
Therapy Is Fun!
By The Nexus Team
Anxiety Hypnosis

Therapy Is Fun! …Or Is It?…

Whether you come from Walsall, Birmingham, or any other part of the country, when you have a problem such as:

  • Anxiety.
  • Depression,
  • Guilt,
  • Fear.
  • OCD.
  • Hurt.
  • Anger.
  • Trauma.
  • Phobic.

And so on… you can look very miserable because you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.

You hold onto these problems more and more as they internally cripple you, because you’re too scared to do anything about it. Probably because you have thought in your head that any therapy will open up that can of worms you hold onto. Or you don’t want some weird stranger knowing your private business. …So what’s the answer?

Therapy is Fun The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Walsall

Therapy Is Fun…

Therapy is fun because any great therapist will make it fun. How can you possibly get over your problem if you take yourself too seriously. Humour is the antidote medicine to help cure you. There is a time to be serious, but always have an injection of a fun element in the healing process taking place.

A Dog Bites You!

So you get bitten by an angry dog and you are traumatised by the event, so you develop a phobia or fear of dogs. Eventually, you become fearful of every dog. So what’s the cure?
You cannot get over the fear of the same energy that created the problem. Picture this, you come across a basket of puppies and they are looking up at you. You notice this, but you don’t have the same negative feelings as before. And so you have tempted to stroke the little puppy and hold one of them. Soon you hold him next to your face.

You’re Cured.

Suddenly you notice that you are no longer fearful of dogs, this is a light bulb moment and you realise how ridiculous you have been over the years and you burst out laughing. This action sets up a new type of positive feeling for your future.

Anxiety Hypnosis Is About Having Fun.

The Nexus Team treats his clients with a fun element to help break down the negativity and so aid the process of a fast result with you being free of your problem. Laughter is your cure, this high energetic state makes the therapy work at its best for you.

Helpful Contacts & Links For You.

Getting over your phobia is Quick, Easy and Fun. This is about dental phobia and FUN is always the KEY to getting over your phobic fear: Read on Anxiety Hypnosis blogs to know more. Dentist phobia treatment in Birmingham with anxiety hypnosis.

You can contact The Nexus Team via this link to The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me Page.

See our previous clients here on Google reviews and our website reviews

Get The Nexus Team’s free help with our 7 solutions to axe anxiety with instant download

Call me on the following numbers to book your appointment.

In the UK. M: 07939 905 388

In the UK. T: 01922 285 118

Helping You Towards success.

The Nexus Team.

FEARS & PHOBIAS IN WALSALL by The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis.

What is a Phobia?

Phobias are expressed by a total avoidance, to either doing or going anywhere near the subject of the phobia. e.g. If you have a phobia of dentists, this means you will do everything in your power never to go to the dentist. Even if you are in pain with your teeth, phobics would rather pull their own teeth out than visit a dentist. Of course this is only one example…

Anxiety Hypnosis

What is a Fear?

A fear has varying degrees of what is called a sliding scale of fear. This can range from mild fear to a really bad fear. People who may have a fear of the dentist, would be able to tolerate visiting the dentist. This again is dependant on the severity of the fear. As one might go on their own, another may find a sympathetic dentist and go at a quiet time. This is so that the fear can in some way be managed. Again this can go for other things that people are fearful of, such as needles, snakes, and dogs to name but a few.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To Manage Your Fears & Phobias In Walsall.

Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You To manage your Fears & Phobias In Walsall is where I have developed special techniques to help people get over their issues. The good news is that you don’t have to put up with the fears or phobias any longer – so long as you really want to get rid of them!
At Anxiety Hypnosis, The Nexus Team will help you to get rid of the fears or phobias, and in many cases he will do this within 1 session. Even if you have failed before to get rid of your fears or phobias, then realise that I can help you.

3 Tips To Help You Manage Your Fears or Phobias.

# 1 Recognise whether this is a fear or phobia you are experiencing. If this is a fear or even a very strong fear, it is easier to deal with on your own than it is to manage a phobia. Managing a phobia can be quite draining as you are constantly on the lookout for danger. A fear isn’t nearly so bad. So now you know what it is you have and most people have a fear to one degree or another.

# 2 So if this is a fear, you have probably taken avoidance most of your life. However this has never cured your fear. One of the best things that you can do is to face what it is that you fear. But don’t rush into this. Set out some rules, limitations and guidelines to make sure you conquer this. e.g could be that you want to get over your fear of heights. Start to get used to the height before you progress to the next level. Let your thoughts become comfortable before you move onwards and upwards.

# 3 If you have a severe phobia, then more than likely you will have to see a specialist that deals with your phobia. Other than that, you can get rid of your fear by knowing as much as you can on that subject. i.e. If you fear spiders, then it might help to know about the spider that you fear. It will not be a deadly spider that you’ll probably never come into contact with – but just the everyday house spider that we have in the UK. Remember that knowledge is power and understanding the spider will help you disarm the negative fears it has had over you.

Anxiety Hypnosis Offering You More Help & Guidance.

  • The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is offering you more help and guidance with links to other blogs as well as how to contact me .
  • Also you can get The Nexus Team’s Anxiety Hypnosis 7 Solutions To Axe Anxiety.
  • My blog link to help you with the fear of flying with The Nexus Team’s Flying Fabulously Tool Kit.
  • My blog link to help you with a journal to help you get organised, this can help you improve by creating a positive mindset.
  • Remember to get you Free Complimentary Consultation.
  • Please look out for future blogs, tips, tricks, and strategies to help you abolish anxiety forever with The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.
  • Our aim is to get you feeling positive, confident, successful. All available in Walsall also we offer you the chance to try our Reiki Healing available in Walsall & Pelsall.

Helping you towards success.


This is the busiest time of the year for people to book their holidays, particularly going abroad.anxiety hypnosis flying fabulously tool kit. The Nexus Team


  • Have you booked your flight yet?
  • Are you dreading the flight?
  • Are you fearing the flight?
  • Are you a nervous flyer?
  • Do you have to drink to get the courage to get on a plane?
  • Are you glad when you have landed back home ?
  • Have you experienced a bad flight?




  • Would you like to be a relaxed flyer?
  • Would you like to fly without getting drunk?
  • Is being in control important for you?
  • Would you benefit from an effective relaxing tool kit?
  • I have created affordable method to help with your fear of flying.
  • This can be easier that having to see a therapist about your flying phobia.

What do you get?

My 30 minute Flying Fabulously mp3 will help you to:-
1. Alleviate your anxiety about flying.
2. Embed your confidence to fly comfortably.
3. Set you up to fly feeling at ease and without fear.

PLUS receive my Fear Of Flying E-guide packed full of practical advice so that you fly with confidence and without fear.

You can get instant access and it’s easy to download.

How much is this?

Price Today: £29.97
You now have plenty of time to retrain your mind to be able to enjoy the flying experience, because you can play my MP3 all the time. This is much cheaper than a 1-2-1 therapy session that can coat £100’s (do not use when driving or working machinery).

If you have any questions about the Anxiety Hypnosis Fabulously Flying Tool Kit, then please click Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me.

If you have other anxiety problems you can get my free anxiety hypnosis 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety.


Book a Free Complimentary Consultation with me The Nexus Team and we can see which is the best way to help you feeling better again.

My therapy is Available in the Birmingham area, Pelsall and Walsall in the West Midlands.

You do not have to suffer anxiety, stress, fear or any other problems as I am here to offer you my help at Anxiety Hypnosis.

Helping you towards success.

The New Year Relationship

hypnotherapy-marriage-relationship-issuesThe New Year Relationship can go horribly sour at this time of the year as well as all the stress that comes along, it’s no wonder that relationships tend to breakdown.

Not only do you have to put up with normal stress, you also have the stress of your relationship falling to pieces around you.

This can be difficult at anytime of the year, however it seems to be much worse over the festive period.

What Can You Do To Make Amends?

Don’t have any knee jerk reaction to what has been said, as you will regret it in the long run.

Don’t blame each other as this is probably just over a situation you find yourself in and really not any one’s fault.

Don’t use any children as a weapon to hurt the other person.

You Can See Me at Anxiety Hypnosis.

I have helped many people with relationship issues in the past, to overcome their problems and make a full recovery, so to speak.

I can help you both, because I won’t judge either of you, as the outcome is to help get you back together again.

If your relationship is not retrievable I can help you both be mature about the separation particularly with children. Making it easier by helping you through any rough emotions that you are going through right now.

If you need help, I can be your personal mediator to help get your relationship back on track.

I know couples who seek other forms of counselling, when the counsellor/mediator has chosen one side over the other, to the detriment of that person or the relationship in general.

You can both come and see me for a Free Complimentary Consultation and lets get you both being happy again.

Also you could benefit from listening to my 10 mins relations audio that is available on my anxiety hypnosis personal hypnotic relaxing trance

For your general welfare of helping you to reduce your everyday anxiety, stress, and worry you can get my free anxiety hypnosis 7 solutions to axe anxiety. which is fee to download with my compliments.

If you need to chat or would like to see me and help you with getting your relationship mended again. Then please contact me and anxiety hypnosis contact me.

You can read more information on my past blogs on fears, stress, worry, anxiety, phobias etcetera. Available at my anxiety hypnosis blog.

What type Of Therapy To Help You?

Therapy of either Hypnosis, EMDR,  NLP, and Reiki can all have a benefit on your well-being. Available in the Birmingham area of Walsall and Pelsall.

The Nexus Team can help as a relate or marriage guidance with non judgemental therapist.


Remember to just love one another more now as you both need this more than ever before.

The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis Helping You towards Success.



The Fear of Driving.

Fear of Driving Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham, Walsall, Pelsall, Sutton ColdfieldIn the UK alone, the fear of driving or “driving phobia” as it is often referred to affects thousands of suffers in the UK alone and although not publicly admitted, it is in fact one of the most common fears that we see. The fear of driving is also one of the most restricting and life altering phobias there is, as for most people, driving is a big part of their everyday life. If you suffer from a severe case of a driving phobia it can affect not only your ability to travel for work, college or university but also stop you from doing the everyday things in life that give you a sense of purpose, such as shopping, socializing, sports or attending your favourite hobbies.

When it comes to diagnosing the cause of your fear, it is relatively easy with driving phobias. Often the suffer has been the victim of a driving related trauma, such as being in an accident themselves, having a family member badly injured or often killed in a road traffic accident or even witnessing a tragic accident that they weren’t directly involved in. These situations are of course understandable but that does not deter from the impact that this phobia can have on an individual’s life.
However, in much milder cases the driver may just be fearful of what others think about their manoeuvring, parking or over all driving ability and therefore choose not to drive for this reason.


Driving In Birmingham.

Commuters either passing through or driving in Birmingham city centre face their fears of the busy traffic as with any major city. The fear of the weather conditions or anxiety of where to park. Feeling stressed as you have to face unknown territory and having to change lanes etc… The whole emotional detrimental affect can leave you drained and exhausted. Of course this is how road rage happens, by over reacting irrationally. It has also been known that people are killed via road rage. All possibly because of you having the fear of driving…

Common Symptoms.

The symptoms associated with a fear of driving are very similar to those associated with the fear of flying. These symptoms can often lead to raised levels of anxiety and even panic attacks. These can be especially dangerous if they occur whilst the sufferer is driving.

Symptoms can include; sweating, accelerated pulse or heart rate, increased levels of nervousness, nausea and shaking of the limbs.

Women in particularly may feel they are not good drivers because their husbands etc, have made fun of their driving abilities, this leads to them feeling they are incapable of good driving. This can lead to them questioning their ability to drive correctly, this starts their mind to feel fear of driving. You can see how easy it is to lose your confidence or take it away from somebody else.

What Can I Do To Overcome And Manage My Fear Of Driving?

There is a real difference between simply managing your fear of driving and overcoming it. Although managing your fear can be beneficial in the short term, it is not a long term solution and still leaves you wondering if the fear will take over again at any time. The most successful, easiest and long-term solution for completely overcoming your fear is to use Anxiety Hypnosis.
The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy have been helping clients from Birmingham, Walsall, Pelsall, Sutton Coldfield and the surrounding areas, overcome their driving phobias for many years, all in a safe and comfortable environment. He will even travel in the car with and also with the supervision of a driving instructor until you feel empowered to drive on your own once more.

What can I do next?

Are you currently suffering from a fear of driving or any driving related phobia which is causing any of the symptoms above, increased levels of anxiety or panic attacks and it is also preventing you from driving to your workplace, study centre or social events? If so, then there is no better time to contact me at The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy today. With my help, you can take control of your travel plans once again and overcome your driving phobia once and for all.

Anxiety Hypnosis Tips.

Anxiety Hypnosis Tips to get the best out of you and reduce your fear of driving by getting you in control and in the driving seat once again.


# 1 Drive with some one who will offer you encouragement whilst you are driving.
# 2 Drive at less busier times until you regain your confidence.
# 3 Get a car that suits you, this maybe an automatic.
# 4 Women, only drive in sensible shoes and not high heels.
# 5 Drive either in the day or night depending what conditions you prefer, until you are confident.
# 6 Contact a driving instructor to refresh your driving.
# 7 Take an advanced driving exam, this can prove to you that you can drive correctly.

Give these a go, but if you have had a trauma that you know would require my help then please contact me. I will get you driving again with confidence.

Driving Exam.

Your driving exam can be a fearful time as you feel more stressed and anxious as the impending examination day gets ever closer.

I can offer you a 1-2-1 private Anxiety Hypnosis therapy session to help get you through this stressful time in your life.
My aim is to drastically reduce your fears and worries by taking away your anxiety and so make you feel confident and calmer so you conquer your doubts. You will soon be either back in the driving seat or taking that exam in complete confidence that you know you can pass your driving exam with relative ease.

The Nexus Team.

The Nexus Team works from home in the Walsall area, he also has a practice in Pelsall which is a suburb of Birmingham. If you would like a free complimentary consultation, then please contact me. You can also download my FREE 7-solutions-to-axe-anxiety. See what my past clients had to say on: What people are saying

Jikiden Reiki

We also offer you Reiki Therapy, which is a great way to help re-balance your mind and body. You can either choose myself or Christine.

I look forward to helping you overcome your fear of driving.

The Nexus Team, Helping You Towards Success.

Following on with the how to conquer the fear of spiders

…The Sequel…

Rational thinking v Irrational thinking…

The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis helping you to conquer the fear of spidersWhen faced with one of your worst fears such as spiders then before you get to the stage of total panic, it would help to deal with your phobia in a rational manner.

Lets get this sorted by thinking about your fear in a much more rational way, so when the time comes, being face to face with your worst enemy, you’ll have the confidence to be calm and not let it bother you.

Irrational Thinking.

If you have a real fear of spiders then you don’t need me to tell you how you feel as this was also in my last blog.
The brain working irrationally, hasn’t the power of cognitive thought to be able to deal with this problem, and so this has to be addressed at the conscious cognitive level of rational thinking.
You have to realise that you cannot overcome the fear using irrational thinking to solve your fear of spiders. This has to be done using rational thinking and in the next chapter I will tell you what you have to do.
The only issue is that you have to use your mind to do this. Not simply to just get on and do as the words that I will convey to you, that will have to be processed by your new thinking patterns.

Rational Thinking.

Firstly with rationality what are you actually fearful of? Irrational thinking will just say the ‘spider’ but think more deeply and you’ll start to know what the problem actually is…

All fears will go once you understand them, I will give you an example of when we use the statement ‘I don’t like him’. What is it specifically about that person? Lets face it that we can have a dislike of someone just by the colour of their skin or sexual orientation because of our support of a bias nature.

1. I don’t like their attitude.
2. I don’t like how they talk.
3. I don’t like their style of clothes
4. I don’t like how they smell.
5. I don’t like their politics.
6. I don’t like who they support.

This list could go on, but once you know specifically what your prejudices are you can work to correct them because it is you with the problem, fear, phobia, and dislike.
This attitude will manifest towards many things in your life and that can be a negative, poisonous way to think and live.

Now what is it that you don’t like about a spider?

1. Is it the size?
2. It it their speed?
3. Is it their shape?
4. Is it how they make you feel?
5. Is it because they hide?
6. Is it the eyes?

Again this list could go on, but once you narrow this down you only have to deal with what is your particular issue and not the whole spider.

I Like Spiders.

I like spiders because…

I would like you to write down 30 words of what you would like about a spider. You might even say that you like Spider-Man and so you become your own hero and conquer the fear once and for all.

Once you start to reprogrammed your mind on thinking differently about spiders you will start to eradicate the negativity and so feel more in control with spiders. At this point and this should go without saying, it is important that you don’t kill them as all life is precious, also this would undo the aim of getting you fearless and not to be a killer.

Who do you know is an Arachnophile.

Or spider lover…

You can talk to those who don’t mind spiders and see what they have to say on the subject or start your own research on YouTube etc and get to know as much as you can about spiders.
Realising that you want to change, then for that to happen you have to gain knowledge.
Think of it like this if it helps. … You start a new job in a new place and you don’t know everyone’s name or the order of how things are done and what times events take place or the type of people you’ll be working with.
So you feel anxious, nervous and stressed out. But give it a week or so and you know the route and the dynamics of the style of people you work with and now you don’t feel anxious or stressed out and you are happy to go to work. Well this what will happen once you understand the dynamics of spiders.

What to do next…

living in the UK we don’t get really big spiders especially in the Birmingham area etc.
but if you have tried to get over your fear and still haven’t managed it. I can be of help with Anxiety Hypnosis because I have techniques that work on phobias to help reprogram your thinking and so dispel the negative charge you have towards a fear of spiders.
So if you want confidence in managing this by being rational when in the presence of a spider, I can help you accomplish that and it may only take you two or three sessions.

But all that said give this ago with rational positive thinking and if you can find more reasons to like spiders or indeed any insect, please let me know.
Good luck and enjoy your spider free life from The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis.

…Helping you towards success…


What is Arachnophobia?

Conquering the Fear of Spiders with The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis in Walsall & Birmingham.Arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders as it’s more commonly known, can be an extremely troubling phobia but on the other hand, fairly simple to resolve. The reactions brought on by the phobia itself can range drastically according to its severity, with light sufferers simply not having a strong dislike to the creepy, long-legged look of the spider to the most severe cases which can cause the affected individual to experience panic or anxiety attacks whenever they see, or even think they see a spider.
Whilst it is true that the majority of people in the UK and around the world feel uncomfortable whilst near or in the presence of a spider, the reaction from an arachnophobic when seeing or thinking about a spider can be very extreme. As with other similar phobias, the fear of spiders is often a sub-conscious fear, making the use of The Nexus Team’s Anxiety Hypnosis is the best way to banish this fear once and for all.
The fear of spiders often feels irrational to us, especially for those individuals residing in the United Kingdom, as we already know that there is not one species of spider that could actually cause us harm. However, this does not stop arachnophobia from being one of the most common fears in the country.

Common Symptoms

The Symptoms of arachnophobia are fairly consistent with general panic attacks and anxiety. A sufferer may experience the following upon encountering or thinking deeply about spiders;

Rapid Heart Rate
Shortness Of Breath
Shaking Limbs

In extreme cases, individuals may not even venture into certain areas of their home or general outdoor areas in fear of encountering a spider. You may even find that an individual becomes obsessed with searching their home, especially the bedroom area at night, in order for them to sleep soundly.

What can I do to overcome and manage my fear of spiders?

As with most phobias and fears, simply managing your fear of spiders is not a long term solution to the problem and still leaves you wondering if and when the fear will return. The most successful, easiest and long-term solution for completely overcoming your fear is to use Anxiety Hypnosis.

The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy a leading expert by helping many of my clients over their fear of spiders from Birmingham, Walsall as well as all over the United Kingdom, overcome their fear of spiders for many years and my practice is always carried out in a comfortable and safe environment.

What can I do next?

If you find that your life is being affected by your fear of spiders or even if you feel a raised level of panic or anxiety when encountering one, then contact me at The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis today. With the assistance of myself and my team, you can take control of your fear once and for all and never again experience fear, panic attacks or periods of anxiety upon encountering a spider.

It is also important not to pass on your fears to a child as they can copy you and end up with the same fear. More than likely this is how you got your fear of spiders or any other creepy crawly for that matter.


Imagine you’re at home and you see a spider and in a clam relaxed manner you can remove the spider with ease, also you don’t have to keep searching your house for spiders particularly when going to bed.
Your life can be so much easier when you pass your bravery test and even face your fears by eradicating the fear once and for all.

So if you’re up for the challenge of being comfortable around spiders then feel free to contact me.

Fear of the Dentist?

Dentist Phobia Birmingham & Walsall Anxiety hypnosis The Nexus Team Being phobic of the dentist is the number one phobia alongside public speaking. The technical name is also called dental phobia, odontophobia, dentophobia, dentist phobia, and dental anxiety. It has been calculated that around 60% of people are afraid of the dentist. This includes panic attacks to mild anxiety.

Symptom and Causes…

Fear of the dentist can cover a wide area, ranging from the thought of a visit to the dentist, the sounds of the drill and other dental noises, the clinical smell when you walk in, the sight of the staff walking around in their dental uniform. There are also the fears of people with fear of chocking or waking up from dental surgery and of course any previous bad experiences in the past. A visit may only happen in extreme emergencies because of pain etc, because your phobia is so bad…

What Can Help?

There are dentists who are phobic friendly and will support you throughout your visit, you can also request when visiting a dentist to have no procedure performed.
Aversion therapy can help, as you could visit the waiting room several time prior to your treatment. A helpful dentist might allow you to sit in the dental chair for a few minutes, this will help you get used to the surroundings as you familiarise yourself. More often than not, we just go in and walk out again, with this on our mind and other senses being overwhelmed, this can be too much for you to handle and this is one of the reasons we have a panic attack.

Other Self Help.

If you’re not generally an anxious person then you’re probably more likely to have a better rate of success with little outside help. If you’re a more nervous person, then you will require more intensive therapy to help. This can range from self help to visiting a therapist. You can start with calm breathing exercises, gentle meditation to help keep you calm, using visualisation and seeing yourself being relaxed from the waiting room and into the dentist chair.

What To Do Next.

A visit a therapist in your area can be a smart move as hypnosis can plant the seeds in your mind of being in control when you have to visit the dentist. The positive outcome can lower your stress and help make you feel relaxed. Sessions are different for each individual because of the reason you have developed this phobia and this can impact on the amount of sessions required, but really shouldn’t take more than 3 therapy sessions to get you to be able to visit the dentist comfortably.

The Nexus Team from Anxiety Hypnosis is here to help and offer practical advise by helping the people of Birmingham, Walsall and the Midlands to make a relaxing visit to their dentist.
So I hope this has given you tips and advice ranging from a good helpful dentist to helping yourself and paying a visit to a professional therapist who can give you a more in-depth personal one-to-one treatment.