs related to other problems, e.g. fear of dogs, fear of spiders, also flying phobias or social anxiety. Read more Anxiety Hypnosis blogs.

You can also get my FREE download to help you with axing your anxiety. Available at Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to help you Axe Anxiety.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is available for 1-2-1 therapy sessions in the Birmingham area of Walsall and Pelsall.

Helping you towards success.

How Crying Babies Can Help With Anxiety.

‘Cry baby’ is the example that I’m using to help combat your anxiety…

How many times has a baby started to cry and instinctively you distract it away from its crying.


You Sing, Dance, Pull Faces, Make Weird Sound, Wave Toys, Keys, Teddies and Favourite Toys etc. in the child’s face and so on.


Imagine that this could be done to you every time you started to have an anxious moment in your life.

How quickly do you think it would take for you to snap out of it by being distracted. Just as the baby is from crying.

Well you can distract yourself with ease by doing the same thing to yourself as to the crying child. …Start acting a bit daft!

You Can Dance…

Dance, Sing, Breathe, Play, Exercise, use you mobile to help distract you, use your imagination by thinking of good things that have happened to you. Do anything that feels right to distract yourself away from that anxiousness, as with the misdirecting of the child…

Try Counting.

I’ve even known some people do weird maths in their heads. One guy used to calculate how long it would take him to walk to the moon if he was walking at 3 miles per hour. This took his mind away from anxiety by being distracted.

Remember Stress isn’t Anxiety.

So use whatever fits you as a distraction method. But if you are stressed, this is because you’re frustrated and that has happened because things haven’t gone how you expected them too. This isn’t anxiety.

What To Do?

So ease off by removing yourself away from the problem and distract yourself by taking slow deep breaths for a while. This will calm you down by balancing your mind and body.

You will then be able to return to the problem once more,  being able to deal with it more affectively.

More Details. 

If you do require further help as a 1-2-1 personal therapy, I work from Walsall and Pelsall In the Birmingham area.

You can also receive a Free Complimentary Consultation.

Download my free tips to help Axe Anxiety.

Listen to my 10 mins relaxing session for FREE. I will also custom make an mp3 for your anxiety needs.

You can contact me.

Helping you towards success.

8 Anxiety Hypnosis Busting Tips

‘Below you will find 8 Anxiety Hypnosis Busting Tips to help you with Anxiety’ 

Fighting Anxiety.

Fighting Anxiety is one of the hardest things you can do-or rather the lack of you doing anything about it to begin with.
If you have ANXIETY and you tell people about your problem, then that’s okay. But if you tell people about your ANXIETY, but you aren’t doing anything to change it, then you are just whining.

 8 Anxiety Hypnosis Tips… 

               Here are 8 Anxiety Hypnosis tips to bust through your problems.

Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham Walsall Pelsall# 1 Start to create mental distance between you and the problem, see it as if someone has come to seek advice from you. You tell them how they can deal with the problem.
# 2 Focus on what you can do to change the negative to a positive outcome.
# 3 Stop acting surprised how people are around you. If you know that a person is negative, then it is no surprise if they start to make you feel down.
# 4 Start to gather friends who make you feel better and always leave them feeling better.
# 5 Don’t be an agony aunt for other people as this will drain your energy, making you feel tired.
# 6 Set rules, limitations and boundaries on what you want from yourself.
# 7 If crap has happened in your life, then what a surprise as this happens to everyone. Don’t let the negative event tell you how to feel.
# 8 Train your mind everyday. Start to say nice things about yourself. Try this for 1 week and see what happens.

The Nexus Team.

The Nexus Team can offer you a 1-2-1 private therapy session to help you conquer your anxiety. The techniques that I use are there to help you de-clutter your mind of anxious thoughts.
I use a combination of Hypnosis, N.L.P. and E.M.D.R. Also Christine and I are qualified Jikiden Reiki Therapists. Here you have a great option to get you mentally well from anxiety.

What To Do Next.

We offer you a great solution to help conquer anxiety, then to help bring about confidence by getting to be back in control.
If you need to know more or curious of what we have on offer to help you, then please contact me. You can get my 7 tips to axe anxiety from Anxiety Hypnosis. Or book a FREE complimentary consultation.

The Nexus Team.

The Nexus Team works from home in the Walsall area, he also has a practice in Pelsall which is a suburb of Birmingham. If you would like a free complimentary consultation, then please contact me. You can also download my FREE 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety. We pride ourselves on results for our clients, see what past clients had to say on: What people are saying.

Until then take care – Helping you towards success.

The Nexus Team & Christine.



The Fear of Driving.

Fear of Driving Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham, Walsall, Pelsall, Sutton ColdfieldIn the UK alone, the fear of driving or “driving phobia” as it is often referred to affects thousands of suffers in the UK alone and although not publicly admitted, it is in fact one of the most common fears that we see. The fear of driving is also one of the most restricting and life altering phobias there is, as for most people, driving is a big part of their everyday life. If you suffer from a severe case of a driving phobia it can affect not only your ability to travel for work, college or university but also stop you from doing the everyday things in life that give you a sense of purpose, such as shopping, socializing, sports or attending your favourite hobbies.

When it comes to diagnosing the cause of your fear, it is relatively easy with driving phobias. Often the suffer has been the victim of a driving related trauma, such as being in an accident themselves, having a family member badly injured or often killed in a road traffic accident or even witnessing a tragic accident that they weren’t directly involved in. These situations are of course understandable but that does not deter from the impact that this phobia can have on an individual’s life.
However, in much milder cases the driver may just be fearful of what others think about their manoeuvring, parking or over all driving ability and therefore choose not to drive for this reason.


Driving In Birmingham.

Commuters either passing through or driving in Birmingham city centre face their fears of the busy traffic as with any major city. The fear of the weather conditions or anxiety of where to park. Feeling stressed as you have to face unknown territory and having to change lanes etc… The whole emotional detrimental affect can leave you drained and exhausted. Of course this is how road rage happens, by over reacting irrationally. It has also been known that people are killed via road rage. All possibly because of you having the fear of driving…

Common Symptoms.

The symptoms associated with a fear of driving are very similar to those associated with the fear of flying. These symptoms can often lead to raised levels of anxiety and even panic attacks. These can be especially dangerous if they occur whilst the sufferer is driving.

Symptoms can include; sweating, accelerated pulse or heart rate, increased levels of nervousness, nausea and shaking of the limbs.

Women in particularly may feel they are not good drivers because their husbands etc, have made fun of their driving abilities, this leads to them feeling they are incapable of good driving. This can lead to them questioning their ability to drive correctly, this starts their mind to feel fear of driving. You can see how easy it is to lose your confidence or take it away from somebody else.

What Can I Do To Overcome And Manage My Fear Of Driving?

There is a real difference between simply managing your fear of driving and overcoming it. Although managing your fear can be beneficial in the short term, it is not a long term solution and still leaves you wondering if the fear will take over again at any time. The most successful, easiest and long-term solution for completely overcoming your fear is to use Anxiety Hypnosis.
The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy have been helping clients from Birmingham, Walsall, Pelsall, Sutton Coldfield and the surrounding areas, overcome their driving phobias for many years, all in a safe and comfortable environment. He will even travel in the car with and also with the supervision of a driving instructor until you feel empowered to drive on your own once more.

What can I do next?

Are you currently suffering from a fear of driving or any driving related phobia which is causing any of the symptoms above, increased levels of anxiety or panic attacks and it is also preventing you from driving to your workplace, study centre or social events? If so, then there is no better time to contact me at The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy today. With my help, you can take control of your travel plans once again and overcome your driving phobia once and for all.

Anxiety Hypnosis Tips.

Anxiety Hypnosis Tips to get the best out of you and reduce your fear of driving by getting you in control and in the driving seat once again.


# 1 Drive with some one who will offer you encouragement whilst you are driving.
# 2 Drive at less busier times until you regain your confidence.
# 3 Get a car that suits you, this maybe an automatic.
# 4 Women, only drive in sensible shoes and not high heels.
# 5 Drive either in the day or night depending what conditions you prefer, until you are confident.
# 6 Contact a driving instructor to refresh your driving.
# 7 Take an advanced driving exam, this can prove to you that you can drive correctly.

Give these a go, but if you have had a trauma that you know would require my help then please contact me. I will get you driving again with confidence.

Driving Exam.

Your driving exam can be a fearful time as you feel more stressed and anxious as the impending examination day gets ever closer.

I can offer you a 1-2-1 private Anxiety Hypnosis therapy session to help get you through this stressful time in your life.
My aim is to drastically reduce your fears and worries by taking away your anxiety and so make you feel confident and calmer so you conquer your doubts. You will soon be either back in the driving seat or taking that exam in complete confidence that you know you can pass your driving exam with relative ease.

The Nexus Team.

The Nexus Team works from home in the Walsall area, he also has a practice in Pelsall which is a suburb of Birmingham. If you would like a free complimentary consultation, then please contact me. You can also download my FREE 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety. See what my past clients had to say on: What people are saying

Jikiden Reiki

We also offer you Reiki Therapy, which is a great way to help re-balance your mind and body. You can either choose myself or Christine.

I look forward to helping you overcome your fear of driving.

The Nexus Team, Helping You Towards Success.

Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham Focus on Stress.

When you focus your attention on either Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Worry, Depression etc, as many people do in the Birmingham area. As I explain my metaphor in my video called “The Pebble In My Shoe”,   you can begin to think differently about your so call BIG problem.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.

As individuals, we are all different and trying to sort your own Anxiety problems out isn’t always easy faced alone. However The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is here to offer you that help you deserve with your Fears, Stress, Worries and so forth.

About Anxiety Hypnosis Video

Anxiety Hypnosis offering you advice. This video is about how you focus on the negative emotions of life even though the problem isn’t as big as you think it is. Contact me at

How to Find The Nexus Team, Plus Free Stuff.

I practice in Walsall and Pelsall in the Birmingham area. I offer you a 1-2-1 private session and I tailor the therapy to suit your particular needs.

Enjoy the video and if you have any questions then please contact me. You can also see what past clients have to say about me on: What People Are Saying. You can also download my Free Stuff here as a thank you for watching my video.

Helping you towards success.