
Is Your Stress Making You a Diabetic?


Into the Danger Zone

There are no symptoms for having high blood pressure, if you have high blood pressure you are likely to get type 2 diabetes.

Out of 4 million people tested, 60% had a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes, again no symptoms.

Things that might be happening to you, that you could have a blood sugar problem:

1. Visiting the toilet more often.High Blood Pressure Anxiety Hypnosis Birmingham Walsall The Nexus Team
2. Feeling more thirsty.
3. Being more tired than usual.
4. Blurred vision.
5. Losing weight without dieting.
6. Genital itching or thrush.
7. Wounds are taking longer to heal.

The only way of knowing whether you have high blood pressure in the have it checked.

THINK of what builds your blood pressure up to begin with?

Constant high levels of stress, this is usually the case from a working environment where sales people have to hit targets week in and week out.

Because our bodies get used to the pressure of the stress we put up with it and it habituates. We really don’t notice it until we get even more stressed and only then will you feel ready to blow your top.

Of course all of this leads to getting more anxious and worrying as your health begins to deteriorate.
Your health is getting worse, leading to more sick days of work. The thought of loosing your job stresses you out and this leads to you being more anxious.

Valuing yourself.

If you really value yourself, before it’s too late you now have to really change your life style, before you end up going to anger management courses or receiving stress management counselling or are on long term medication for diabetes.

At the end of the day your health matters and no one else is going to look after you and know how you’re feeling until you put the changes into your life today.

Anxiety Hypnosis Could Help You.

I am here at Anxiety Hypnosis to help you with anxiety, stress, anger, and also to help you know how to manage this, so anxiousness will no longer be a problem.

If you want an effective way to manage your anxiety and stress levels and you feel that you would benefit from hypnosis, then you are the perfect candidate to join me and start to live a life you truly deserve.

My #1 TOP TIP.

would be to engage more in the relaxing aspects of your life and you will know what these are and what suits you, then start to retreat away from the stress. This can be done with taking quality breaks. i.e. you don’t do any work when on your break, also create a structure of work load that you can call time-out by not having to do your work at home all the time.

Kids have always had the right attitude when given homework to do from school, that they don’t want to do it! And at the end of the day neither should you, particular if it is leading you to:

1. Stress.
2. Blood pressure.
3. Type 2 diabetes.
4. Anxiety.
5. Anger issues.
6. Relationship problems.
7. Panic attacks.
8. Long term sickness.

Remember you didn’t sign up for this!

Another quick tip.

When you take a deep breath and then you breathe out, do a long sigh as this helps you get rid of more tension and stress. Do this action several times and you’ll soon start to feel the benefits.

If you would like a free complimentary consultation where I can work with you on a 1-2-1 basis please contact me. Many people suffer from what I have spoken about here and not just in the Birmingham and Walsall areas. This is a modern symptom from a modern world and our bodies cannot cope.

As I treat clients with high Stress and Anxiety levels, they soon start to realise how they can take control of their life and learn how to be calm in a high tension area, whether at work or in the home life.

I look forward to knowing how I can help you…

Helping you towards success.