

Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Birmingham Walsall

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack can be best described as a sudden and intense feeling of overwhelming fear and/or anxiety. This can result in dizziness, shortness of breath and an increase in heart rate. Panic attacks can often lead to the affected individual suffering panic disorders and even withdrawing from their normal daily routines in fear that they may re-occur. With the help and treatment from me The Nexus Team and the highly skilled Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of these attacks once and for all.


How can I manage my panic attacks?

In addition to our treatment program, there are a few simple guidelines listed below that can significantly reduce and even eliminate these panic attacks from occurring again in the future:

1. Don’t Panic  – If there is only once piece of advice that you take from this post, then this would be it. Try to think of your attack like a wave. A wave is only temporary and soon enough, it will pass. The sooner that you can let the wave pass over you, the faster the anxiety will subside.
2. Keep Talking – If you are having an attack and there are people around you, try to talk to them as much as possible. Say whatever is on your mind, no matter how irrational the thoughts may be, this helps to release tension and expels the thoughts from your mind. If you are on your own, this method still helps even if you are talking to yourself or even to the television.
3. Keep Moving – By keeping your body active during an attack, you can disperse the energy and adrenaline that the attack has brought on. If you can, try to go outside for a walk along the street or in the garden. Even pacing back and forth inside the house can keep your body active and your mind empowered.
4. Don’t Forget to Breathe – During the onset of an attack, you may struggle to breathe as easily or deeply as you normally would. This is normal for an attack of this kind but concentrating on your breathing can really help. Focus on your inhale and exhales fully and try to exhale as slowly as possible. This method will help regulate your breathing and bring your heart rate down.
5. Stay Positive – Stay strong, and feel proud of yourself when you have overcome an attack. Once the attack is over, give yourself a pat on the back and realize that you have come through it and you are determined to eliminate these attacks once and for all and realise that you have always been alright and have gotten through it, haven’t you?
What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from panic attacks or periods of anxiety and it is affecting your daily life of hindering your freedom, contact me at The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis, you can take control of your panic attacks and live the life you want to lead.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis works in Birmingham UK and the surrounding areas such as Walsall. You can get tips via our FaceBook page, just search for Anxiety Hypnosis Page and give us a like and you will receive daily information with tips and inspirational thoughts.

However if you feel that you would benefit from a 1 to 1 private session, then all you have to do is contact The Nexus Team on my website or email The Nexus Team is an Advanced Hypnotherapist.

Good luck and watch out for future blogs and posts.
Helping you towards success.



Anxiety hypnosis on fear of flying with The Nexus Team

The Fear of Flying.

One of the most common fears in our modern society is the fear of flying, or as it is more commonly known, aviophobia. It is probably more common than you think, with up to 1 in 5 people suffering from the symptoms. For some sufferers it is the directly linked to the fear of flying and for others it can come from the fear of heights, or from the fear of confined spaces.
This phobia is often one of the most common fears and also the most inconvenient as travelling by air is often impossible to avoid, especially in a professional or business setting. Not only could this phobia prevent you from enjoying a family holiday or vacation, but in extreme cases it may even hinder your career path or advancement if you are required to travel frequently in the work related arena.
Deep down, we all know that travelling by plane is statistically the safest way to travel but for some, the fear that comes with boarding a plane is unbearable and can ultimately spoil your business trip or quality family time.

Common Symptoms.

Symptoms of aviaphobia normally arise in two different situations; flight and pre-flight.
Flight – these symptoms are perhaps more common and occur either during a flight or shortly before take-off. The symptoms are usually the onset of a panic attack and sometimes vomiting.
Pre-Flight – these symptoms can often arise a few days or even weeks before an upcoming flight and are usually brought on by the thought of having to travel by aeroplane. The symptoms are anxiety attacks and often stress related distress.

What can I do to overcome and manage my fear of flying?

Overcoming and managing your fears are two very different things; simply managing your fear of flying is not a long term solution and still leaves you wondering if the fear will take over again at any time. The most successful, easiest and long-term solution for completely overcoming your fear is to use anxiety hypnosis.
Myself and my highly skilled hypnotherapy team at The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy are leading experts in our field and have been helping clients from Birmingham, Walsall and the surrounding areas, overcome their flying phobias for many years, all in a safe and comfortable environment.

What can I do next?

If you are currently suffering from flight related anxiety or anxiety attacks and it is preventing you from travelling by plane for business, leisure or for a well-deserved family break, then contact me at The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy today. With my help, you can take control of your travel plans again and overcome your flying phobia once and for all.

As with any external stress due to worrying, this can lead to an unnatural amount of fear and this can lead to an over reaction and then to a full blown panic attack. If you should suffer the most extreme of these then it can be life threatening as you are out of control and if in a plane, you will want to get out of there no matter what and you may well go and open the cabin doors at 30,000 ft.

So my advice would be to see me for help and don’t let fears control your life. As with many people I have treated in the Birmingham, Walsall and indeed around the world you can overcome this.

The Nexus Team offer you to get his 7 tips on how to Axe-Anxiety with my free complimentary e-guide to help you in the meantime. Click here.  remember success can be yours…

Are the Minds of Birmingham Set In Stone?

Anxiety Hypnosis The Nexus Team Birmingham Walsall Most people who want to change because of bad experiences will always put up a block and think they can’t change. But this is just a mental illusion and you can if you really want it!

Think of it like this, you made the decision and so you believe it must be true and this is why you think you cannot move on.

The other reason is if an authoritarian figure told you that you couldn’t do things and you believed them.

No it’s not a Rhubarb Crumble.

I want to help you see the BIG picture by looking at nature and noticing that everything in life breaks down, crumbles, changes or alters its shape. Have you ever noticed how a tree will grow around a fence that it is up against, or barbed wire running through the centre of the tree.

It looks like nothing is moving, if you could capture on film the slow movement of a tree growing over 50 years and then watch that movie it would last 30 seconds. You would see how the tree grew around the fence. Even though we all know wood is hard.

Another example would be how as you get older you can be more tolerant, such as grandparents being tolerant of their grandchildren and they may not have been the same with their own children.

Stop the Dancing…

So here is my tip on being relaxed about stress and anxiety and all the other problems people have to realise that in the end you will probably be relaxed after the event. So why do a big song and dance by getting yourself all worked up for nothing. All you have to do is keep calm. …How you might ask?

Well like anything in life, it’s not always easy to begin with and you will have to practice and once your mind knows that you’re in charge, it will stop having anger, stress, anxiety and fears as your main default setting. You will be really proud of the fact that you kept your cool, patience, and stayed calm throughout.

So when you feel that anger etc building up inside you, you have to learn to be patient. Soon you will know that you are more tolerant and know that life isn’t worth the hassle of getting all worked up, because at the end of the day we never get out of this life alive.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helps you Grow-Up!

So in other words stay calm, grow-up, face your challenges, don’t be afraid and success will be yours to enjoy and being hot-headed never really got you anywhere, did it?

I know that in the West Midlands, Birmingham and Walsall and the rest of the country people are fighting internal battles and it doesn’t have to be like that. The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is here to answer any questions you have concerning anxiety and what I call all its ugly cousins such as fear etc.

Remember if you don’t want to have those thoughts set in stone any longer, you can contact me for a free complimentary consultation. Good luck from The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Anxiety Hypnosis Free Stuff.

Get your free complimentary E-guide ready to download now!  Click here

Anxiety hypnosis moaning medal

A German giving out medals? 

A German man once told me how the British public could get a medal for moaning, He was a manager in the UK, although he had worked around the world, but he said how bad the moaning was in this country. I must admit the way he was telling me in his very good but German twang of English was a bit like a sketch from Faulty Towers. But I had to agree that ‘Yes’ we could beat anyone at moaning

It is amazing how we can moan and moan about nothing. If you think about this and be truthful that we do moan as a British nation all the time, from the weather to everything else, as well as everything in between…

I presume this is why we have so many negative thoughts, fears and anxiety running through our brains all the time. Let’s face it,’ you become what you think’, it’s certainly not just the saying ‘you become what you eat.’ So it would make perfect sense to be highly strung, tense, with a dose of anxiousness thrown into the mix that people are ready to jump down the throats of other people if they should say anything disagreeing with a moaner.

Have you ever asked someone how they are, because you’re being polite and then they tell you how they got on at the doctors and bloody hell do they moan about what is the matter with them? I’m sure that these people have a PhD in whining.

The Vampire.

Notice how when these people walk away from you that you feel drained as they have sucked all your good energy out of you and now you’re left in a state and they walk away feeling better. These people are vampires of sucking good energy from people.

Certainly in the Birmingham area, many brummies have the wow factor in a good old moan. If you’re not careful the positive energy can be easily drawn out of you. This can be particularly bad if you’re not feeling very well to begin with. You may be one of those people where others always bring you their problems and dump them on you. Now how do you feel when they’ve gone??

Who Cares?

I know we can all get stressed and we’re all busy and we all have things to do and no time in which to do them in. But let’s face facts that the person you’re telling your problem to doesn’t really care. In fact as a nation, 70% don’t care and the rest are glad it’s happening to you and not them.
If you are one of life’s vampires then you are not helping yourself as you are poisoning your system. Imagine that it’s like you have been hypnotized to act really negative, in other words it seems you have made a very deep ruin of your life.

Having the same way of thinking and wanting a different outcome won’t happen, you have to change and I am here to help you if you wish.

But firstly it would be good to have a word with yourself to say enough’s, enough’s and you are going to change for the better. You will have to be brave and create new disciplines via order and structure to get the most out of you and your thinking.

Anxiety Hypnosis Can Help you!

You probably can feel tension in your body and maybe more in your shoulders and back. Then you need to take some time out and start to relax more. Usually the first time you do this, the pain of relaxing gets worse and this is a natural effect. But just go through that little pain barrier and you’ll come to the feeling of being relaxed. Give this ago. This way you will start to let go of anxiety and tension. Imaging all the people of Birmingham relaxing, then this would spread around the UK. …Ahhh what a great feeling that would be for everyone.

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis is here to find out how you have conquered your anxiety and tension or any other related problem and lets spread the knowledge to others.The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham and Walsall

Your mind is playing with you.

Fear is the illusion of thought, do we live in a world full of illusions. Anxiety is an illusion but we’re connected to the fear and anxiousness all the time that we believe in it so much. That for some people it’s a constant threat on their mind and health.
What do I mean by the illusion? Have you ever been out walking and you see a dead cat lying in the road, when you get closer it’s a screwed up black plastic bag, yet just a few steps away, you believed that it was a dead cat.

Anxiety is an a illusion by The Nexus Team Anxiety HypnosisI know of someone who told me that one night they were walking down the road and they saw a settee in the middle of the road. When they got closer, it was the shading on the tarmac. The street lighting had made it a 3D image. It’s all an illusion and I’m sure you will have had your own experiences.
What colour is it?

How many times have you said that a colour is purple for example and someone else sees it as different shade and so on. And you cannot see how they can say it is the colour they think it is compared to your colour. Not so long ago we had the Optical illusion: Dress colour debate goes global. This was a dress that was seen as gold and white, blue and white, blue and blue or blue and black. It’s all an illusion.

Fact! There is no fear.

Anxiety, fear and stress are illusions and so believable that it’s hard not to believe in anything else. Also if you made the decision to state that you are anxious or have a fear of flying then that means you have been lying to yourself for a very long time. You may not want to own up to the fact that this isn’t true, so you created the lie and believed in it. In Birmingham I see many people who have suffered these exact same symptoms. So at Anxiety Hypnosis we use many tools to help people just like you to break their belief system and live an Anxiety free life. This works whether you live in Birmingham or in the rest of the country.

Tool kit thinking.

1) Stop trying to make sense of your anxiety.
2) Don’t judge anything to do with anxiety.
3) Don’t give any anxious thoughts any recognition.
4) Just for today, stand up to yourself and be fearless.
5) Chose a relaxing colour – now mentally paint your world that colour.

I realise that life can be hard and challenging, but you have to live a full healthy life and I can help you overcome your illusions of stress, anxiety, and fears.

Contact me.

Email me today with any thoughts you have concerning this subject and I will get back to you and if you really want to change, then book a free complimentary consultation.
In the meantime download my free E-guide here on how you can Axe-Anxiety with 7 axe busting techniques to help you. All free from The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.