Birmingham/Walsall Anxiety Hypnosis.
Looking for help when you search on Google in the Walsall and Birmingham area for Anxiety
Many people in the Walsall, Birmingham area suffer from different forms of stress, anxiety, and fear. The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis offers you a free complimentary guide to help axe your anxiety. As my free gift to you. Click: 7 TIPS Anxiety Hypnosis.
What is the anxious fear of heights?
Acrophobia, or the fear of heights is an extremely common fear, affecting up to 1 in 20 adults in the UK alone. This fear seems to be little easier to manage than some of the other most common fears as it is reasonably easy to avoid a situation where you will find yourself standing at a great height. Acrophobic individuals generally experience bouts of anxiety or panic attacks should they find themselves in a location which is set at a great height.
Anxiety Hypnosis Helping Suffers of Acrophobia

Anxiety Hypnosis conquering fear of heights
Simply tend to avoid activities such as roller coasters, Ferris wheels, bungee jumping or famously high landmarks such as The Empire State Building and The Eiffel Tower and stick the ground based recreational activities. However, avoiding these places does not mean you have overcome your fear and in the event that you expectedly find yourself at the top of a tall building or in a location that is set up high, you will more than likely experience some of the symptoms once again.
As with most phobias, the fear of heights seems to stem from an earlier negative life experience such as an accident, trauma or loss. For some individuals, just thinking about being up high is enough to bring on some level of panic or anxiety.
What are the symptoms of Acrophobia?
The fear of heights should not be confused with the medical condition of “vertigo”, which is often associated with height. Vertigo is actually a condition whereby sufferers experience a spinning effect when they are standing or sitting still.
If you already know that you suffer from a fear of heights, or you find yourself in a high up location where you feel that you are not in control, you may experience one or more of the following symptoms;
At Anxiety Hypnosis we aim to help you reduce the following:
Increase in heart rate
Heightened levels of fear
Shaking Limbs
Irrational thoughts
When such symptoms are present, many sufferers of Acrophobia tend to lower their body towards the floor, descend from their position or even sit or lie on the ground.
What can The Nexus Team do to overcome and manage your anxious fear of heights?
The difference between managing your fears and overcoming them is quite large. By simply managing your fear of heights by not visiting locations set at height, you are not addressing the deeper lying issues. However, a long term solution to overcoming your fears completely is available in the form of Anxiety hypnosis. This treatment is by far the easiest way to completely overcome your fears and face your fears head on!
Anxiety Hypnosis with The Nexus Team Hypnotherapy have helping many clients from all over the United Kingdom, overcome their phobias for many years and all in a safe and comfortable environment that is perfectly suited to your needs.
What can I do next?
If you are currently suffering from a fear of heights or find that you experience any of the related symptoms that have been mentioned above, then contact me at The Nexus Team Anxiety Hypnosis. With my help, and with the assistance of my NLP and EMDR skills. You can take control of your fears again and overcome your phobia once and for all.
The Nexus Team.
The Nexus Team invites you to look at my page at what my clients have to say about me and Anxiety Hypnosis. Click: What people are saying.
Remember it’s so easy to contact me: contact: The Nexus Team.
Helping you towards success!