Below are some GREAT TIPS on GOAL Setting.
If you missed these on FaceBook. I have posted them onto my Anxiety Hypnosis Blog Site.
I have to speak in general terms as I don’t know what your specific goal is. But the method of how it works will be the same principle. (A goal is a goal is a goal).
#1 A goal is only limited by your lack of imagination to have it come into fruition…
#2 Don’t make your goal too unachievable as this will destroy your confidence.
#3 A goal doesn’t have to change the world, it just has to satisfy you.
#4 Your goal can be for anything that you believe will improve you. i.e. to cook a meal, prove that you can be confident, learn to play an instrument, be a better person, change an old negative behaviour pattern, save a certain amount of money, or to get that dream job or your promotion.
#5 Your goal is the end result of a series of events that you have worked too. But more often than not your goal continues to develop.
#6 Now that you have a goal in place, write this in a diary as to when it will happen, this could be to lose weight or to build muscle.
#7 If you have given yourself 6 months to do this. Start to divide your diary up into manageable segments. This can be a review of your accomplishments of each week. e.g You have lost 3 pounds in the first week, so you know you are on track.
#8 Have trust in the process of what you want. You will also need to have a value to why you want to have this goal in the first place.
#9 Start to tell people who you believe will help you get your goal. If someone puts you down, then realise that this is your goal and not theirs and they are telling you that they couldn’t do this. So don’t see their failure as a reflection of you.
#10 You may need to seek help from people you never thought you would need help from. If you want to lose weight, you might have to see a personal trainer, or if you want to speak better for either work related events or self improvement – you may need to go to Toastmasters. And so on.
#11 What is the difference between a person who succeeds and one who fails. It is their story. Both will face the same problems – but failure will talk about how difficult it was and how bad the problems were to overcome and how they got stopped. The success story will be the same as the failure story apart from how they overcame adversity.
#12 Start to act as though you have already accomplished what you set out to do. If this was to pass a test for example, Act as though you have passed. Imagine you want to pass a driving test, you could imagine while you’re out that your car in parked in a certain car park.
#13 The human mind and body has to do what it cannot do. What I mean by this is. If you want to learn to swim, then you have to get into the water, if you want to do public speaking, then you have to speak, If you want to get rid of fear, then you have to do the very thing that makes you fearful. So if you want to be a successful person, then you have to do successful things.
#14 Use positive self talk, you can use a mirror for this and if need be give yourself a telling off, but always end on how you will achieve your goal.
#15 Use a power stance. Stand in front of a full length mirror and strike a pose of success or how you will feel when your goal is completed. Do this twice a day for two minutes at a time. If you see models on the catwalk whether men or women, they walk with power and confidence no matter how crazy the outfit is.
#16 Read and learn as much as you can on having a goal mindset. Once your mind is set to aim for the goal, then it is just a matter of chronological time for the fruits of your labour to manifest.
#17 Imagine the farmer, what he has to do to prepare for the harvest. Waiting a whole year or longer depending on the crop to know that his hard work paid off. Yours will be the same. So don’t pick at nu-ripened fruit as you will have a bitter taste left. In other words don’t judge your success before it’s time.
#18 Don’t be to rigid in your thinking as you may be steered in a different direction to what you thought it was going to be.
#19 Have an appreciation of your milestones and celebrate. The media is great for doing this. Look at the Oscars and Gramme awards, the fancy functions and parties that they throw for themselves. This can be a great boost for you.
#20 Don’t let a failure dictate you away from your goal. If anything that you do, will at some point go wrong. But if you worked this into your goal plan to begin with, then it is no surprise.
#21 There will always be happy accidents as there is no such thing as failure. You only have feedback to know what works best for your goal.
#22 Don’t be overly focused to the detriment of other important values in your life. Such as family and friends and down time.
#23 The mind is a great instrument and it can often work better when you least expect it. Creative companies will let the staff play with toys and have a brightly coloured room to help inspire their minds.
#24 You won’t remember everything related to your goal when you are on this journey. So get ready to record your thoughts, so have a pen and paper handy, especially when you’re in bed as your creative thinking will happen then.
#25 Have time management to help you and don’t burn yourself out to get what you want because it will all turn out for the best in the end, And if it’s not turned out properly, then it’s not the end just yet.
#26 Write down a plan of ACTION every week.
#27 Have positive affirmations that will reinforce the goal for your need. e.g. “I am relaxed more today than yesterday”. “I now have my dream house”. Etc…
#28 Don’t give up at any stage. This is a process and you have to complete it.
#29 Enjoy the journey of achieving your goal as this is as important as accomplishing your GOAL
#30 Always be proactive in getting what you have set out to do. Whether this is to write a daily blog to help and inspire others or conquer your fears or to pass that final exam.
#31 Your brain works better with protein, so eat properly and you will function better.
#32 Have rules, limitations and boundaries. These are important for example if you wanted to write a book. As with a story, you need a system to work to and for your goal, you need a system that will work for you.
#33 Create a discipline order and structure, in other words make a plan of successful events that will prove to you that you are well on your way to achieving your goal.
#34 Remember to be kind to yourself and don’t be too hard as firm flexibility works best.
#35 Let me be the first to congratulate you on your personal success as you knew you could do it. So whether this was a personal achievement to live a happier life, to cook a gourmet meal, or buy your dream house or get that job you wanted, or to help mankind. Whatever it is, realise that you can do it!

Remember that your goal can be for anything, whether this is to get rid of anxiety or to build your own dream house, and anything in between.
So go out there and make a personal difference to you. Make it count.
Information & Free Stuff.
If you need any guidance on your personal goals and/or to conquer your anxiety, fear, or panic attacks then The Nexus Team is here to help you at Anxiety Hypnosis.
You may also enjoy the calming benefits of Reiki Healing, if you would like to book a session of Jikiden Reiki with me then please get in touch at Anxiety Hypnosis Contact Me.
You can also read my other blogs related to other problems, e.g. fear of dogs, fear of spiders, also flying phobias or social anxiety. Read more Anxiety Hypnosis blogs.
You can also get my FREE download to help you with axing your anxiety. Available at Anxiety Hypnosis 7 solutions to help you Axe Anxiety.
The Nexus Team at Anxiety Hypnosis is available for 1-2-1 therapy sessions in the Birmingham area of Walsall and Pelsall.
Helping you towards success.